Chapter 41

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"Where are we going?" Takemichi asked Draken and me, we just stared at him annoyed. "What?"

"You have asked five times now, how are you more annoying than Mia?" Draken groaned. "Anyway, we are going to our place, our home. It's just around the corner and I need to get a jacket for Mia since she was stupid enough not to wear one."

"If I wanted to be warm I would just go set something on fire." I sighed.

Draken pulled me along so I don't go off and cause another fire. "Just around the corner?" Takemichi asked. "But we are right in the middle of Shibuya."

"Oi, amnesia is not your thing, its Kazutora's!" I pointed at him since I have told him before that we live in a brothel.

We got to the building. "YOU LIVE HERE!?" Takemichi yelled.

"Do you ever shut up?" We both asked annoyed scaring him a little.

We went into the elevator and I had to pull Takemichi in since he was still scared to come near us.

"No fair, you two are total city people." Takemichi whined.

I tried to reach the button on the elevator but it's really high up. "Draken, ladder mood." I demanded, he went over to the buttons and I jumped up onto his back and slammed the 4th floor button.

"Anyway, we aren't city people, we are traumatised people." I informed Takemichi.

We got out to see one of the girls at the front desk. "Hey, boss, dad, dude who pitied us and got stuck with us!" I exclaimed seeing the one who runs the place, he was the one who took us in.

"Hello, Mia." He grinned seeing me and I was tapping Draken's head excitedly annoying him a little.

"Oh, sorry! I got the-" Takemichi panicked.

"Remember, I told you! We live in a brothel!" I yelled and smacked his head.

"When did you tell him?" Draken asked me.

"Twelve years in the future at another brothel run by a depressed sushi." I answered.

"We are home." Draken just ignored me as he walked out of the elevator.

"You're home early, Kenny Boy, Little Mia. You two are never gonna be good delinquents like that." One of the girls told us.

"I need to get some of these towels, give me a hand." The one who took us in demanded.

"Oh, and change the lightbulb in the break room." The girl added.

"Draken stay in ladder mode." I demanded.

"So you can do no work?" He looked up at me.

"No, so if I get electrocuted you go with me." I explained.

Draken groaned. "It seriously wouldn't hurt any of you to say please." Draken looked to Takemichi. "Sorry, just wait for us in the lobby for a bit."

"And don't make another mistake like you did with Emma." I added as Draken followed the girl, and he didn't duck so I slammed my head against the top of the doorway. "Bad ladder!"

"Shush squirrel." Draken demanded.

We helped out with changing the light and amazingly, I wasn't electrocuted.

We gave everyone their daily tissues for their jobs and other things I don't want to fucking know about.

When we went back we found Takemichi was gone. "Damn it!" I yelled and Draken was confused as I got down from his back.

"Who has the latest client?" I asked one of the girls.

"Remi." They answered.

"Thanks." I kicked in Remi's door. "Go, Draken! I don't want to see a dick that isn't my boyfriend's, and you're used to boobs and vaginas!"

Fell from the sky // Mikey x oc (Tokyo Revengers)Where stories live. Discover now