Chapter Thirty Eight: [Untitled]

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"Come on Lance! You're so slow!" I yelled laughing as we raced eachother on the shore. He laughed scooping me up in his arms and throwing me over his shoulders. He spun me around, then bent down a little pretending to drop me into the ocean. "Lance! You little prick! I swear if you drop me!"

"Fine! You violent little half-spanish woman!" Lance laughed, as he started to walk away from the shore. When we got to one of the snack shacks, he set me down on my feet. I brushed myself off and punched him in the shoulder, and he just laughed.

I sat down on the counter and ordered a burger and fries. See, the thing is, it was almost noon and Lance and I were at the beach since nine in the morning, surfing but most of the time goofing off.

The cashier nodded at me, then I looked at Lance, waiting for him to order. I saw him swallow a lump in his throat as he stared at the menu on the wall. I sighed, tugging on Lance's arm. "Huh? What?"

"Lance, is something wrong?" I asked him. He just swallowed another lump in his throat and looked back at the menu. I rolled my eyes. "Lance, you have to order something. It's lunch time, I'm starving, and I know that so are you."

He slumped his shoulders, sitting down next to me. "I know, Kath. But it's just that-"

"It's just that nothing, Lance." I cut him off. "Lance, you work your ass of at the studio and on set, you get almost absolutely no sleep at all, and there is absolutely no week that you don't have jetlag. And inbetween all that you still manage to go to the gym, you practically live there. So I think the least of your worries are a few calories."

"You're a grown ass eighteen yearold dude and I still can't believe you get insecure every now and then. You do realize that there are about two million girls who are willing to ride your dick to Narnia, right?" I asked him with a serious face, and he bursted into laughs. "Now come on, man up and order something. Or else I'll have to personally shove my foot down your throat,"

"No thanks, I'm good." He said, putting his hands up in defense. Then he ordered something, a lot more than what I did, and scarfed all that down as if he didn't even care about the world. I laughed as I watched him.

The thing is, Lance used to be depressed. He started in showbusiness at a really young age I guess, and you couldn't really avoid the hate. He didn't eat for like a straight year, and we only found out when he got into an accident. We found out he's been diagnosed with an eating disorder. It took him another entire year to get over it, but that's when I went to depression this time.

While I was halfway done with my burger, a couple walking down on the shore caught my eye. I smiled slyly, turning on the edge of my seat to face Lance. "So you and Nicole, huh?"

He wiped the sauce off the side of his lip. "Yeah? Well what about us?"

"You've been dating for two years already, right?"


"Are you sure you just.... you know,"

"You know... what?"

"You know, like her."

"She's my girlfriend dumbass, ofcourse I like her."

"No, I mean, what are your feelings for her? Like, your real feelings."

"What? What feelings are you talking about?"

"You know... just the basics. Like a tiny little crush or, idunno," I started to say, stirring my milkshake with my straw. "Or maybe love, perhaps,"

That was enough to make him choke on his burger. I silently laughed to myself as he swallowed the burger and reached over for a napkin frantically. "So I'll take that as a yes,"

"What! No you will not!" Lance argued back and I raised an eyebrow at him. "I am not inlove with Nicole."

"Yes you are,"

"No I'm not,"

"Yes you are,"

"No I'm not,"

"Yes you are,"

"No I'm not,"

"No you're not,"

"Yes I am!"

I crossed my arms and sat back in my seat as I gave him a teasing look. He rolled his eyes. "Fuck you,"

"No need to be all grouchy about it," I laughed, putting my hands up in defense. "Are you serious? Is there absolutely nothing about Nicole that makes you want to fall inlove with her? Do you like absolutely nothing about her? Like the way she smiles? Or the way she laughs? The way she smells? The way she dresse-"

"I don't like those things, I love them." Lance cut me off. I raised my eyebrows at him with another teasing smile. "I love how she always sends me these cute goodmorning and goodnight texts. I love how long her hair is. I love how much she loves her fans I love how raspy her morning voice is. I love how messy her hair is when she wakes up. I love how-"

I poked around my fries as I continued to listen to his blabbering. Lance was mindlessly listing things about his girlfriend outloud, and he wasn't even aware of that. As I ate another fry, I watched as my phone on the table recorded every single thing he said. I started to silently laugh to myself again.

"I love the way I always get a whiff of her perfume when she hugs me. I love the way she just randomly holds my hand or hugs me from behind. How she leaves adorable notes on my night stand or makes breakfast after the night we-"

"Okay that part I don't think I need to hear," I smiled at him, and he rolled his eyes. He slumped back in his seat and poked around his pizza. "I don't know, Kath. I just love every little thing she does. It's almost like it's a weird crazy obsession but I know it's not. Is that even normal?"

"Yes, it's normal to obsess over every single little thing about your girlfriend that you've been dating for over two years."

"I don't think it is. " Lance said, scratching the back of his neck. "I don't know, Kath. I love every little thing she does. I just love her, Kath. Just her. That's it."

My eyes widened and my eyebrows raised. I leaned forward with my mouth open but no words came out, smiling. "What? Why are you looking at me that way?"

"Incase you missed it, you just listed every single reason to love your girlfriend, and absent-mindedly admitted to me,and yourself, that you are, indeed, completely, absolutely, recklessly, hopelessly in love with her." I said, leaning back in my chair. I ate another fry. "Oh, and somehow you got ketchup on your forehead. Just incase you missed that one too."

Lance took another napkin and wiped his forehead, rolling his eyes at me. He threw the napkin away and propped his elbows up on the table. "What am I supposed to do about it, Kath."

"Tell her. She's your girlfriend, I'm pretty sure she'd love to hear your feelings." I answered. "You real feelings, Nikolo."

"But how? I can't just walk into the room and yell it outloud and walk out back to the kitchen and hide in the fridge,"

"Horrible suggestion, really." I said. "Drop her hints. Be a bit more romantic. Keep up with the cheesy pick up lines. Step your game up a bit. The little surprises and all that,"

"Oh, and I invited Austin and Nicole over to camp out at the backyard tonight. Surprise her with a bouquet of flowers when we get home. Us teenage girls love that romantic shit,"

"Got that." Lance said, scratching the back of his neck. He stood up, grabbed my hand and pulled me somewhere. "What-HEY?! I haven't finished my food yet!"

"Stop whining. You're getting a bit fat so you don't need the carbs anyway,"

I smacked the back of his head. "OW?!"

"Don't ever call a girl fat," I grumbled. "Where are you even taking me?"

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