Author's Note

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I wanted to thank you, all of my readers. I know times have been hard, especially what has happened. I wanted to thank those who have read my first story, Love Between Enemies. I will say each time I read my old story, I will cringe a little. I wrote that at the end of my middle school years up to my Freshman year of High School. My writing has improved a lot over the years. I don't think I will rewrite it since I have another series that will dive deep in the relationships that Soundwave and Arcee have and other characters. I will make an announcement when that is finished. But first this story. This story is finished, but I'll be posting three chapters a week, hopefully. Every week. I will try to post the chapters Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Now enough of my rambling, go and read this story. Vote for your favorite chapter and please comment on what you find enjoyable.

There will be some graphic scenes in the story. Most of them will be mild, but this is a warning. So beware while reading

P.S. While writing this story some of the timeline will be off, like in season 2 episode 1. It's hard to see that Miko would over stay her time in the United States when her exchange student status will only last one year, here in the US. So I hit the story in one school year. Hopefully, this will help understand why I did what I did.


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