Chapter 40

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I made it to Baji's grave after smashing into a brick wall that got in my way after jumping from a tree, "Who put that wall there?" I complained.

I found Chifuyu there at Baji's grave, I think it's his new home.

I put down a charm I brought, "It helps with studying" I smirked then prayed for Baji.

Chifuyu tried to look at me but I just sat down with my back to his, "You even try to look at me I will blame you for my tears and a hungry Mikey will be after you" I warned him and he immediately looked forward.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"I feel lost, what the hell am I supposed to do now?" Chifuyu cried.

"I'm lost to" I admitted and hugged him from behind, "Maybe we should eat a whole lot of Peyang so he gets jealous and haunts us."

Chifuyu laughed, "I would love to see his face."

I sat with my back against Chifuyu's again, "Wanna tell me about how you two met? Did he adopt you from some school?" I asked.

"I wasn't adop-" He paused making me laugh, "Well in school I just beat up anyone and anything, I found delinquents lame and wanted to be the number one."

"So you wanted to be the lamest?" I asked, "Well you're getting there."

"Mia" He whined as I laughed.

"You're actually close to being the cutest but Mikey has that on check, so how did you two meet?" I asked.

"I heard someone was somehow held back a year in middle school, I went to beat up the delinquent before they got full of themselves" Chifuyu explained.

"You believed someone couldn't be stupid enough to be held back in middle school, right?" I asked.

"Yep," He nodded.

It was silent, "Then I/you met Baji" We both spoke up at the same time making us both laugh.

"He had his hair slick back with gel and glasses on so I thought he was a nerd" Chifuyu informed me.

"He asked me for advice on how to get smart, I said to try to look it since there's no hope for him and hopeful the teachers will just pity him and let him pass" I explained.

"Oh, they did pity him until he punched them" Chifuyu sighed.

"I left him alone then got curious about him so I went back to find out he's really dumb, I helped him out and he was writing a letter to Kazutora" Chifuyu explained, then got all dramatic, "Then when I was on my way home, I was jumped by 20 guys, I did my best to fight them off but-"

"The guy with the mop was too much" I added with a dramatic tone.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW!?" He yelled all flustered.

"Baji told me all about a cute puppy he saved and how he had to feed them by splitting his peyang with them" I grinned.

"Well, there goes the whole story" Chifuyu complained.

"Thanks" I spoke up and he was confused, "Thank you for being with Baji, he was all alone."

"It was nothing really, I should be thanking him" He admitted, "Can I ask you something?"

"No, you can't have my taiyaki" I rejected.

"Not that" Chifuyu laughed then went silent, "How many times have you dealt with death? You seem really used to it or at least understand the pain that comes with it."

"I...about two deaths" I lied, "Then there's my own" I laughed and he was confused.

"But the hardest one I had was of someone really really precious, the kind of person you would only get once in a lifetime, they died without me even being there or knowing the state they were in, the sheer loneliness and guilty after just consumed me so I just closed up, then, later on, I noticed I lost everything else and was all alone" I admitted, "That's why I cling more onto the people close to me so they can't leave like before."

Fell from the sky // Mikey x oc (Tokyo Revengers)Where stories live. Discover now