Chapter 54

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Harry POV

*A month later*

"Okay, babe, so where is that forest located again?" I asked.

Today, Jade and I will go camping. Exciting, I know, but we're not alone since Kate and Zayn will be joining us today. They just arrived last week from London and I see that their relationship is getting serious. Jade planned all of this for she really want Kate to explore London more and to have fun since Kate will be heading to Australia next week for she'll visit her parents.

"The forest's name is Hampstead, near Grove City. It's a 3-hour ride from here." She said, as she buckles her seatbelt in the front seat. Kate and Zayn are in a separate car because Zayn bought his car with him. "Are you okay driving for three straight hours? We can take turns, you know."

"It's okay. I'll just notify you if my arms will feel sore already." I said and she nodded.

Things have been okay with us after that day. We fixed things since we both know that we're mature people already and we have to fix things in a smooth way and I'm just so lucky that she's still here with me. I really thought that was the end for us.

"You look really summer-y today, Jade." I chuckled. She's wearing a simple white midriff that shows her belly button and a black jogger pants with her Mickey Mouse slippers. She's obsessed with Mickey Mouse that she'd squeal like a five year old if she found something that has the face of Mickey. It's cute though.

"Well, the weather is pretty hot, Harry, unless you want me to dress in a really tight jacket right now." She said, letting out a small laugh and I just shook my head, chuckling.

It's already in 8:00 in the morning and we decided that we'll head there early since we still need to build our tents or just organize everything that we'll need for our two nights stay there. We already researched last night if the forest is safe from bears or some wild animals and fortunately, it is.

"Are you sure that we bought everything that we'll need?" I said. Well, I don't like searching for a convenience store if we ran out of food or water. It's better to be ready.

"Yeah, I checked all the bags like five times last night."


Zayn and I fixed our tents while the girls would be in charged with the food. We only have two tents so each couple will have one to sleep in. The sun is starting to set now and I swear, the breeze in the forest is getting colder. Thank God I bought my hoodie with me. We walked around the forest when we arrive earlier and I can't help but say that Jade chose a perfect one.

"I'm starving." Jade frowns as she held her stomach with her hands.

"Well, the food station is in-charged by you and Kate, babe. What do we have for dinner though?" I said, snaking my arm to her waist as she rests her head on my arms.

"We'll be grilling some salmon for tonight. The food is almost cooked but I just can't wait!" She groans.

We walked towards where Zayn and Kate are grilling the salmon and as if on cue, Kate is now putting the salmon on each plate making Jade immediately sit down on the grass and grab a plate for herself. Poor Jade. I grab the plate she's holding making her look at me in confusion. I told her that we'll just share in one plate and well – as a gentleman – I was the one who spoon-feed her.

The salmon was very good though. When we finally finished eating our dinner, we decided to take a walk and go to the nearest river hear in Hampstead except that Jade and Kate weren't joining us because they still need to clean the area. We offered to help but they just told us to go first here.

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