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Thanks to Xavier temporarily synchronizing our access privileges, I'm able to use the highest-rank database in the Hunters Association.After spending most of the day searching, a news article from two years ago catches my eye. Located in the heart of Linkon City, a man in his 50s was murdered in a luxurious apartment. The killer has never been caught.

All the evidence points to Onychinus, but it's still not enough to be certain. An unsolved case.

If Onychinus is the culprit, then they're clearly able to manipulate the media. But they didn't.Maybe they're trying to send a message.Even though the Association blocked all insider channels, there are some encrypted ones. For a small fee, a person can locate the source.The photo finishes downloading. It takes up the entire screen.There is a room filled with classical furniture. An untouched bottle of expensive wine sits on the nightstand. It appears its owner died before he could have a chance to celebrate.Wearing a bathrobe, a man lies motionless by the door. The intricately embroidered carpet beneath him is soaked in dark red blood.A wisp of smoke slowly spirals out from the bullet hole in his chest, like a crimson carnation blooms from his blood-soaked shirt.Onychinus wouldn't leave behind an obvious trail.They must have done it intentionally to warn or threaten certain individuals.After thinking about it some more, I decide to play the audio file again.

"Hah, you don't even know what I'm talking about. Well, you won't have to worry about it now."

A scream cuts through the air. What follows is silence and then harsh static.
I keep replaying the clip, over and over, trying to etch this voice into my memory.As my cursor is about to click the X in the top right-hand corner, a new message stops me.After seeing the photo, a chill runs down my spine.
The person in the photo is Rafayel.

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