Awakened forest

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Xavier and i continued walking to find if any more wanderers are around. Then I see a little light I reached my hand out. "It seems harmless, but it's scary during combat..."

"Scary" Xavier asked. Not looking at me.

"It's a compliment." Then I have some thoughts and questions on him. "Xavier, you told me to keep your presence there a secret. You also said you'd explain everything the next time we meet... Shouldn't you be saying something right now?"

He looks to mee while walking "It's a long story."

"Liar" I said quietly before speaking up "Well, since we're on the same team, we have time to figure it out in the future. Oh, wait. You're a normal hunter who just happened to be passing by."

"...Do you need to keep your guard up?" He said calmly.

"You haven't exactly been honest. But now that I think about it, we've faced a few challenges together... Regardless of the secrets you're hiding, we can work together. For now."

Xavier stops and looks around "Something's wrong with the fluctuation ahead. Get ready."

"Okay" we looked around as saw some sort of station "This place used to be a signal station." I looked up to see a giant figure "a wanderer."

"It hasn't finished."

I looked at what's on the wanderer "The Metaflux is converging on the Wanderer... It's absorbing it."

I looked to see Xavier touching it "It's an Aeonwyrm, the most dangerous species of Wanderer. The absorbed Metaflux particles are being used to reconstruct it."

Then I looked to see a stone sculpture there "Is this the Flux Nexus you mentioned before?"

Xavier walks up to it "...Only a specific Evol will be able to undo the lock on it. Try it"

I looked at my hand "Can this even be opened with my Evol..."

"Sense its energy and use your Evol to create the same fluctuations."

I walked up to the stone and touched it and I noticed the wanderer disappeared and there was a yellow light floating. With something inside. I reach my hand to see it was a Protocores.

".....It's different than other
Protocores." I said.

"They're gone. We were just in time. However, the energy fluctuations prove that someone wants to resurrect the Aeonwyrm. If a Wanderer like that entered Linkon, the consequences would be unimaginable."

"Then there may be more than one
Flux Nexus in this forest."

Xavier lifts his finger up "Shh, I heard something." Then I heard a whistling sound in the wind "The Protofield has changed... The forest is waking up. I listed close as Xavier take about his weapon "now!"

Then we looked to see a flying wander standing infront of us. Then we fought it until it was destroyed.

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