Chapter 10

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Niall POV

"Really? O my god! Congrats, nialler!" Jade squealed from the other line.

"I'm just so happy right now, you know? I'm sorry if I interrupted something. I wasn't thinking straight and I want to tell this especially to my girl best friend." I said. Jade is a trusted one. It's true. We've been best friends since 8th grade.

She's funny, kind, and pretty, and by I mean pretty, she's gorgeous with her natural beauty alone. She has the body of a model. Wait, I'm not being a pervert! But seriously, she has that. She's fit especially when I saw her with her bikinis when we go to swimming. She's so beautiful that she doesn't even have to try. I wonder how Harry doesn't see it when they're around each other and he even choose that bitch over Jade. How lame.

"No, you're not interrupting something, silly. Oh and by the way, about Tina, I'm really excited to meet her!"

"Sure you'll meet her sooner. I'm sure you two will get along really well."

"And Niall?"


"I'm going to London. I already asked my mom about it and I'm leaving three weeks from now."

Aaawe, I'm sure I'm going to miss her. I'm already having mix emotions about her leaving. Happy, because I know that will make her happy and she'll move on from what's happening and sad, because she's my only girl best friend staying here in America. But I won't be that lonely anymore because I have Tina. I can feel my cheeks heating when I thought about her. God, I'm head over heels for that girl!

"I'm going to miss you, jadey. Call and text me when you need something, or twitter or skype."

"I will and I don't have twitter because it seems to be mainstream." She chuckled.

She doesn't have twitter? Seriously?


"Why? What's with twitter?"

"You can express yourself there and you can meet friends and loads of followers." I smirk.

"Oh, well, i'll try to make one. Oh before I'll forget to tell you, I'm going to have a farewell party at the woods. Just some of our college friends and Harry. Make sure you'll come and bring Tina, okay?"

"Sure, no problem."

"Okay, I have to go. I have to make this twitter shit you're telling me."

I chuckled.

"Okay, text me your username so that I can follow you. Bye, jadey."

Then she hanged up.

I decided to text Tina. God, I missed her already even though we just saw each other like 20 minutes ago.

"Hi babe :) what r u doing?"

After 3 minutes, she replied. She's fast.

"Watching some movies. Bored lol. x"

"I wish I could come :( well, can i? ;)"

"Hahaha sure. Mom's on work til tomorrow night. :)"

"Okay. Be there in a minute. See ya xx"

I grabbed my keys and ran downstairs.

"Niall? Where are you going? You just arrived." Mom said.

"Um, just going to Tina's house. You know, hanging out with her."

"You've been hanging out with that girl lately huh? Is there something I should know?" Mom said, raising her eyebrow. She's so cheeky.

"Um, she's my girlfriend. Since, wait, 50 minutes ago?" I said.

"Awwee. My baby is a big boy. I'm excited to meet her, Niall. I know she's going to be pretty."

I chuckled.

"Yes, she is pretty. And mom, can you stop treating me like a baby? I'm 21, mom!"

"No you're not. You're still my baby. Yes, you're 21 but you're acting like you're 12." Mom chuckled.

I faked being hurt with my hand on my chest and mom just laughed her ass out.

"Bye, mom. My girlfriend is waiting for me."

"Bye, Niall. Please kiss her on the cheeks for me." She said, wiggling her eyebrows. God, she's so cheeky.

Jade POV

I switch on my laptop and sign up to twitter. Niall has to be sure that it's going to be fun or else I'm going to rip his head off. Okay, I'm just joking.

My username is @JadeThirlwall. I'm being simple, duh.

My bio is,

"21 | weird | introvert | insecure mess"

It seems a bit girly but who cares. Twitter is meant to express yourself. Well, that's what Niall said.

My icon is me, wearing a white crop top with my hair on a bun. This was yesterday. I was bored so I  took some selfies.

I got a notification that says I have 15 new followers. That fast? Really? I don't even know them. I decided to visit their profiles and followed some of them.

I text Niall that I had sign up for twitter and send my username.

"I'm here @ Tina's. I told her your username so that she can follow you. :)"

He's completely head over heels for that girl.

My phone beeped saying that I have 3 notifications from twitter.

I opened it and saw a follow from Niall and Tina. I scroll down and saw that Niall tweeted me.

@NiallOfficial: @JadeThirlwall follow me back mofo :P

I chuckled and followed him and Tina. I checked her profile and Niall was right. She's really pretty. She has brown eyes and a wavy hair. She's really cute. Niall and her can be a cute couple. Aaawe.

I'm becoming bored so I decided to tweet,

New in twitter. Please bear with me bc i'm new with this one. Love ya x

I sign out from twitter and checked the time, it's already late so I decided to listen to my playlist.

All of me by John Legend plays.

"All of me loves all of you,

love your curves and all your edges,

all your perfect imperfections."

I wish those words will someday be spoken out from someone whose special to me.

And by I mean special,

I mean, Harry.


Sorry for the late update. I've been busy and I hope you like this chapter. I'm doing a Niall POV and I hope you liked it. Thank you guys for the lovely votes and comments. I really appreciate it :)

And also don't forget to watch 'You and I' by One Direction. It's their new music video. REFRESH NOT REPLAY. We have to beat the record for the boys!

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @unflawedhoran

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