Chapter Sixty Four: Ellen

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"Seriously woman just open your damn door and walk down a few steps down the god forsaken staircase is that really so difficult for you?"

"Damn hoe," Kathryn said with a sassy tone, putting her hands up in defeat, even though she knew Nicole wouldn't see it. "I'm coming, get your shit together." She closed the door to her closet and walked out of her room. As she walked down the stairs, she gently pulled her long brown hair out of the blouse she wore. She skipped into the living room, where Lance, who had an arm around a completely irritated Nicole, had the same annoyed, pissed off facial expression.

She seemed to notice the annoyed looks they had. "What's this about? Is it that bad?"

Nicole only cleared her throat and used the remote to point to the tv screen.

"Australian Band Five Seconds of Summer finally released another song! This song has instantly become a hit, and the band has once again stolen the hearts of girls everywhere!" Kathryn's neck immediately snapped to look at the screen, only to see the famous Ellen Degeneres.

"The song they have just released is entitled "Close As Strangers". Now, the interesting thing about this song, is how fast it has gotten the attention and captured the hearts of countless girls, from the very first moment it has been released." She said, her voice so serious. "Why is this so?"

"Probably because it's so heartfelt." A thick Australian accent said, and she felt a pang in her chest. That was the voice of Calum Thomas Hood. She knew that voice anywhere.

"What do you mean by that?"

"What we meant was that this song actually has someone's heart in it." The camera turned, and now the brown, curly-haired, bandana-wearing Ashton Fletcher Irwin was the one talking. "I honestly believe that the reason why this song has become a hit and captured the hearts of girls everywhere so easily is because they felt something the first time they listened to this song. They felt the real, actual pain. They understood from the song that one of us was most definitely broken-hearted. That while we recorded and sang this song, one of us was aching and hurting."

"Now that is most definitely interesting." The blue-eyed, blonde-haired Ellen started to grin at the camera. Though she was grinning she was still serious. "Now, Ashton, I understand that you've said that this song...."

"Close As Strangers," Ashton forced a smile, continuing her sentence. Ellen nodded. "Yes, Close As Strangers," she continued. "Has someone's heart in it. And whose heart are we talking about here, exactly?"

They all sat there, silenced by the question Ellen has just thrown at them. Ellen started to eye Michael Clifford who sat at the head of the coach and was closest to her. Michael felt how heavy Ellen's gaze was on him, so he started to look at Ashton who elbowed him, who only followed to elbow Calum, who didn't elbow anyone, instead he looked to his left.

To his left, there sat Luke Robert Hemmings, who had his eyes glued on the floor and had not said a word since the entire conversation.

"Lucas," Ellen said, in a motherly yet scolding tone. "Is there something you'd like to tell momma?"

The crowd laughed, and the room lit up atleast a little bit, even the boys gave a little chuckle.

"Who's the new girl pulling on your heart strings, Lucas?" Ellen asked him. He still wouldn't budge or answer. Ellen seemed to understand something from this, because she let out a heavy sigh and sat back. "It's no one new, is it."

"No," the boys said separately, in a small, hushed voice, answering for Luke.

"I may be pushing your buttons here, but please know that I do not mean it." Ellen said, rather gently and slowly. looking at uke as if he was a fragile baby that would break any time. "But Lucas Robert Hemmings," she started to say. "Does Kathryn Mikaela Rodriguez still have your heart?"

Nicole and Kathryn could've sworn they've heard Lance crack his knuckles.

Luke finally budged, looking up to meet Ellen's gaze. Kathryn only watched, unmoving and speechless. The way he looked at Ellen and said nothing at all was already a red flag. Even from the way he looked at Ellen, Kathryn knew.

He's broken.

He's still broken.

The blue-eyed blonde only looked to Ellen but said nothing at all. Calum, Ashton and Michael only stared at him, Calum patting Luke'sback gently. After a moment of silence, Luke swallowed a lump in his throat and licked his lips. Slowly, his lips parted and his mouth opened. His voice cracked as he answered.

But before Nicole, Lance and Kathryn could know, the screen went blank. Their heads snapped to look at Brad, who was obviously and clearly pissed and fumming as he threw the remote down to the coach, just right beside Nicole and Lance.


"No, shut up." Brad said, his voice stern. "Do not scold me and tell me off for turning the show off." He turned his eyes to Kathryn, who was just completely neutral. There were no signs of happiness on her face, but there were no signs of sadness and broken hearted-ness either. It was clear that she felt nothing.

"Kathryn Mikaela," Brad said, his voice so stern that even Kathryn got a bit nervous. "I will tell you this; you will listen, and you will listen real good. Luke Hemmings has repeatedly broken your heart, is that understood? He wasted you. He's broken you. He's shattered you. He damaged you so bad that we all thought you were beyond repair. You were damaged for an entire year, understood?"

"But you know what? One year after he left you broken and nearly dying, here you are. You are hailed and you've owned the title of the Teen Queen of Punk Rock at seventeen. You've got Lance. You've got Nicole. You've got Ally. You've got Trish. You've got Dez. You've got me. Hell, you've even got Katy Perry and Beyonce as your Aunts." He said, sounding a little drastic. "And you know another thing you've got?" Brad asked her. She only licked her lips and folded them in, silenced.

"Austin Moon. You've got Austin Moon. Right now you have a boy who actually isn't afraid to suck it up and own up to their mistake. This boy held you in his arms when you cried for hours and hours. He has defended you. Protected you. This dude actually carried you on his back for five blocks and was willing enough to walk ten blocks back just so you could get your daily chocolate intake that no one else here seems to understand." Brad was serious, like, really serious. Everyone was surprised at the words he spoke. "My point is, you've got a perfectly good guy right here who is completely and desperately inlove with you, and you're inlove with as well, though you would never utter the exact same words."

"You are already in the process of giving your heart to him, Kathryn. You are already falling for this guy. Hard, may I add. You know what makes Austin different from Luke? This guy is actually giving himself to you. He's already committed himself to you." Brad said, making her smile. "Luke does not deserve you. And he never will. Now," he said, tossing Kathryn her phone, who caught it perfectly. "Forget about the sappy song. Call Austin. Ask him how his day is going. Ask him out for lunch at the park. And the next time he tries to tell you he loves you, I want you to stop lying to yourself and finally say it back."

Kathryn looked to Nicole and Lance, who were smiling at her and lightly nodding. They clearly understood. Kathryn smiled, unlocking her phone.

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