Chapter 26

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Jade POV

Today is a bright Tuesday morning. 

My first day in London.

I decided to take a walk in the park with Riley since she's the only one in the house who likes walking early in the morning.

The park here in London is way nicer than the one in America. I bet the view here while the sun sets will be beautiful.

We're walking around the park for like the 4th time so I decided to take a rest first in the near bench while Riley decided to continue walking around.

I was heading to a bench where there sat a girl who has her face buried on her hands. As I was getting closer, I heard her sobbing.

I sat beside her and she didn't seem to notice my presence because she was crying so hard and her sobs we're really deep.

I touched her arm and she flinched at my touch, her eyes we're red and somehow her eyes speaks of something: sad, scared and broken.

"H-Hi. I'm Jade. Why are you crying?" I said out of curiosity. 

She didn't answer back but she continued sobbing. Her face was really sad and I wonder why she was here in the park this early?

"Hey. You can trust me." I smiled, cheering her up.

"I-I... need... help..." She said between her sobs. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. She needs my help? Why?

"W-Why? I can see what I can help." I said, rubbing her back, trying to calm her.

"M-My... boyfriend hurt me. H-He's a drug addict and he always hurt me, like he always come home drunk and he always beat me up even though I'm not doing anything." She said, still sobbing. My heart sank as she said those words. I don't what to say because I can't relate with these things but as for me, she really needs someone who will listen to her and I think that's the least I can do for her.

"S-Since when he was doing this to you?" I asked.

"2 years from now." She said and my face fell. She lets her boyfriend beat her up and the worst case is, her boyfriend has been doing this to her for years. What the hell?

"H-How come you let him beat you up?" I said, still confused.

"B-Because... I-I love him even though he always beat me up because I know that even though he always hurt me, I know that he still has a good side and I'm trying to remind him what he is before. He is a sweet guy but I-I don't know what happen to him when he tried drugs." She said and her face cringe as she said 'drugs'. I can tell that she's the kind of a girl who always sacrifice things but she's too good for his shitty boyfriend. Her words made me remember Harry...

People are always like that, Jade. They'll make you make a good first impression to them but when the time comes, they'll just leave you hanging.

"You know, people like us read too much books that we think we can see them in reality but sadly, we won't. Boys from books are way perfect than the boys we see in reality that we keep on wishing and wishing that we fell in love with a boy that we see from books." I said. I didn't where I found those words but it just slip from my mouth.

"We're not living in a fairytale world. No one is perfect. And I'm not saying this because you're a good for nothing girlfriend because you're probably not. I'm saying this for you to realize things because as I can see, you love him too much that you sacrifice yourself for him that you didn't notice he was already abusing your kindness to him." I added and she looked down on her shoes, bitting her bottom lip. I look at her, waiting for an answer but she fell silent.

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