Chapter Seventy Five: Here To Teenage Memories

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"Why are you even here?"

"I thought you guys were going to the recording studio?"

"Yeah, we were." James said, a bit disappointed. He had already forgotten about the scene he had just walked in. "We were just walking down the hall for like, two minutes. Then Connor turned around and-"


"And," James continued. "Brad was finally kissing his girl."

"Wait-" Kathryn said, starting to smile. "Whoa, wait, WHAT"

"Tristan, why are you looking at me like that?" Nicole asked as the walked down the hallway. They had just been shooed out from the rehearsal room because of Kathryn and Austin, and now they wanted to fool around the Starr Records Building.

"That thick black line on your eyelids," he said. "It interests me."

James looked up from his phone. "You mean eyeliner?"

"A fascinating specimen," Tristan said, looking at Nicole's light eyeliner. "How do you do it?"

"Basically I just do it, it's like a pen." Nicole said, checking how she looked at the black screen of her phone, using it like a mirror. "It's pretty eas-"

"NO IT IS NOT" said Ally. "The art of doing eyeliner is a very delicate and complicated thing."

"Sometimes the wing of the other eye is longer than the other so you make it long, but then it goes too far and you try to make it better, but then you give up. So you decide to just be a panda instead." She protested.

"You know what I don't get?" Brad asked as they turned into another hallway. They passed by the large wall window that showed them a view of Miami, it was sunny out and people were busy, crossing roads and driving cars. "Make up. I just absolutely do not understand women's constant need of make up. Like, why do you have to wear it so much?"

"You know what I don't get?" Nicole asked, shooting back the question. "Why guys don't wear make up."

"Because," Ally said. "Society hasn't told them they look ugly without it."

The boys went silent, while Ally and Nicole grinned at eachother.

"I'm sorry," Lance said, wrapping an arm around Nicole's waist and pulling her close. Then he kissed her temple. "But make up or not, you're still pretty attractive to me, so make up is pointless on your side."

"So don't wear it,"

"The female race cannot be stopped."

"When girls are wearing make up, they're basically lying to us."

Nicole raised an eyebrow at James. "I don't see why I should be held responsible for a man stupid enough to believe I have gold sparkly eyelids."

Their conversation on make-up continued as they went into the elevator. When they were all in, James, Lance, Nicole and Tristan had forgotten about Ally and Brad who had their backs against the wall. They were behind the group who were busy talking that they had forgotten about the two of them.

Brad and Ally looked at their group skeptically, until Ally turned to him. "So," she said, getting his attention, starting a conversation of their own. "You guys seem to be warming up to the idea of Austin being Kath's boyfriend."

"Definitely," Brad said. "He's an awesome guy. I know he'll treat Kath well."

"You guys actually make an awesome band." Ally smiled. "You guys plan on doing that routine tonight? I'm pretty sure that would make thirty thousand screaming teenage girls happy."

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