Chapter Seventy One: Keek (3)

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"Hiiiiiii," The girls stopped whatever they were doing to turn to Nicole, who was talking to her phone and waving and smiling.

Ally wiped her hands of barbecue sauce, then reached up to one of the cabinets. "What are you doing?"

"Wait," Trish said. "She's doing that little high-pitched voice and she's smiling really wide,"

Kathryn snapped her fingers, leaning on the counter. "You're making a keek, aren't you."

"Well if you must know everything, woman," Nicole said. "Yes, I am making a kee-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Ally, Trish and Kathryn jumped closer to her and started yelling and waving "HIIIIIII"s at her camera screen. They all tried to push and squeeze themselves together into the screen.



Finally Nicole pushed them away a bit, and adjusted the camera to herself. "My god," she said. "You've sent ringing in my ears, thankyou so very much?"

Kathryn walked over to the fridge, taking out a few cans of soda and juice. She all put them down on two trays. "Just keep talking to your camera, okay?"

She rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to the keek. "So, ladies, what have we done today?"

"Well," Kathryn said. "At twelve in the morning, I was asleep. By twelve thirty Bradley Simpson and Connor Ball came into my room bitching about wanting pancakes in the middle of the night. By one thirty the three of us almost set our kitchen on fire. By one thirty two Lance came down and yelled at us for almost setting the kitchen on fire, then also decided that he wanted pancakes also. "

"And by two in the morning Trish, Dez, Austin and I disabled the security system of the Rodriguez house and climbed up the gate and went inside."

Kathryn looked at Ally. "Wait you what-"

"Then by Two o'five we also decided that we wanted pancakes."

"Then we recently just got pranked by four little Australian men and two other idiots who believe in Santa Claus,"

"OH MY GOD ALLY SHUT UP I SO HEARD THAT" Brad yelled from outside.

"They failed miserably, though." Trish added, the camera turning to her. "The plan was supposed to be 'full-proofed' and 'well-elaborated'," she said, air quoting. "But we can't all be intelligent, can we."

"OH MY GOD TRISH SHUT UP I SO HEARD THAT TOO" James yelled from outside.

"Men are horrible," said Nicole. "Don't you think?" Then she turned the camera to Ally, Trish and Kathryn.




"That, is a funny observation." Lance threw his arm around Nicole, and she turned the camera to him. "And also, quite a funny, ironic coincidence since you are dating one."

The girls made sizzling noises and hollers. Nicole grinned. "Dear lord, I hate you."

Lance only kissed her temple. "I'm sure you do, sweetheart."

"THIS TEENAGE LOVE," said Trish, and Nicole turned the camera to her. "IT SICKENS ME"

"I hate it," Connor walked into the kitchen, topless and only wore sweatpants. His hair was still damp. "How everyone's in a mushy relationship while I'm just standing here. Single. Alone."

"Speaking of which," Austin walked into the living room, drying his damp hair with a towel. He had already changed his swimming trunk into dry shorts. He sat on the counter, and Kathryn walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Mate, how well do you know your lady?" he asked, throwing an arm around Kathryn.

Ally grinned, putting extra barbecue sauce on the steak. "Well this should be interesting,"

"He's right," Nicole said, turning the camera to him. "How well do you know me?"

Lance let his hand from her shoulders drop to his sides. He leaned on the counter, smirking. "I sense a challenge," he said. "Hit me,"

Connor took a can of soda out of their fridge. "Who is Nicole's favorite movie actor?"

"Jensen Ackles."

"Favorite TV actor?"

"Jensen Ackles."

"How about favorite singer?"

"Jensen Ackles."

They all looked to Nicole waiting for her to say "WRONG" to atleast one of these questions, but she only seemed to be nodding and smiling.

"Alright," Trish said, putting down the plate of freshly made barbecue and steak. She squinted her eyes at Lance. "...Her favorite model?"

"Jensen Ackles."

"...Favorite color?"

"Jensen Ackles."

Everyone else went silent. Kathryn raised her hand and opened her mouth, about to say something, until Lance said,

"Before you say anything," he told her. "Yes, the answer is still Jensen Ackles."

They all went silent again. Austin looked to Nicole. "What- aren't you going to say WRONG to any of these questions?" he said. "Or atleast, like, one?"

Nicole only grinned reaching up to put a kiss on his cheek. Lance wrapped an arm around her waist. "Jensen Ackles is her favorite everything."

Ally nodded, licking her fingers of barbecue sauce. Infact the Rodriguez kitchen smelled of barbecue sauce, it was lunch time and Brad, James, Dez and Tristan were outside with cooking at the grill while they were in the kitchen, getting lunch ready. None of them have changed out of shorts or bikinis though, they only had towels wrapped around their waists or on their shoulders. "They've been dating for almost two years now, he should know."

"Something is so wrong with the both of you," Connor laughed. Then he turned to Austin. "How well do you know Kath?"

"A challenge," Austin said, taking his arm off of her. Nicole turned the camera to them now. "We've only been for three months but I bet I can answer any of that."

"Alright, then.' Nicole said. "Who is Kath's favorite Movie actor?"

"Dylan O'Brien."

"Favorite TV actor?"

"Dylan O'Brien."

"First crush?"

"Dylan O'Brien."

"Favorite model?"

"Dylan O'Brien."

Lance raised an eyebrow. "Favorite perfume?"

"Dylan O'Brien."

"Favorite Cartoon character?"

"Dylan O'Brien."

They were all silence, then they looked at Kathryn. She didn't yell out any "WRONG", she only drank her soda can.

"....Favorite color?"

"Dylan O'Brien."




"Still Dylan O'Brien." Austin said, even though no one asked. Kathryn threw her soda can into the trash can, then he wrapped an arm around her waist. "Dylan O'Brien is her favorite everything. He's basically her god."

"Girls are so terrifying," Connor said. Then he turned to Ally. "Hey Ally what's your favorite color-"

"Tyler Posey."

"Favorite pet-"

"Tyler Posey."


"Tyler Posey."




"Still Tyler Posey." She answered.

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