Chapter 34

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Jade POV

Guess who woke up with a massive headache today?


No other than, me, myself and I.

But I didn't regret sleeping late last night because it was really worth it until that conversation I had with Harry. His tone was like he was zoning out, defeated and.. hurt? I don't know but it seems like it. Not like I'm assuming or something that he has feelings for me.

I didn't hesitate to call him and after the second ring, he picked up.

"Hi." He said, dryly. 

"Uh, Hi. I just.. want to say sorry about last night. I was just so tired. I'm so sorry." I chew my bottom lip nervously.

"No, it's okay. So, you're going to explain something to me, right?" I really don't know how to say it first because it's obvious that he's still mad at me and I may ruin the mood, again.

I paused just for at least 5 good seconds and started talking..

"So, I'd told you that Ashton was the one who saved me. He.. He told me everything, Harry. He told me the reason behind why he did the bet and-"

"And what's the reason? So that he can buy alcohol? Weeds? or hang in the club for 24/7? Well, shit, Jade. You we're just played with his stupid charms again!" He yelled.

"Harry, can you please let me finish? Just, please. I'm trying to explain but if you're going to interrupt me every time, might as well we end this call because it won't get us anywhere." I spat. I'm really trying hard to explain things to him in a nice way because I know he's mad but of course, I'm not gonna let him yell and yell without letting me finish.

I love him but sometimes, I just can't let his being over-protective go on in a long time.

"Okay, okay." He said and more calm this time. I sighed in relief and continued talking.

"He was doing the bet because his mom has cancer. Their family doesn't have enough money to pay her mother's medicines so he took risk just to cure his mother." 

"But, why didn't he tell you before?" Harry said, trying to control his temper. 

"Because they left to London, Harry. He wants his mom to have a comfortable life, out of all the bullshit happening way back in America and.. he's hurt to see me hurt because while he was doing the bet, he learned to love me, too." I stammered.

I can hear Harry's heavy breathing and it's obvious that he's trying to control his temper not to yell.

"That's bullshit! He should have told you before than now! You spend your whole life hating him and there comes him, the one who saved you and explained everything. What if he's lying? What if he's trying to get you back again?!" And now, he's already back to yelling.

"Harry, what the hell are you talking about? What do you think of Ashton? Just using his mom just to get me back? I can't believe you! You always look on Ashton like he's just nothing but an asshole!" I yelled back at him.

"Well, Jade. You labeled Ashton as an asshole, too. In case if you forgot." He chuckled.

"But that was before! Ashton already explained things to me, why can't you just get it?! I know, I'm so dumb not to know the real reason before but I already apologized to him and we're both sorry." I spat and I don't care if I sound mean to him right now because he deserves it. 

"I can't believe you're defending him! You used to hate him so much! You're such so oblivious sometimes!" He spat and I was taken aback by his words. Oblivious? How can he say that? So, he thought that Ashton was still chasing after me? What the fuck?!

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