Chapter 6

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"So does this mean you were both able to go back to the past?" Naoto asked as Takemichi was still crying.

"Yep" I answered, "I jumped from fives trees and three of those times I decked people in the face."

"You jumped that many times?" Takemichi asked as he whined.

"Yeah, I find many assholes that need a good kick to the head and face but none ever get fixed sadly" I sighed.

"Amazing, so a handshake is the trigger!" Naoto grinned.

"What the hell were you doing there, man!?" Takemichi complained.

"What I want to know is why you held a hand of a child at like midnight?" I asked since I know Naoto is a little younger than us.

"Any way that means my hypothesis wasn't wrong!" Naoto cheered.

"Yeah, good for you, I guess" Takemichi sulked.

"And now you are both back" Naoto mumbled "I now understand everything, so how did things go? You came back because something changed, right?"

I looked to Takemichi "I was in the park with Mikey and Draken so I'm confused" I admitted.

"Well.." He explained that he tried to take Tachibana's hand but grabbed Naoto's instead.

I was laughing while rolling across the floor as Naoto was freaking out "You need to take this seriously!"

I accidentally took down my iv drip with me "Mia, be careful" Naoto panicked and helped me up.

"Takemitchy got cock blocked at holding hands!" I started to laugh again "At the age of 26!!!"

"Oi!" He yelled offended.

"I'm going to hold her hand when we go back" I grinned and he sulked "Don't worry I will help you out at some point."

"There is something we know now because of the second trip you two took into the past" Naoto spoke up and he started to draw something complicated on a board "Your ability to time travel allows you both to return twelve years into the past at the same time."

"For example, today, if you were to go back into the past and if you come back here after spending a week there, a week would have also passed here" Naoto explained.

"So I was put into a coma like I yelled for" I laughed.

"Yes," Naoto mumbled "While you both were back in the past your bodies were in suspended animation."

"Wait, so we were dead?" Takemichi shivered.

"Awesome" I grinned.

"Very different reactions" Naoto commented "It means that only your empty shells remained here in the present."

"Ah, so that's how we were in suspended animation" Takemichi mumbled.

"Just say dead," I told him.

"No!" He rejected and hid under his bed.

"That's can be the result in the end" Naoto spoke up and Takemichi screeched hurting our ears "Its very dangerous so whenever you both go to time travel again we will make sure you are both in my room."

"So how did the mission to keep Sano and Kisaki from ever meeting go?" Naoto asked

"Well, I met Mikey thanks to Mia" Takemichi mumbled.

"So you call him Mikey as well" Naoto hummed.

"But listen to this, Naoto! Mikey is a delinquent but he's a really good guy!" Takemichi informed him

Fell from the sky // Mikey x oc (Tokyo Revengers)Where stories live. Discover now