Chapter 44

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Jade POV

I woke up with an arm around my waist, hearing snores from Harry. I chuckled at how cute he is. God, I've never seen anyone so perfect even in the way they sleep. Today is my last day in London. It's crazy how fast the night changes. It's crazy because I didn't see these things will happen because I expect that I'll be moving on away from Harry. Away from hurt, but look at me now! I'm sleeping with him. We're together. I'm his and he's mine. Fate has funny ways to put things together, eh?

I slowly got out from Harry's embrace, silently hoping that I won't wake him up. I grab my phone and go downstairs to have some time alone. I stepped onto the sandy ground of the beach and welcomed the swift breeze. I'm going to miss this place. I'm going to miss having this view from my room. I'm going to miss having walks here every day whenever I want to think of something.

I decided to scan through my contacts because I haven't talked to anyone back in America lately. I decided to call Niall. I haven't talked to him since last week. Niall still doesn't know about me and Harry but I'm going to spill the beans later on when we arrive in America.

"Jadey! You called!" I knew Niall isn't sleeping yet. He's not an early sleeper.

"Yes, obviously." I chuckle. "How are you, Niall?"

"I'm okay but I'm kinda' sad because Tina isn't here. She's off to Boston to see her family."

"Oh. Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"Actually, Jade, I'm in a band right now." A band?! That's awesome!

"Really? That's great! So, you're making songs right now?"

"Yes. We're having a night gig every night at the new bar in town. It pays us well." Niall chuckles. "You should come and watch us play sometimes. Your mom told me you'll be here tomorrow."

"Yes. I booked the first flight for tomorrow.  I can't wait to see you!" I just miss Niall so much. He's also my best friend and he never left me. He was always there when I need him and he didn't give up on me.

"Me, too! Just promise me you'll come at our gig every night when you can."

"Sure. You can always count on me."

"But we still need two vocals. You know, a singer." Niall sighs. "For now, we're still 3 in the group. I'm on the guitar and the other one, who is Liam, is on singing, and Louis, is on the singing, too, but we feel like we're not in blend and we badly need 2 vocals but Louis and Liam can play the guitar, too." Well, I think one of the consequences in forming a band is to blend your voices well and that's one of the hardest.

"Oh, Niall. I'm not really an expert when it comes to bands but I'm always here if you need help, okay? Don't worry. I'll be home tomorrow."

"You better come home. I miss you so much, Jadey!"

"I miss you, too, and I have big news for you guys when I come back." I chuckle.

"Big news?! Come on, Jadey. I'm your best friend. Spill the beans now. You can trust me." I chuckled at his remark but I'm not going to spill the beans.  I'm holding on until we arrive back in America.

"Nope. Not this time. It can wait, Niall. Chill." I let out a small laugh.

"But I can't wait! Come on!" Niall whines.

"Nope. Not gonna happen."

"Okay, okay." Niall groans. "I hope you're okay there, Jadey. Are things going well for you there?"

"I'm okay, Niall, and things are really going perfect." I smiled even though Niall can't see me. I'm just happy. Really, really, happy.

"God, what's with you today? You have some big news and now, you're telling me that things are going perfect in there. Now, I'm suspecting something."

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