Chapter Forty Six: Real Talk

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"Try to explain left from right," Austin said as he played with Kath's fingers. She gave him a weird look as she looked down on him. From sitting on his lap, now she had Austin laying his head on a pillow on her lap.

"Yknow, my favorite was trying to describe a color without using anyother name," Kath said as she watched him playing with her digits. "Like trying to explain red to a blind person."

"The worst one would be trying to think of a color that doesn't exist," Austin said, putting his hand against her, comparing the two.

"What does water taste like-"

"NO STOP" Austin yelled, making Kath nearly laugh her head off.

He rolled his eyes at her. "If corals get stressed, they die. So if I was a coral you'd probably be murdering me,"

"Wait, what?" I said. "What do corals even get stressed about?"

"Current events." Nicole piped up. She started laughing by herself, and we all just stared at her.

"Get out." We all said.

"So how's about that," I started to say.

"About what, hmm?" Nicole said, smiling at me as she put her hand in the back of my neck, and started to ruffle my hair. I smiled back at her. "Kath and Austin have their first concert in three weeks, practices start the week after his new single release and Kath's new clothing line,"

"Plus," Kath said, sitting up. "There's still Ally and Trish and Dez. They still don't know that I'm... this."

She looked elsewhere, her eyebrows knitted as she thought of something. She looked so bothered and stressed out. Austin looked up at her, concerned.

"Looks like you two have a lot on your hands," Nicole said, playing with the hair at the back of my neck.

"I know," Austin said.

"You've got a lot coming up," Nicole said. "Next week will be hell week for three straight weeks. But a word of advice, though."

"What is?" Kathryn asked, shifting her attention to the both of us.

"Just, don't lose time for eachother. No. Don't do that. Like, ever." She started to say. I stared at her. "Spend as much time together as possible. Whenever you know you can. Doesn't always have to be dates or something extra special and big, just be together. Because sometimes you don't really know when it'll be your last. And stop the petty fights. Don't lose it, don't let the stress get to you. No big fights." She looked to Kath. "Expecially you, young lady."

"Wait, what?" She laughed.

"No throwing of love novels and hitting men in the Frick Frack," The she looked to Austin. "Try to avoid the rack attacks,"

Kath rolled her eyes. "He doesn't even have boobs. Pfft."

"If ever he gets fat enough, he'll get those big sacks of meat hanging on his back. They're called man boobs."

"Wait, what-"

"That's right. Don't tell me to live my life," Nicole said, and Kath put her hands up in defeat.

"She's got a point, yknow." I said, catching both their attention. "When you lose time for eachother, you lose interest. And the love is gone-"

"What, love-?!"

"Shut up," I grumbled, shooting Austin and Kath the same look. "So don't ever lose time. Like, ever. But don't spend too much time together either, so things don't go plain and boring easy. And if ever you do lose time, atleast text at the end of the day. And don't do the frick frack and goof around with them other hoes."

"We won't, Lance. I won't." Austin said, shooting me a look. "I gave you my word."

"And you better hold on to your word." I said, shooting him back the same look. We stared for a long time at eachother with death looks.

"Please don't start a battlefield in our living room." Kathryn said, breaking up the tension and the silence. She put her index finger and her thumb to her forehead.

"Just saying," I said, putting my hands up. "Hoes are everywhere."

"And I don't care," Austin said, catching my attention and make me shoot back at him. "I'm not as unloyal and unfaithful as you think, Lance."

"I never said that. You only think it."

"No, you think it." He said, giving me a look. "Don't think I don't see through you, Lance. I'm a guy and I know how you think."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean-"

"Shut it," Kathryn said, coming in between us and pushing us away from eachother. "Makes those big ass manly egos of yours shut up or else I'll have to do it myself. And honestly I don't think that's a pretty picture any of you want to see."

"I just said to stop the petty fights," Nicole grumbled. She stood up from beside me, pulling me up by my arms. "Get up,"


"Blow off steam,"

"There is no steam that needs blowing,"

She shot me a weary look, slumping her shoulders and pouting. "Lance?" she asked, "A walk in the park? Just, please?"

(COMPLETED)He Was, She Was [Austin Moon/Ross Lynch Remake]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz