Chapter 36

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I tripped up while chasing after Baji "Oi, dead body don't get in my wa-" Big problem, I see a dead Takemichi "Takemitchy is dead? What happens now?" I mumbled, "The Taiyaki Revengers isn't a bad name?"

"I'M NOT DEAD!!" Takemichi screeched and lifted up his head to show he was trying to leave a mark on the ground with his tears since he isn't able to leave a mark on anyone by punching.

"Then why are you on the floor? Do you want to get stepped on? You can't ask Hina to do that or you would get punched" I hummed "Oh, you got punched, didn't you? How was the flashback of your lame life?"

"I-well, I was punched" He mumbled and I pat his head as he sulked "I was crawling around so no one would notice me, I was looking for everyone else."

"Kazutora is fighting Mikey and Hanma is fighting Draken, as I mean Kazutora is running for it so he doesn't die and Ham is being cooked by a dragon, while I'm chasing Baji everywhere so I can keep him away from Kazutora but mostly so I can turn him into a pinata after this fight" I explained.

"Good idea" He mumbled.

"I know, right?" I grinned as I got up.

"Not the pinata part" He informed me.

"You got shit taste" I complained.

Takemichi then went missing so I just followed the sound of crying and found he was being dragged away by who must have been beating his ass beforehand, I just walked over to them "Pay attention!" He yelled at Takemichi.

"I think you need those words," I kicked the guy in the back when he went to punch Takemichi.

Takemichi fell to the floor in shock making me sigh since I need to go find Baji but I can't leave him like this "Stand up, Takemitchy" Mitsuya held out his hand to him.

"Mitsuya, you're a lifesaver!" Takemichi took his hand.

"Okay, I can happily abandon you now" I turned away.

"No, don't!" He grabbed me by my waist "You saved me to!"

"Mikey's nearby" I reminded him and he started to scream "Have your balls not dropped yet?"

Mitsuya pulled him off me "You dumbass! What the hell did you come here for? We're here to fight, asshole, you're part of the 2nd division, damn it, don't make Mia babysit you! Stay focused!"

"Yeah, don't forget what we are fighting for, my partner in time" I grinned.

He clenched his fists "Yeah, sorry Mia" He apologised then nearly cried when I punched two people who got close to us.

"Hey, puppy! Come here and babysit the wuss" I demanded.

Chifuyu came over then paused for a second realising he has gotten used to being called a puppy now "Crazy bitch..." He tried to come up with a nickname for me then started to shake from fear.

"Good nickname" I pat his head calming him down.

"You scared?" Chifuyu asked Takemichi and they are both shaking scared making me laugh "Just keep your eye on the enemy in front of you, partner."

"Hey, he's my partner" I squished Chifuyu's cheeks.

"Mia" He whined "We are your underlings" He declared with pride and grinned.

"Yes under me always while Mikey is on top" I nodded.

"And Draken is always above you" Mitsuya smirked at me.

"Oh, do you want to be in the same state as your eyebrows?" I asked and he laughed.

Takemichi punched someone shocking all of us, he did bounce back from the force and hit the floor but he finally did something useful after so many chapters.

Fell from the sky // Mikey x oc (Tokyo Revengers)Where stories live. Discover now