Intro to PLL Next Generation

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Submit your own characters. You can make the kids any age you want. The kids can be related to both parents, adopted, or related to only one of the parents. A few examples of the kid being only related to one of the parents would be if Spencer had a kid with Andrew but ended up marrying Toby, Hanna has a kid with Travis but ends up with Caleb, or Aria has a kid with Ezra and ends up falling in love with Jake.

Submit the general things like parents names, their name, age, gender, personality, appearance, Relationship with the parents, Relationship with potential siblings, and relationships with the other liars potential kids. Also include some possible plot points in your submission.

You can create as many characters as you want. I will start this story as soon as I get enough submissions.

The Family's

Spencer and Toby

Hanna and Caleb

Aria and Jake

Emily and Allison

Cece and Jason

Melissa and Wren

Mona and Mike

I already have My characters but you are welcome to create more characters. You can create a relative of the Liars such as an Aunt or Uncle. You can create original charcters that are not related to any of the Liars as well.

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