Under The Waves

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A swarm of white moths dances around the street light under the gray sky, waiting for nightfall.We climb the stone steps to a garden in the sky.Below us is Linkon's liveliest district. A field of grass stretches out before us. It's flanked by trees from both sides, a vibrant sight to behold.Across the street is a floating, holographic ad.
Flying above the cityscape, it promotes Rafayel's art exhibition for next month.
A slate blue sea engulfs the city like a mist, cascading onto the towering skyscrapers. From buildings to traffic, all is submerged in the tide.While it's obviously a trick of the light, curious people can't help but stop and reach out to touch the swimming fish that pass them.

"You know what sells the most? Paintings of a calm sea. They can get preeetty expensive. The more violent and chaotic the ocean, the less people are interested in it." Rafayel said.

"Humans can't sense disasters like animals do. So we subconsciously distance ourselves from things like bad weather. From your last art exhibition, "you" told me the painting was from one of your dreams." I stare at the virtual sea of fish swimming, merging into the night sky. It's unsettling yet alluring as the line between dreams and reality is blurred. "Is this another one of your dreams?"

"Yuuup, you got that right. I daydream in my studio all the time. It's kinda hard to remember what the real world's like.Thanks for bringing me out of my dreams today"

"You're welcome." A long time passes before he turns around. Many pedestrians are still looking at the sky, mesmerized by the holographic sea. "Do you have any plans?"

"I'm going home. The art exhibition needs to be held. Once a painting is sold, another should take its place."

"Be careful out there. If you find any secrets or hear anything about the N109 Zone, let me know."Brushing off the grass clinging to my clothes, I stand up and say goodbye.

"But I still don't have the paint needed to finish the piece I'm working on.
Rafayel sits up, his eyes sparkling as he looks at me. I have a bad feeling about this Don't you remember our deal?"


"I saw how you fought-quick and precise.That final strike was unlike anything I've seen before. If you could be my bodyguardProtect me on our journey together. If we find an alternative, I'll happily give you what's in my hand right now."


"That look... You forgot, huh? Don't worry, I wrote down everything.
We'll be filine. Probably."

"I've got stuff to deal with in the next couple of days. But I promise to get to it."I say a half-hearted promise. And I'm ready to run when I hear a soft sigh from him.

"I have an idea on how we can sneak into the N109 Zone."

"You do?"

He has my attention. I move closer to listen.Rafayel quickly averts his eyes, clearly caught off guard."You said it yourself. "When you see the big picture, you need to use some bait Why not come up with the master plan?
Become the best bait for Onychinus."

"So I should use myself to lure them out?"

He nods and continues to speculate. "To be their target, you must have something they want. Like info or something. You can decide whether to take the risk or not. Maybe a small opening is all it will take to get them to expose themselves." Every word that Rafayel says isn't wrong. I bite my lip.

"Even so, we need to find the perfect fishing spot to make sure our big fish bites the hook."

"I can lead you there. Trade intel for intel, gamble to make gambles with higher stakes. But whether or not you can play the game is up to you."

He once again stares at the sea of car lights under the overpass. Like the receding tide, the holograms fade and reveal the street.

"I need to think about it."

"It's just a suggestion. The choice is yours. If you wanna do it, meet me tomorrow by the docks at Whitesand Bay."

After a night's worth of hesitation, I arrive at Whitesand Bay the next morning.

By the docks is a familiar figure, the manager I met at Flux Arts the other day. "Ah, good to see you again, Miss Hunter." Tomas said.

"Hello Mr. Tomas."

"No reason to be so formal. Call me Thomas. Rafayel does it."

"I knew you'd show up." Rafayel walks over, arms folded, and plants himself between me and Thomas.

"Don't forget your promise." I said

"I'm not the kind of person to just forget." Rafayel said.

"You two get along well. I'm glad Rafayel has a reliable friend such as yourself." Thomas said.

"...Stop treating her like she's my babysitter!"

"I'll protect him... At least, for today. But what are we supposed to do now" Both turn in the direction that I'm pointing in.A single wooden boat floats gently to the rhythm of tranquil waves. A few seagulls are perched on the bow, preening their feathers."...Are we smuggling ourselves in?" I said

Tomas eyes widens."Hold on. Didn't you ask me for a boat so you could go on a date?"

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