Chapter 76

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Mikey got back up and went to do the same kick again making Izana sigh. "Didn't I say you are easily readable?" Izana blocked his kick and punched him in the face.

Mikey didn't fall back, though. "Let me ask you one thing, why did you try to kill our sister?" Mikey asked him. "You know that would hurt me, but it also hurt Mia."

"Mia remember back then, when you were my friend?" Izana asked me and everyone looked over to me as I remembered to when I first met him.

"Hey, Mia. Can you do me a little favour?" Shinichiro asked me when he came to visit the brothel. Many of the workers tried to attack him when he approached me until they found out who he was.

"No, I won't act like your sister again, so you can try and pick up girls then they pick me up instead." I rejected and he pouted.

"I meant could you come with me to meet a boy?" Shinichiro asked.

"A boy who has taiyaki?" I asked.

"No, but he's a little older than you." He answered, and I went to close the door to my room on him.

"I will buy you taiyaki!" He yelled and I grinned making him sigh. "You are identical to Mikey."

"Best minds think alike," I told him, and I went to get my shoes.

I then ran out after putting them on and fell. "Mia, tie your laces!" Draken yelled from somewhere.

"You do that often?" Shinichoro laughed since Draken just knew what had happened from the sound of me hitting the ground.

"No, he just knows what the sound of me hitting the ground is like," I explained then he did my laces for me.

"He's actually not here we need to go to another country." He informed me surprising me. I was excited to go while Draken was terrified when we told him the news.

For the entire time leading up to the flight, I was on the phone to Draken and then I had to change it to text since we can't call while on the plane. We were asked to turn our phones off at some point, so I just hid under a blanket while Shinichiro pretended he was asleep making the flight attendant give up on checking on us.

"Very ugly sleeping." I gave Shinichiro a thumbs up.

"I'm not faking it anymore." He informed me.

"Oh, that's your normal face?" I hummed. "Bad luck for you."

Shinichiro laughed as I kept texting Draken so I felt safe and knew I was alright since I still wasn't to good with separation, but I had improved a lot.

When we did get there, Shinichiro took me to an orphanage. "This is the kind of place I'm supposed to be in," I mumbled.

"Hey, are you going to try and pick up the girls here with sweets since you can't get ones your age?" I asked Shinichiro. He just stared at the sky probably praying to god to help him get a girlfriend.

"No, what made you think that?" He asked me.

"That's what Mikey did with me," I explained and he paused then laughed loudly. 

"He did ask me for advice on how to approach a girl. I asked him what he had heard you talk about most often." Shinichiro informed me.

"Taiyaki?" I asked.

"No, he said stalking." He answered. "Then I told him he might want to leave you alone. He started to sulk saying he can't let you go and needs to have you look at him like you do with taiyaki."

"I have an awesome boyfriend!" I exclaimed. "Oh, sorry to brag forever alone man."

Shinichiro held my nose shut like that was going to stop me from insulting and I just laughed.

Fell from the sky // Mikey x oc (Tokyo Revengers)Where stories live. Discover now