Chapter 43

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Jade POV


Since that night happened, happiness is what I’m feeling all day.

I’m out of words of what I’m feeling but it’s a feeling that I’ve been longing for so long.

It’s been a week since that night happened. Harry is still here in London with me, but we’re not going to stay longer here. Yes, I mean us.

Because I made my decision that I’m going back to America to sign a contract in my new career.


Yes! I agreed with my mom but that won’t happen without the undying support and of Harry. My everything. He always nagged me about giving it a try because we never know. As soon as I called my mom, she was very happy but she still doesn’t know about me and Harry and that would be the breaking news when we arrive in America. She already arranged my flight the day after tomorrow. A part of me is excited yet a part of me is not. There are just so many memories I made here in London that’s pulling me back. My aunt, my cousins, Kate and Cameron. Kate is doing great with her being the personal assistant of Aunt May. She’s also happy because she already saved money for her ticket to Australia. She already fixed the problem with her family and she and Zayn are already dating. I’m happy for them, really. Zayn is a good guy and they’ll be the perfect couple. I think Zayn will be staying here in London for a bit because he wants to spend more time with Kate. They’re head over heels for each other. I already sign my resignation in the café I’m working. Mr. Logan was sad and he sends me his regards. Kristie was emotional when I told her the news. She was all crying and hugging me. Awe, I’ll miss her, too. She has been a great friend of mine and I wish her the best for her new boyfriend, Simon. They’ve always been the cutest.

Aunt May is going to hold a small party for my last day here in London. Of course, my friends are going to be here: Kate, Cameron, Kristie, Simon, Luke’s girlfriend Amor, Zayn, and his cousins. And that would happen, tomorrow night.

Today, I’m spending my free time with Harry. We’ll be going to the mall today because I’m going to buy a thing that would be perfect for a remembrance for my friends who are coming over tomorrow night.

“Love, you ready?” Harry’s head sneak out from the door. He has been waiting for me for quite some time already. Oops.

“Uh, yes. I’m done. Sorry for the wait.”

“No worries. You look beautiful.” That has always been his compliment for me but I can’t help but blush every time he said that.

“Thank you. You look handsome, too. Let’s go?”

“Let’s go.”

And with that, we head outside and got to Zayn’s car since Harry borrowed it from Zayn for a while. Zayn’s car is much alike like Harry’s. Black range rover. Harry opened the passenger door for me, being his gentleman self. The scent of lemon welcomed me. Zayn’s car has always been clean well; Harry’s has always been with paper stuffs.



“I’m nervous.” Harry bits his bottom lip. Well, that’s a habit of his when he’s nervous.

“Why?” I frown.

“I’m nervous of what your mom will react about us. What if she won’t like me? What if she’ll not accept me and she’ll tell me to back off and we’re better off as friends and—

“Harry.” I chuckle. “You’re over thinking. Mom likes you since we were little. She always trusts you with me. Don’t think so low of yourself, please. I hate seeing you like that.”

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