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I went to visit my grandma I haven't seen her in a while she would be very happy to see me. I opened the door to see her sitting in her chair.

"Grandma im home" I said to her.

Grandma looks up at me and smiles "Ah, sweetie. You haven't been visiting often since you became a hunter. Did you miss me?"

"Of course!" Then I sniffed "Something smells good.Is it roast pork? I've learned how to cook a new dish. Would you like to try it?"

"What happened to the pip-squeak who wouldn't even pour me a glass of water? What has changed you?should've talked you to become a hunter sooner."

I turned to see a familiar face as he puts food on the table.

"Caleb?! I thought I wouldn't see you until tomorrow at least." I said shocked. I'm just so happy to see him after all this time.

"What's wrong with comin' home early to spend some time with you and Gran?" He ruffles my head "Wash your hands. Let's eat."

We sat down and talked for a bit and ate food. Having Caleb here has been amazing I missed him so much.

I looked to grandma "How's your health, Grandma? Still getting headaches?"

"Oh, it's normal for people at my age to get them. I'm already used to it.
I'll be fine as long as I take my medication." Grandma said.

"But didn't the doctor say you should be hospitalized for observation? Are you sure the meds will be enough?"

"It's too crowded and noisy. And that won't help with my migraines."

I'm already worried about her. I know she's getting sicker and sicker.

"Already a worrywart? You can rely on me to handle the family stuff." Caleb spoke "A already submitted an application ur Trate it linken D.
form for a long-term care ward. It's safe, quiet. Everything's been taken care of."

I was shocked to hear "Wait, when did this happen? And why didn't you tell me?"

"Oh, Caleb. A decisive man as always.
...I didn't know about this, either." Grandma said "If I need to stay in a hospital, you should visit me, all right? You can talk with Zayne... Have lunch with him too, perhaps."

"Well he's really busy. So..."

Everytime she won't stop talking about Zayne. Sure we knew each other for a long time. Since he and I saw each other again and I told her about it. She always talks about one day I could date him. I couldn't even tell if she was joking or not. I'm not sure if I have any romantic feelings for Zayne or not but I do like him.

"Even the world's busiest guy has to eat. I haven't seen him in a looong time. We should invite him over for dinner. Right?" Caleb asked.

"And we can kidnap him if he refuses!" I joked.

Then we turned to watch the news.

...There have been many explosions recently throughout Linkon City.
The Hunters Association has concluded these incidents are connected to Wanderers. So far, 22 have been wounded with no casualties. We advise all citizens to be careful when outside...

"Explosions, huh? ... Hey pip-squeak , have there been a lot of active Wanderers lately?" Caleb asked me.

"Kind of... But it's fine. Linkon has us!
The Deepspace Hunters of today
know what they're doing." I said.

"Well, even so, you shouldn't push yourself too hard, Baby girl. And be sure to be careful during your missions." Grandma said

"sl know. But I'll be fine, Grandma.
My Evol works well againstWanderers. Besides, missions are often done in pairs. If... If we get hurt, we have backup."

"Even if that's true, your safety is always the number one priority in whatever mission you take." Caleb said. "Your Evol is great, I'm not arguing that. But who's to say it'll protect you all the time?"

Then my watch started going off telling me There are Wanderers in the neighborhood? Weird. I need to check it out.

I stood up from the table "Grandma, Caleb, something's going on outside. I'm gonna take a look. Be back soon, promise."

Celeb stand up "Hey, wait up. I'm coming with you."

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