Chapter Thirty Three: Denial

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"Oh my god!" Ally suddenly shot up from her seat, catching our attention. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my go-"

Nicole threw a pillow at her, hitting her in the head and making her shut up. "Shut the fuck up. Now calm the fuck down and tell us what are you fangirling about."

"Brad! He just texted me."She said, smiling widely and showing us her phone's screen, Brad's caller I.D. flashing. I laughed, laying my back on the coach. "Well what are you waiting for? Stop being stupid and text him back before he changes his mind."

For the next few minutes Ally was literally glued to her phone, oblivious to her surroundings. Everytime she would get a text she would smile or giggle or laugh, and Nicole and I watched her like she was some movie.

"Well somebody looks happy," I giggled, watching Ally type a reply on her phone.

"And you're not?" Nicole asked me, chuckling. I gave her a questioning look. "Come on. You and Austin?"

"Yeah well what about me and him?" I asked her.

"You're smiling. And blushing. For no apparent reason. And why all these questions about being in love all of the sudden, huh?" She asked. I shrugged. "Nothing. Just curious, that's all. And how can I not smile or blush? This idiot is always around me."

"And that idiot is your boyfriend." Nicole said, pointing her finger at Austin who was still sound asleep on my lap. "When you guys are together you're always so touchy. And when you guys are apart you look like you're gonna go into depression or break down or jump off a cliff or something."

"It's not like that," I laughed. "It's not even close."

"Uh, yeah, it's waaaaaay close." Trish said out of nowhere, rubbing her eyes and sitting up on the floor. She yawned. "Had a good sleep?"

"To fall asleep to the sound of Ally's fangirling, your boyfriend's sob story of how he got attacked by some sort of marsupial, and you and Nicole's mushy girl talk must be some sort of miracle, but I managed." Trish shrugged, grabbing the bowl of chips on the table and digging in."Now, where were we?"

I was about to answer until Nicole beat me to it. "We were talking about how whipped Kath is on Austin."

"What? No I am not-" I argued, but then suddenly I felt Austin's humming while he interlaced our fingers together, still half asleep. I stared down at him, and I felt my cheeks starting to blush.

"M-hmm. And I suppose that blush on your cheeks wouldn't say otherwise?" Nicole asked.

"Stop being a smart ass and bare with me," I grumbled at her.

Trish rolled her eyes. "Come on, Kathryn. You flirt with eachother constantly,"

"You don't call it flirting when he's your boyfriend."

"You guys are always so touchy,"

"What? The heck are you talking about, we are touchy an ample amount of time."

"He just smiles at you and you look like you're about to suffer from a heart attack,"

"Don't be ridiculous, it just so happened that it was hot in the room."

"He's literally using you as a human pillow,"

"What does that even have to do with anything?"

"You get jealous alot,"

"It's not being jealous, it's being rational."

"That doesn't have anything to do with this."

"It so does,"

"And you keep on denying."

"I'm not denying, I'm just saying the truth." I said, exasperated. "And what are you two even trying to suggest?"

"That you're inlove with him?" Nicole and Trish smiled at the same time.

"What! No I am absolutely not!" I said, about to shoot up from my seat but then I felt the weight on my lap, anchoring me down. "I'm not inlove with him! We just both like eachother and are in a relationship with a label, that's it. And I've only met him like, what, three weeks ago? Come on guys, cut me some slack. Get real."

"You guys are always together, you're a girl and he's a hormonal teenage boy, how do you not expect him to fall inlove with you?"

"So you're suggesting that he's in love with me?" I asked. "I thought it was me we were talking about here?"

"No, we're suggesting that you both don't just 'like' eachother." Nicole said. I was about to argue back when she put up a hand, cutting me off. "Shut it. You see the way he looks at you, Kath. We all do. And if that is just a 'crush' then I've been doing it wrong my entire life."

I didn't say anything, infact I couldn't say anything. I was tired of arguing and I don't think all my excuses were even believable. "Get real, Kath."

"How can I? I've only known him for three weeks, went out on one date, and been his girlfriend for three days. How do you fall in love with that kind of time limit?"

"I don't know, but that boy snoring away on your lap seemed to manage," Trish said, outsassing me again. Honestly I didn't have anymore comebacks, and this entire conversation was just ridiculous.

"He doesn't love me. He doesn't look at me that way."

"Well has he told you any of that?"

"No, and no." I answered, and they gave me these looks. "Two no's? What?"

"No and no because one, he hasn't told me that he likes me, and two, he hasn't -and I doubt that he will- told me that he loves me. The first part is all just actions but I swear the 'him loving me' part isn't gonna come around anytime soon." I answered.

"You don't need him to tell you that he likes you, Kathryn. If he didn't he wouldn't have asked you to be his girlfriend and be head over heels for you," Nicole said.

"I don't get it. If he really does love me- which I doubt by the way- don't you think it's a bit too fast? I keep on reminding you guys the fact that I've only met him three weeks ago."

"Are you saying that this is all just happening a bit too fast?"

"Maybe," I shrugged, feeling a little guilty. "But I don't regret saying yes to him. He's a really sweet guy and he's a sweet bestfriend. He's always so affectionate and it's so adorable and god, how can you not have a crush on that? I really like, him, like really really like him. But it would take some sort of miracle for him to actually love me."

"So you wanted to be in some sort of 'Mutual Understanding' relationship with him for atleast one month before he asked you to be his girlfriend like in those crappy One Direction Fan Fictions online?"


"Kathryn, shut up, this isn't a fan fiction and you aren't a story character. This is reality we're talking about here. And in this reality, that dude on your lap really likes you and he's making it totally obvious that he's head over heels for you. So cut it out with the what-ifs and stop ignoring the fact that that boy sleeping away on your lap is falling way harder for you than you thought." Trish said.

This time I really ran out of words to say.

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