Chapter Fifty: Then Die.

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"Ally," said Trish, putting down the magazine to stare at her. "What are you doing?"

Ally only shrugged, smiling like an innocent amused child as she rolled about in the first floor of Sonic Boom.

"Dude," said Kathryn, leaning on the counter with her elbows. "Please stop that."

"Stop what?" Ally asked, still smiling like a small child.

"That," Trish supplied, pointing to her. "You know, roaming around the store in those trolley chairs like the scooters old people use,"

Ally stopped, turned around in her swivel chair and cocked an eyebrow at the both of us. "Jealous much?"

"No," Kath replied, handing the customer her dollar and the set of guitar strings she bought. "You're just freaking us out,"

"What is so terrifying about swivel chairs with wheels?" Ally asked. "Our school had these kinds of desks, the ones with wheels. They're new."

"And so you decided to buy them?"

"Uh, yes?" she said, looking at the two of them as if they were the stupidest persons on Earth.

"Bumper desks," Kathryn whispered, smiling at her.


Kathryn put her hands up in defense, whilst she and Ally folded their lips into a thin line, trying not to laugh at Trish's reaction. It was about two in the afternoon, the mall had become even more crowded as it was, and customers were coming in and out of Sonic Boom.

"Speaking of failed potential," said Kathryn, turning to Ally. She smiled at her cousin. "How's the rising teenage star's career coming?"

Ally put a hand over her chest, mouthing an "O" and trying to look hurt. "Am I supposed to be flattered," she started to say. "Or offended at that comment?"

"You get to chose that decision," said Trish. "We are a democratic and free country." she said. Suddenly she stood up and raised her arm like a sword. "Because this is," Trish started to say. "MERRRRRICA"

"Please no," Kathryn muttered, covering my face with my palm.

"Speaking of democracy and freedom of making horrible life decisions," said Ally, making Kathryn's head perk up at the sound of her cousin's voice to look at her, still in the middle of Sonic Boom on a swivel chair. "What's this I heard about Lance and Austin failing to get along, again?"

Kathryn shrugged. "Everybody makes horrible life decisions," she said, then nodded her head to the chair Ally was sitting on. "Except that. Anybody who makes that kind of life decision may not be on the right state of mind."

"What did they argue about this time?" Trish asked, shrugging off Kathryn's earlier comment.

She frowned. "Not something exactly pleasant," Kathryn answered, almost under her breath, embarrassed. "You know how Austin has a busy schedule starting next week? The practices and signings and the appearances and the huge concert in three weeks?"

"Well what about it?"

"I think Lance and Nicole got a bit attached to the topic and started to give us relationship advice about the distance and the time and the effort and the loyalty and the hoes," said Kath, watching as a small girl with white skin and brown hair fiddled and played with her fingers on the piano. She almost smiled; it reminded her of Ally when she was still small. "Especially on the 'loyalty' part, they seemed to have a serious issue on that one."

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