Chapter 22

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Jade POV

Last night was a blast. The staffs we're really looking up to me for my first photo shoot and to be honest, I thought about, what if I'll try to be a model? Is it fun? or what if the people won't like me because I'm too skinny for those things or that I'm too ugly? I'm scared of what will people think about me when it comes to those things especially pasting my face on a magazine cover, but looking on the bright side, in that way, I can also help my mom.

I shook the thought away and thought about what will happen tomorrow.

Tomorrow is going to be my flight to London.

The thought send chills to my body but hey, it's going to be a challenge for me. 

It's going to be my first step in moving on.

Today, is a bright Sunday morning. My last day here in America. I sighed heavily and thought about all the happenings between me and Harry.

It's funny how things result being like this but I have to do this for Harry. I have to move on and wipe this feeling away because I may hurt him and I may ruin their relationship. 

Knowing Harry, he deserve a person to love him and maybe that's Selena. Maybe Selena can make him feel loved and maybe Selena can make him happier than I do.

I already sent a text to my friends way back in College and they said that they sure be going. I'm not a popular girl way back then but I make good friends that I can always trust to.

My phone beeped and saw that Ranien, Niall and Harry sent a text. Woah. Is this really what happens when you go for a vacation away from your friends?

From: Ranien

I'm going to miss you. I'm sure be going tonight even though I'm still nervous about meeting him. Wish me luck! :)

I smiled at her text and replied,

I'm going to miss you, too and don't be nervous. I'm here :)

From: Niall

TONIGHT WILL BE A BLAST!!! I'm going to miss you, mofo. Tina is excited to meet you. I'm going to buy some beer. My treat. xx

I laughed at his text and decided not to reply. I'm way excited to open Harry's.

From: Harry

I want to thank you for everything especially for me and Ranien. I really appreciate it. Can I just ask a favor? Can I take you home tonight? I just want to hang out with you especially on your last day. I'm going to miss you, jadey. I'm going to miss you A LOT. :)xx

I read the text for the tenth time and I felt a blush creep on my cheeks. He really asked me to hang out with him tonight especially on my last day. 

I smiled and replied,

It's not a problem. I'm always here if you need me. :) and of course, you can and I'm looking up for it. I'm going to miss you, too. I hope you and Ranien would fix things up. :)xx

I sighed heavily and placed my phone on my side table. I'm in my room, packing my things up. I'm going to miss this place. 

Harry POV

As soon as the text was sent, I sighed heavily and put aside my phone.

"Hey, love, what are your plans for today?" Mom asked.

"Just going to Jade's farewell party tonight. Why?"

"Just asking. Did you, like, bought something for her? Like, something that will remind her of you while she's gone? You've been friends since you we're little and you might as well, give her something, you know? Like before she leave?" Mom asked and I was confused of what she just said. Getting something for Jade before she leave? Well, it is a good idea but what will I give her? What if she wouldn't like it? Damn it.

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