Chapter Twenty Seven: Drama 101

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"Hey, you gonna answer that?" Ally asked, pointing to my phone on the floor next to my feet. We were in the practice room again, attempting to pull off another all-nighter. I saw Lance's name flash on the screen, and I immediately hit the cancel button. "I really don't want to."

Ally just nodded. She actually knows the whole argument between me and my brother. I mean I had no other choice but to tell her, she's obviously the only girl around here in the right state of mind to comfort me right now. "Kath, you're gonna have to talk to him sometime, you know."

"I know," I said, slumping into the bean bag chair. "But I just need some space, you know? All this is just hitting me really hard right now and I need to calm down a little. I can't do it if he's around."

"If you're acting that way then I guess the argument was really heated, huh?"

"Alot more than you think." I said. "A lot of random things just came up. He even brought up the subject about me and Austin and I guess that's kind of where he crossed the line. Then there was this yelling and then I just had to walk out of there."

"What was your fight even all about? Is it something important like calculus or Einstein's theory?" Ally shrugged, laughing to herself.

I gave her a look. "Wow you really need a life."

She rolled her eyes at me. "Seriously, what was that even about? It's not like he did something serious like a robbery or losing his virginity,"

"Actually he did that behind my back a long time ago," I said, putting my fingers to my temples. Ally's eyes widened. "What? Shut up! He did not."

"He kind of did." I answered her. "Actually he just did it again, a good twenty hours ago. And I can bet you a thousand bucks that he's doing it again right now."

"God Kath you and your bitterness, I swear." Ally sighed. "You have to loosen up a little. Your assumptions are hitting you again, that's what. You're thinking of things even way before they happen. See, that's your mistake. You're over thinking. I get that you're mad and a bit upset and all that emotional crap is going on inside of you, but you have to see it from their perspective too."

"What do you mean?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows together.

"Ask yourself why would your brother say that. Set aside your thoughts for once and maybe look at it their way." Ally shrugged. "You're thinking of things way before they happen. It's like saying that tomorrow Trish and Dez will get married but right now, today, not even a single shred of love is going on between them and-"

"CAN EVERYBODY PLEASE JUST STOP USING ME AND DEZ AS A MARRIED COUPLE IN THEIR SOB STORIES AND DRAMA ESSAYS AND JUST LET ME BE?" Trish yelled, cutting Ally off. She ignored her. "Point is, Kath. Ally's right. I hate to say this, but maybe you did overreact a little."

"Overreact?" I asked. "Have you forgotten that this is my brot-"

"Your brother having sex at the age of eighteen, we know we know." Trish said. "You're worried that he might get Nicole pregnant, blabity blah blah blah. But why are you freaking out, even? The only time you should freak out is if she actually gets knocked up. But the last time I checked, she is carrying absolutely nothing in that stomach of hers and you are not going to have a niece or a nephew anytime soon. That was where you went wrong. It hasn't happened yet and you're already overreacting."


They're right.


They're right?

They're right?

"See? I'm always right," Ally smiled like a child.

"Not always," Austin piped in, removing his arm from my shoulders. "Remember that time when you told me that Dez looked like a penguin, but really he was just a double sided black and white bear?"

"Or that time when you told me that black is the new tan, but you were just making an excuse to destroy racism,"

"Or that time when you told me that Kathryn was a lesbian, but then the next day we found out that she had a make-out session with this... this thing-" Trish pointed to Austin, who gave her an offended look.

I laughed. "Yeah or that time when-" I stopped laughing when I realize what Trish just said. "Wait you told her what?"

"Yeah well if she really was a lesbian then it was a miracle falling for this guy," Austin said, pointing to himself. I put a pillow to his face, forcing him to shut up.

"Point is," Ally said, shooting me a look. "All you did was talk. You didn't hear your brother or Nicole out. And I'd say that was pretty unfair. So before you overreact, I suggest you listen to their side too."

"Well I wish you could've just said that a lot earlier, now I don't think they're gonna talk to me anytime soon. They hate me with a burning passion now." I told her.

"You pissed us off but we don't really hate you,"

I turned around in my bean bag chair to see Nicole standing there, a sad smile on her face. "Nicole- Oh my gosh I-"

"I didn't have a proper hug from you when I got back. I think I'd like one right now," Nicole smiled, putting her arms out. I ran and hugged her. hiding my face in the crook of her neck. "Kath I'm so sorry I-"

"I believe I have more apologizing to do than you do," I laughed, making her do the same.

"It's all so lovey here. Get me a bucket or something, I think I'm about to throw up my intestines for the second time around today. Let's get out of here," Trish said, pretending to hold onto her stomach as she limped towards the door.

Ally rolled her eyes. "That's her way of saying 'These two need privacy, and I'm outie.'."

"Outie?" Austin asked, pulling on a face.

She shot him a look. "Yes. Outie."

One by one they walked out of the room. Before Austin left, he left a soft kiss on my forehead. "Be a good girl, okay?"

"Can't make any promises," I said, making him laugh. He gave me one last look before shutting the door behind him. I turned to Nicole. "So. Wanna talk this through? In a nice, orderly, calm and non life-threatening way?"

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