Chapter Fifty Six: Bagged Milk

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"It's true, you suck at Mario Kart." said Kathryn, taking a sip out of her smoothie and trying not to laugh. Austin only rolled his eyes. "HOW CAN ANYONE EVEN SUCK AT MARIO KART"

"Apparently you do." she replied quite calmly, trying to hold in her laughs. Austin only crossed his arms over his chest, looking away as the both walked. She only laughed, getting on her toes to reach up and kiss his cheek. "Babe, I'm sorry, but you just do." Kathryn said, giggling.

Austin looked to her, down to her (she was rather small compared to him), pouting. "But Kath," he started to whine. "I thought you were my girlfriend? I thought you were supposed to support me and fill my life with rainbows and unicorns and tell me I'm pretty,"

"You don't have to be good at Mario Kart to be pretty," she answered, trying not to laugh, though she blew it, laughing so uncontrollably that hey both had to stop walking.

"Kath!" Austin said exasperatedly, watching as his girlfriend giggled loudly. "This is just offending me- I'm just going to walk away."

So he did. He turned around and started to walk away from Kathryn, who was still laughing uncontrollably and rather loudly. As loud as it was, he still found it adorable, even if he wanted and pretended to walk away.

"Oh come on," said Kathryn, trying to breathe as she gripped her stomach, still laughing. She finally stood up straight, holding her smoothie and trying to breathe. "Austin! Come on!"

"I'm sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of my own heart breaking." He yelled out sarcastically. Kathryn only laughed, running and jumping onto his back, taking him by surprise. Thankfully he caught her, grabbing onto her legs just as she wrapped them securely around his waist.

"I'm sorry, babe." Kathryn said, kissing the top of Austin's head, making him smile immediately. She rested her right cheek on Austin's left temple, taking a sip of her smoothie.

"Give me a sip of that." said Austin, the scent of strawberries and bananas and whip cream getting to his nose, making his mouth water a little. She only smiled, tilting the smoothie cup forward and bending it down to his lips as he took a sip. "Why does every american I talk to always bring up the concept of bagged milk?"

Kathryn blinked. "Excuse me, come again?" she asked, trying not to laugh.

"Bagged milk." He repeated. "Yknow. Milk... incased in bag form."

She would've facepalmed if she could. "See, kids, this is why you don't drop out of highschool."

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" she smiled, ang he shook the thought off.

"I mean, seriously." Said Austin. "What is bagged milk?"





"I don't know," Kathryn said, finally lowering her voice and shrugging as if the conversation was normal. "But, can't you open bagged milk the way you open bagged water?"

Austin fell silent.


She only laughed to herself, uncontrollably, still clinging onto his back. At the moment, they were left alone in the practice room while Nicole, Lance and Trish were taking charge of Sonic Boom, Ally and Brad going out.

"Speaking of bagged water," said Kathryn, finally calming herself down, yet she still had that light smile on her lips. "Mo called."


"Mo." She repeated. "Monique? Monique Campbelle? My manager?"

"Oh. Well what about her, then?"

"The concert."


"It's been moved."

"Oh. To when?"

She bit her lips, folding them in. She knew he wasn't going to like this. "July sixteenth."

Instead of some awkward silence falling on the both of them, all he id was smile, turning his head a bit, enough to plant a long, soft kiss on Kathryn's cheek. "I guess we'll have to make readjustments, then." He smiled at her, his voice like a whisper. She smiled at him, amazed that he wasn't upset.

"You are amazing, you know that?" she smiled at him.



"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Be all punk rock and have high cheek bones but still have cheeks made of squish squish."

Kathryn choked, coughing and laughing at the same time. She wiped her lips with the sleeve of her left arm, the one holding the strawberry smoothie. "Austin, what." she said, still coughing.

"I mean, come on." He said, walking towards the full body mirror that hung beside the window of the practice room. He smiled, looking at her. "Have you not ever tried to pinch your cheek at least once? Like, ever?" he asked.

"No," Kathryn said. "Why should I?"

"Because it's all squishy squish squish."

She started to laugh even worse, wrapping her right arm around Austin's neck gently, trying not to strangle him. "My cheeks are not all squishy squish squish."

"They so are," Austin said, still holding onto Kathryn's legs that were wrapped around his waist. "They're so chubby, sometimes I imagine a little chick popping out."

Kathryn only laughed even more, bending down that her long brown hair fell over her shoulder and onto Austin's. She stared at him for a while, a small smile appearing on her lips. She kissed his cheek. "How did I end up being so lucky having you?"

"I honestly think it's the other way around." He said, smiling at her through the mirror lightly. Kath scrunched her eyebrows together. "And why do you say so?"

"Because you're pretty much everything I want." He started to say, suddenly being serious. "You're amazing. You don't lash out or throw random mood swings at me most of the time, but when you do you still can't because you've got a face made of squish squish."

"Austin there is no such thing as squi-"

"Shut up I'm trying to be romantic," Austin shushed her, continuing. "You're smart, like really smart. You know the difference between you're and your, and you have absolutely no idea how extremely attractive that makes you. You love kids so much, you adore them, it makes me so happy seeing you around them, you're a mother figure and that's just so damn adorable. You take care of me when I forget to. You're supportive, like damn. Even when my decisions are just nonsense and stupid, you still go with them anyway. You're so down to earth, like seriously you just are." Austin continued to rant and rant and rant, still looking at her through the mirror. He kept on talking so much that he'd forgotten the weight he had clinging onto his back.

"You're beautiful, like, god. I'm going to say this, I'm really tired of holding it back, but you're hot." Austin continued to rant still, making her blush. "Your hair is just wow. When it's near the sunlight it changes to an even lighter shade o brown, and your blue eyes tend to change to green as well. That's so interesting. You've got curves that are just... damn. You're not model thin and just... wow. You're insanely attractive in so many ways."

"I may only be dating you for almost three months so far but," He said, stopping in the middle of his sentence. He bent down and let Kathryn off his back gently. He turned around, looking down at her, his look suddenly so very serious that Kathryn rarely saw and loved to see. He bit his lip, his voice suddenly getting lower and deeper. "I think I may have already fallen in love with you."

She froze, swallowing a lump in her throat.

"Wait, what?"

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