Chapter 22

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Naoto got a call from his work, they needed backup somewhere to help catch a fridge thief "Sorry, I got called into work" Naoto apologised.

"Can I come along? Being the third wheel is boring" I asked "I also want to see the loser that stole a fridge and hopefully get some taiyaki from that fridge to."

"Sure" He nodded.

"Huh?!" Takemichi yelled.

I got out with Naoto and he handed Hina his car keys "Hey Hina, let's hang out soon especially without Takemitchy" I grinned at her.

"Yeah, I would love to" She nodded.

I went with Naoto "Wait! Are you just leaving us here!?" Takemichi freaked out.

"You two need to talk things out, you're both adults now" Naoto reminded them.

"You're being scolded by a child" I laughed.

"I'm not a child" Naoto glared at me.

"Well, let's see you in action and I will judge" I grinned.

I went with him and I found out someone did steal a fridge but first they robbed a jewellery shop and then took the fridge from the break room "We are going to search for any evidence they left behind, could you stay outside, Mia?" Naoto asked of me.

"Okay, I'm going to find a tree to climb" I gave him a thumbs up then went off.

I did go to look for one but I found someone in a tree wearing all black "Hey, can I join you?" I asked.

"What? No, piss off!" He yelled at me.

"So, did you break a window recently? And eat the leftover pudding in the fridge then decided the fridge was your first friend and kidnapped it?" I asked, he then stared at me and I grinned.

He jumped down to make a run for it but I kicked his back when he landed, I pulled him along by his leg and picked up the bag of jewellery.

"Hey, Naoto! I found your man!" I kicked open the door of the jewellery store and accidentally broke the glass door "It was his fault" I pulled on the thief.

"No, it wasn't!" He yelled.

Naoto laughed and the other policemen looked speechless.

After that Naoto walked me to my place "I will get right into searching for where your brother is tomorrow and thank you for helping me again" Naoto grinned.

"Its fine, the guy wouldn't let me climb a tree so he deserved it" I explained.

"That's why you kicked him" Naoto laughed.

"This is my front door, thanks for walking me" I stopped in front of it.

"Of course, I will contact you once I find something or find out how those two went," Naoto told me.

"Hopefully Hina gathered up her courage since Takemitchy is just too much of a wreck with even just eating food" I sighed.

I opened my door then paused "Umm, Naoto!" I yelled since he was walking away towards the stairs.

"Did you forget something?" He stopped and turned to me.

"Did I? Anyway, I might need your couch" I spoke up.

"Why?" He asked me confused.

"Mine seems to be dead" I explained "My whole apartment is on fire."

"HUH!?" He yelled and ran over to see my couch burning and everything else is to but my couch doesn't deserve this.

"Let's put it o-" I stopped Naoto from running in "I got a better place to go!"

Fell from the sky // Mikey x oc (Tokyo Revengers)Where stories live. Discover now