Chapter Twenty: The Date Chronicles

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"OH MY GOD DID YOU SEE HER FACE?!" Austin yelled as we ran away, laughing.

"YES I DID! SHE LOOKED LIKE SHE WAS GOING TO HIT YOU! YOU'RE EVIL, AUSTIN MOON!" I managed to say through my panting and laughs.

So far this date has been completely incredible. We've already done a lot of things in two hours. We had a small snack, walked around the city, ran away from a pack of wild badgers and toilet-papered Miss Bakerman's house.

I love this guy.

"Get in!" he said, still laughing as he opened the car door for me. I rode in the shotgun while he was in the driver's seat. When I was about to put my seatbelt on, my eyes widened.

"Wait, why are you in the driver's seat?" I asked, making him stop whatever he was doing. "Why am I not in the driver's seat?!"

"I don't know I-"

When I looked at the mirror, I saw Miss Bakerman chasing after us, her walker in the air as she yelled profanities. "She's onto us! Drive Austin! DRIVVEEEEEE!"

Austin hit the gas, and we were back on the street. When Miss Bakerman wasn't on our tail anymore, we calmed down but then we started laughing even worse. See the thing is, when Austin pulled me into that convenience store, Austin was smiling all crazy for some reason that I didn't even wanna know. He told me his plan of toilet-papering Miss Bakerman's House, since he did promise me we'd do something absolutely stupid today and not be too serious about the date.

So we spent about thirty dollars and half an hour on more than twenty rolls of toilet paper.

We just helped the American Economy if I do say so myself.

"That was the most fun I have had in my entire life," Austin smiled.

"Oh I'm sure it was. But I just know that this whole toilet paper thing will come right back around and bite us in the ass," I said. He rolled his eyes playfully at me.

Suddenly he took my hand with his free on and kissed my knuckles. I felt myself blushing again and I couldn't help it. I smiled at Austin, even though he still had his eyes on the road.

"What was that for?" I asked him as we stopped at a red light.

Austin gave me a small smile. "Nothing. You're just the most perfect and amazing girl that has ever walked into my life."

I lightly punched his shoulder, laughing. "Get out of the driver's seat, blondie. I have this strange feeling that you might actually crash this car into a tree or a cliff or something,"

"I won't, Kath. What would happen to our future kids then?" Austin pouted at me, trying to look cute but the tone of joking was still there. I pulled a face at him, looking out the window, getting me pretty lost in thought.

"Kath? You alright?" Austin asked. "No, not really."

"Is this about Lance and Nicole?" he asked. I only gave him a look. I didn't answer him in anyway whatsoever, but he seemed to get his answer from my doing nothing. "Look, Kath. He really missed his girlfriend. They're kids, you have to understand."

"Yeah but kids aren't supposed to go around, devirginizing things! That's an adult thing!" I said.

Austin gave me a look. "He's turning nineteen."

"So?! He's got the brains of a five year-old! He couldn't even count up to ten on his fingers until he was eleven!" I answered frustratingly, making him laugh. I hit his shoulder. "Austin Monica Moon! How dare you find this funny?!"

"It's not! You're just freaking out over a little thing," Austin said. I rolled my eyes. "Hey, come on. Come here." He said, throwing an arm around me and pulling me closer to him, his other hand still on the steering wheel. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Look, Kathryn. Maybe Lance and Nicole doing that.... 'thing' isn't such a bad thing?"

"Yeah well what if doing that... 'thing' gets his girlfriend pregnant?"

"Kath you freak out too much. You're letting your imagination get the best of you. Calm down a bit, okay?" Austin laughed, kissing my hair. "And besides. If ever that does happen, look on the bright side! At least you and I will have a future niece and they'll have to get married and spend all of eternity together!"

I smacked the side of his head. "Not helping,"

He mouthed an 'ow' but he pulled me back to him anyways. "I'm joking. Just don't freak out. Lance knows what he's doing."

"What are you talking about he didn't stop wearing diapers until he was ten-" I pointed out, but Austin put his palm on my mouth, cutting me off.

"Ah-ah-ah. I don't want to hear it, young lady. Now shut up and behave. Or else I'll have to crash this car on purpose," He said, kissing my temple and focusing on the road this time. I muttered him a small 'fine' and looked out the window, my head still n his shoulder. The sun was almost setting and I felt my eyes getting a bit droopy.



"Are you sleepy?"

I yawned. "Maybe a little,"

"Close your eyes for awhile, okay?" He chuckled. "I'll wake you up when we get there,"

"Please don't crash this car while I sleep," I pleaded, and he laughed.

(COMPLETED)He Was, She Was [Austin Moon/Ross Lynch Remake]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora