Chapter Thirty Four: Rock Her To Sleep

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Finally the conversation on me and Austin ended, and we found something else to talk about. Lance and Austin were still sound asleep, and Nicole and I were starting to think about pushing them off the coach just to see their reactions. It was midnight and Nicole, Trish and I still weren't sleepy, while Ally was walking around the living room in circles, her phone to her ear as she smiled and laughed. She and Brad got tired of texting and he just went ahead and called her, now she was blushing and giggling like crazy.

"God she just can't stop giggling," Trish said, setting down the half empty bowl of chips on the floor beside her.

"Come on guys, she's been single for about half a year, cut her some slack." I said. "Now where were we?"

"We were talking about how we were going to marry One Direction," Nicole said.

Trish scoffed. "Forget it. In five years you won't even remember their names."

"Nigga, in five years one of them will be my last name." I said, staring her dead in the eye, making Nicole laugh.

"I would beg to disagree," a sleepy voice said from somewhere, and I thought it was Lance. I saw that he was still sound asleep on Nicole's lap, so I looked down on my own to see Austin smiling sleepily at me. "Before one of those British lads marry you they're gonna have to go through me first,"

"And I'm supposed to feel protected now?" I laughed.

"Shut up. I'm trying to be romantic here so stop being a smart ass and pretend to blush and swoon over me," he said. I chuckled, pushing him off me. "Had a nice sleep?"

"Yeah," he smiled at me, rubbing his eyes. "Has anyone ever told you that you're the comfiest human pillow ever?"

"Am I supposed to take that as a compliment or an insult?" I asked. Austin laughed, kissing my forehead and resting his on my shoulder. "You're still sleepy, I suppose?"

Suddenly I heard some loud giggling and laughing, cutting off my conversation with Austin. We looked at Nicole and Trish who were muffling their laughs, looking at us. "What?"

"'We're touchy an ample amount of time'. Oh come on. Ample amount of time my ass." Nicole said, laughing even harder. I rolled my eyes, and a pillow flew to hit her on the face.

"Lay off on my woman," Austin moaned sleepily, and I smiled at him. "I suppose you three found something to talk about while I was snoring away?"

The three of us exchanged looks. I shrugged my shoulders, and I couldn't help but let the smile disappear on my lips. "Something like that,"

Austin took his head from my shoulder and stared at me, eyebrows knit together as he stared at me in concern. "You alright? Suddenly you're so serious."

"I'm fine. Maybe a little sleepy but other than that I'm absolutely fine." I said.

"Maybe you should rock her to sleep," Trish blurted out, and she and Nicole laughed.

"Jesus that sounds so dirty," Nicole said, shaking her head. I didn't get that, until I analyzed her words and looked at it at a different way.

"Maybe you should rock her to sleep,"

"Maybe you should rock her to sleep,"

"Maybe you should rock her to sleep,"

"Maybe you should rock her to sleep,"

"you should rock her to sleep,"

"rock her to sleep,"

"rock her to sleep,"

(COMPLETED)He Was, She Was [Austin Moon/Ross Lynch Remake]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora