Chapter 20

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Jade POV

It's already 7:00 in the evening and my mom just arrived. Their business thing is doing well so we are having a little dinner with the other staffs and of course, with the Styles.

"Hey sweetie, the dinner will be this 9:00 so you should start getting ready, okay?" Mom said and I nodded, opening my closet revealing my rack of clothes.

What to wear? Ugh, this can be so frustrating sometimes.

Mom helps me find some good clothes on as she start to pick some dresses.

"What about this?" Mom asked, handing me a navy blue dress that I bought when Harry and I had a misunderstanding.

"That will do. Thanks, mom." I said, smiling at her. 

"Uh, Jade?" Mom asked.

"Yes?" I said.

"How's your stay at Harry's? Did you two get along with each other? Are you two okay? Did you fix things up?" 

"Mom, stop." I chuckled.

"Things are okay between me and Harry. We get along just fine and we're okay. My stay at theirs was not that bad." I said, smiling at her.

"That's good to hear. Now, excuse me, I'm going to fix the dining table for later, okay?" Mom said and I nodded at her as she closed the door from my room.

I sighed heavily and started doing my make up. I just put a light a blush on and a light lipstick. I curled my hair and put my black wedge.

I walk downstairs and saw that mom is cooking pasta and lasagna, which is one of my favorites.

Mom turned around and she gasp as she eyed me from head to toe.

"Oh my god. You look gorgeous." She said as her eyes widened.

"Thanks, mom." I chuckled.

"You know? I always thought about you, being a model, like, Jade, you're beautiful. You have a body of a model. Why can't you try sometime?" Mom asked, grinning and I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Mom. I don't like to. I don't have the best skin, the best smile and I'm not worthy to do those things. So, it's a no for me." I said.

"Look, sweetie. You're just saying that because you're insecure and you don't have to feel like that because you're gorgeous. I can see that you're on trend and teenagers are looking up on you because your mom is the owner of a magazine company. Well, I hope you can think about this, Jadey. This is your opportunity. Grab it while it's still knocking on your door." Mom smiled.

I sighed heavily and nodded.

"I'll try, mom. I'll try." I said, forcing a smile.

"Good. You're going to meet Cameron, tonight. He's our photographer and I think you two should meet. He's a nice guy." Mom winked and I groaned.

"Mom, please. I'm not available for dating, for now." I whined and she chuckled.

"I just want you two to meet. It's not a big deal." Mom smiled as she head to the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes and sit on sofa waiting for the staffs to arrive.


It's already 8:30 and the house is already full with people I don't really know that well.

I decided to go outside and have some fresh air as I saw more cars are parked outside.

I was just staring at no one specifically until someone hugged me from behind. I know that smell.

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