Chapter 51

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Jade POV

Dearest Jade,

I know you're wondering if where I am right now but I would really suggest that you should stay home and do your work and not search for me. It's not that I don't want to see you anymore but I'm away because I'm going to fix things for us. Things are a bit complicated right now and I want to think things alone. I know that you're still not okay after the fight we had. I'm not okay, too, and that's why I'm doing this. By staying away because I want to explain things to you when my head is already clear. I'm sorry for leaving like this but I really need to think things alone because this is a mess that I created and I should fix this myself because I hate seeing you pretending that everything is okay when everything is a mess because of me. Please don't ever think that this is your fault because it's not. Please don't ever think that I'm going away just to clear my mind of you because there's no second in a day that I'm not thinking of you, Jade. Remember that. I'll be back and as soon as I get back, I'm going to explain everything to you. I don't know when but I'll always come back to you, Jade, because you are home. I love you. I always will. 



It has been a week when Harry left and he still haven't come back. I'm in my mini-office right now, still having the letter in my hands, re-reading it again and again. The feeling of uneasiness without Harry is the only thing that I'm feeling since that day happened. I feel bare without him but I know that he's away to fix things. At least that's what he said in the letter. 

I wasn't being myself every time I go to work and I know that the staffs noticed it because of my puffy and red eyes from crying  everyday but I'm glad that none of them dared to ask what happened because if someone from them would ask, I would surely breakdown into sobs. 

I proceeded to signing papers and having endless calls from Grace. The topic is all about Liam and when will I get to meet him which will be later. The plan of the management is still on and I lost the count of times of begging them to cancel it but they just won't budge. Bitches.

The door of my office opened, revealing Cameron who's smiling sadly at me. He sat at the small couch in my office as he stares directly at me. I know that it's bugging him that I wasn't talking to him every time I arrive because I usually have a small chitchat with him and Lizzie before I enter my office.

"Come on, Jade. Tell me." He said and I just forced a laugh at him. 

"What? What am I going to tell you?" I lied but I know that Cam won't buy it. I'm just not in the mood to talk about it and I think it would be good if I'll just keep it to myself first. I just don't feel like telling my friends about it because I don't want to be a bother. Maybe I would tell them but that would be at the right time.

"You're a bad liar, do you know that?" He grins and I just shrug. "Jade, please. Throw the mask already. All of us here are worried about you. We both know you're dealing with something." He said.

"Well, you don't have anything to be worried about. I'm fine, Cam. Now I'm starting to get worried about you." I chuckled. 

"Don't flip the table, Jade. Why can't you just tell me? I'm your friend. You usually share things to me and how come now?" He looks hurt and I really want to hug him right now but that would ruin my plan of acting to be 'okay'. "Did I do something that made you act like this by not sharing your problems anymore? What is it?" He rambles. I find it flattering that someone cares for me but I have to stick with my act. 

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