Chapter 33

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"the wars are calming down on the surface, both the snakes and serpents have lost most of their men and their guard is down

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"the wars are calming down on the surface, both the snakes and serpents have lost most of their men and their guard is down. There's no such thing as those two gangs anymore" I say flatly.

"toasts to that," Amir says. I slowly move my hollow eyes toward him and he swallows.

"We have the vipers left, they were depending on the shipments from the serpents. Since they exist no more their defense is lower than average. It won't be an easy attack but it could be done.

"what about the Italian mafia then? Aren't those our main goals?" Jonathan makes the mistake of asking. I look straight into his eyes while my mind goes elsewhere.

The Italian mafia has been my target for years. Eduardo Lombardi is the stupid eagle that needs to be plucked.

I haven't gotten into any details about the way my parents died simply because there is so little. They were on a simple car journey when another car slammed into them on an empty road. At first I thought they died immediately but it wasn't true. What killed them were shots from the other car, straight through their chests.

They died in each other's arms.

"yes, though we need to take the vipers out first. We can't go five people on an entire mafia. They'll find out who we are and kill us" I say.

"we're building an empire here, soon we'll have to recruit men that can work for us, or else we won't be able to win this. We might be the second most powerful gang but we sure have the least amount of force" I say.

"Gabriele Agnello, is the leader right? He has some sort of connection with the Italian mafia, but not close since Eduardo took his eye. They'll be the hardest to take down because he has an heir and they're very well structured" Amir says moving his eyes from the computer.

"yes exactly, that's why we have to be smart about this one. They're already weak with the lack of equipment, maybe if we start blocking their shipments we could make them go into bankruptcy. Without money no one will work for you" I say sternly.

"sounds like a plan" Jonathan nods.

"the Russians has some unsolved issue with the Italians, some side organizations killed their former leader before merging with the Lombardi mafia. If we side with the Russi―"

"and get caught in the middle of a shit storm, really Adrian?" Sloane scowls.

"isn't our goal to defeat the Italians?" he retorts.

"not defeat them, let's be honest we're far too small to even make an impact on the empire. But yes I'll get my revenge by killing Eduardo" I jump in.

"there's no use in killing Eduardo, he's retiring" Amir voices.

"Alessandro is taking over, kill him," Adrian says.

My blood runs cold, and the atmosphere in the room turns chilly. I stare out into the space in front of me and my hand balls up to a fist.

"Adrian" Jonathan hisses.

"no, no. He's right" I say.


"This is what I've wanted, my goal is to avenge my parents," I say.

"Simone you know that is not a great id―" I stare Amir down and his mouth clamps shut.

"Adrian get me a bomb ready by tomorrow," I say, standing up from the conference table and taking my leave.

I move into my office to get the blueprint of Alessandro's house. There's a knock on the door, I let them in with a hum of my voice.

"Simone you can't possibly blow up his house" Amir walks in sitting down in the chair in front of my desk.

"And why not? Saints have been real quiet lately, can't have them think we've gone soft" I tilt my head.

"but blowing his house up is a bit extreme is it not? We're not talking about a warehouse here. We're talking about actual property" he reasons.

"I know, that way they'll know we're out for blood" I smile.

"look, I know you're hurt―"

"I'm not, I'm simply doing what I've worked for all these years" I dismiss him.

"Please just think it over".

"Alexandriandro not here today, again?" she says as I put her one piece on, it's a bear one with cute little ears.

"no baby," I kiss her head.

"Okay, I miss" she points to herself and I smile lifting her into my lap.

Me too.

"did you have fun today with uncle Adam and Rafael?" I ask tickling her stomach.

"yes! We made uhh, we made pancakes!" she claps her hands.

"Really?!" I say and she nods quickly.

"And then I got new shoes, pink" she talks with her hands as she tells me about her day.

Soon enough I put her to sleep in her room. I jump when I turn around seeing Damon watching us in the doorframe. I make my way out closing the door after myself. Silently we walk together to the living room.

"Can we talk?" he says, I rub my forehead knowing this conversation needs to be held.

"yeah, what's up?" I ask.

"I heard you guys fighting, Alexandria didn't hear because I made her use headphones. I'm so sorry Simone" he says.

"no, no don't apologize it's not your fault," I say.

"but it is, we talk a lot and I'm always around. Yes, it's for our daughter but you're constantly with us either way. You and I have always been close and I don't blame him for thinking that way" he says.

"but he could've talked to me, he didn't have to shout," I say.

"Simone" he stares me down.

"fine, okay―" I take a deep breath. "I know I made a mistake and I regret it but this is my life and you are a part of it, even before he came into the picture. Nicole doesn't mind does she?" I say.

"actually, she kind of does, but she won't admit it. I think we need to compromise in a way they're comfortable because let's face it. If their exes were anywhere around them we would―"

"kill them" I finish for him and he nods.

"he told me hated me, he scared me, and he left me to have a damn panic attack on the floor," I say.

"he was hurt"

"that's not an excuse," I say training my gaze on nothing behind him.

"I don't like that look, Simone what did you do?" he watches me cautiously.

"what I should've done a long time ago"

"what I should've done a long time ago"

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