Chapter 27

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Jade POV

I woke up with a massive headache and this only happens when I only sleep late at night. Last night was terrible. I cried a lot because I can't help it. I'm hurt. Deeply hurt. I chuckled at how stupid I sound right now because I look like a wreck and a girl who always hang on Harry even though I know he don't feel the same. I sat up on my bed and grab my phone from the side table, revealing a text from Kate and Harry.

From: Kate

Hi, jade. I just want to thank you for everything even though you always laugh at me because I always say thank you, but really, I owe you everything and I hope we can hang out soon. :)x

I smiled at her text but I immediately frowned when I saw Harry's name. It makes me remember what happen and what I felt last night. My fingers are shaking, not knowing if I should really open his text or what. I sighed heavily and decided to open his text because curiosity is shitting me because I told him that I'm going to sleep and I know he'll understand because he wants me to get enough sleep but I was getting curious why he still sent me a text.

From: Harry

I'm planning to go there in London and maybe stay with you :) it would be fun, right?

My eyes widened at his text. What the hell? Is he doing this because he just wants me to be safe and avoid trouble? Aren't we over this? 

It's still 6:00 in the morning and I bet it's still 9:00 in the evening in America.

I dialed Harry's number and after the second ring he picked up...

"Jade? Why are you calling?" He said and I bet he's still watching some football game.

"Uh, I was just wondering... about your text?" I said.

"Oh! Yeah, I mean it. I'm planning to go there and stay with you because I want you to be safe." He said and I sigh in frustration. My instincts we're right. He has a girlfriend and he should be there to protect her instead of flying here in London just to protect a friend. What the hell? Doesn't he trust me?

"Harry. Look. I really appreciate your kindness but hey, you have Selena and you have to be there for her instead of flying here in London just to be sure that I'm going to be okay. Harry, I can take care of myself, okay?" I said and I heard him sigh.

"But I want to protect you. Selena is on photo shoots and I-I can go back if she's already finished-"

"Harry. Please. Aren't we over this? I'm already an adult, Harry. Can you just, trust me, please?" I snap, not letting him finish. He was being his over-protective side again and it's the side that I don't like on him because why can't he just trust me? Is it really that hard to trust me?

"Why are you distancing yourself from me?" He asked and I was caught off guard. 

"I'm not distancing myself from you! You we're just being over-protective that you forgot about you and Selena! Why can't you just trust me? That's all I'm asking for and is it really that hard to give, Harry?!" I said, raising my voice. I'm becoming more frustrated handling this side of him. 

The line fell silent and I can hear his heavy breathing on the other line.

"B-Because I'm afraid to lose you." He said as tears roll down on my cheeks and I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from sobbing. Why are you making things so hard, Harry?

"T-Then why can at least, you try to trust me?" I asked even though my voice is not audible enough for him to hear me.

"P-Please, Harry? J-Just try... for me." I said as I ended the call. I bury my face on my hands and sob. Even though I always say to myself to stop crying, Harry's voice keep on repeating that makes me want to cry even more. I know I'm being emotional and shit I wish that I just wake up with an amnesia.

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