Chapter Sixty One: Photographs

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"Shut up," a mumbling voice said. "Stop giggling like a little school girl you little twat, you'll wake Kath up."

"Don't get too jiggy with her," Lance mumbled, laughing.

Austin only rolled his eyes in irritation. "I believe we've already established the jigginess levels. Now get out,"

Lance's palm flew to cover his mouth as he tried to stop the laughs from randomly bursting out. He was at the door of Kathryn's room, barefooted, in a tank top and boxers, dragging along his huge white comforter with him. His hair was a mess and he'd just gotten out of bed because he'd heard rummaging in the house at four in the morning. He found Austin, struggling to get into Kathryn's room through her bedroom window.

"What the hell are you even doing here?" Lance asked in a whisper, grinning. "It's four in the morning. Kath's tired and hasn't slept in the last twenty four hours. She's not waking up anytime soon, and if ever she does, she'd probably lash out at you and bring all of heaven and hell's wrath down on you." He continued to say. "So if you're planning to get some morning jiggy then it's not going to work."

Austin only rolled his eyes as he closed the window to Kathryn's room, closing the curtains as well. Kathryn turned and shifted but didn't wake up. He looked back at Lance, shooting him a glare. "I am not trying to get jiggy with her!" he hissed.

Lance wrapped the comforter tighter around himself, leaning against the frame of Kathryn's door with a smirk. "So those hickeys on both of your necks are just casual things to do?"

Austin rolled his eyes again. "When you're in a relationship it is a huge must to mark your territory."

Lance's face started to get red from holding in the laughs, so he brought up the comforter to his face and covered it, started to laugh. The comforter was thick, so the laughs weren't so loud and were muffled enough to not wake Kathryn up. Austin only watched him with a look of annoyance on his face, and when he was through, he popped his head out of the comforter, still grinning.

"What are you doing here then?" he asked, licking his lips and panting a little from laughing so much. "It's four thirty in the morning, mate. Don't be such a swine."

Austin almost smiled, he knew "Don't be such a swine" was a sibling phrase for Kathryn and Lance, something they've picked up from their half British side. And whenever they'd do that or insult someone with that phrase, their British accents would tend to slip as they said it. He seemed to find this amusing, especially for Kath.

"I'm trying to be romantic," Austin said in a low voice. Lance looked like he was about to burst into another fit of laughter again.

He only grinned wider, cocking an eyebrow at Austin. "What? Are you going to flash her when she wakes up?"

Austin picked up a pillow and threw it at Lance, making him laugh. "You are dirty, Lance Nikolo Rodriguez! Do you hear me!?" he whisper-shouted.

"Whatever, whatever," Lance laughed, putting one of his hands up in defeat, the other still tucked inside his thick and warm comforter blanket. "Do whatever you want, mate. Just be safe." He laughed a little, then yawned. "Well, I guess I'll see the both of you in the afternoon. I'm going to knock out- I think we all are. We'll be over sleeping until maybe one or two in the afternoon."

Austin smiled. "Knock yourself out,"

"Will you still be here by the time we wake up?" Lance asked, his voice getting deeper as sleepiness showed through him, his eyes so near to closing shut.

Austin didn't answer, instead he walked over to Kathryn's bed and sat down beside her. She only shifted again, making small murmurs and noises. Her brown hair was a mess, sticking out of her ponytail. Her bed was a mess as well, but she was still wrapped in her warm, thick, fluffy comforters. She was murmuring in her sleep again, her eyebrows scrunching a little.

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