Snowy Tranquility

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In the stillness of night, all is quiet except for the muffled crackling of the fireplace. Occasionally, a few sparks pop out from the flames, making a crisp sound.After tossing and turning in my bed, I decided to sit in front of the fireplace and go through the files left by Grandma. The Aether Core... Energy incomparable to other Protocores... Grandma knew someone might target people related to Aether Cores. Is that why she kept me in the dark for so long... what should I know?
While my mind is a tangled mess, I hear a rhythmic tapping sound from the French windows.

As I turn, I see Zayne standing there with a thin layer of snow on his hair. "The aurora?"

I always wondered what the Aurora would be like since Ive never seen one. I walked up to Zayne and sat beside him.

"Will there really be one tonight?" I asked.

"The weather forecast predicted heavy snowfall with cloudy skies, and the Kp index is low. It's unlikely we'll see an aurora."

"Then why did you..."

"When visiting for the first time, an aurora is required to make the trip worthwhile." He wipes snow off my hair. "Look, the snow has stopped." I liked to see its not snowing "Only at the very end will someone know if there is a watershed moment."

Until the very end... Yet Grandma and those researchers... They...

"But there are people who persist until the very end, only to be defeated."

"I meant the aurora."


Then I noticed a place behind Zayne "What's that over there?" I pointed to it.

Zayne turned to see "Mt. Eternal."

"Oh... I remember. It had an anomalous Protofield a few years back. Dr. Noah chose to live here in the Arctic. For your research project, right?"

"Not necessarily." I noticed his frown "My friend sacrificed himself during the Protofield anomaly that took place here."

That must've been hard for him "I see... I'm sorry..."

Zayne looks at me "Why are you apologizing?"

"Is there more to his sacrifice... Like a secret?"

"It was an accident. It's already in the past."

When Zaynes mentioned his friend I think of what it was like after loosing caleb he was my friend and it's still hard for me after loosing him along with grandma.

"..Do you think the pain caused by death can truly be forgotten with time?"

"It cannot. Time can't heal everything, nor can someone simply forget the pain.However, people can become accustomed to sorrow." He said looking at me.

"But time has helped you and Dr.
Noah find things worth living for, hasn't it?"

He didn't answer as he turned his face as he looked amazed "The aurora."

I turned to see the lights in the sky it was beautiful "You're right. An aurora is required to make an Arctic trip worthwhile. It's a shame we can only enjoy it for a few moments"

I turned to Zayne as he starts using his evol to build a little snowman. If you're sad, let this stay behind to appreciate the aurora in your place."

He gives it to me and I take it "Is that snowman supposed to be me? Are you going to stay in Snowcrest for a while longer?" I asked Zayne nods. Then I give it back to him "Well, I'll leave this with you, then.Will... the snowman remind you of me?"

"No" he takes it anyway. "However, when I do think of you, I'll just call."

"To give me more doctor's orders?
You're a dedicated physician." I joked.

"After you leave here and return home, you'll likely be quite busy." He said looking at the Aurora.

Yeah... Busy learning about the secrets of the Aether Core and Onychinus... then I looked at the Aurora as I leaned my head on his shoulder and touched his hand "Let's hope both of us can find the truth we seek."

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