Chapter 52

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I groaned as Chifuyu isn't shutting up about how he doesn't want to work with Kisaki. "Then go home!" I yelled at him. "You're being a yappy bitch, are you a horny dog or something?! Do I need to get you a girlfriend? That's even more impossible than time travelling."

"No!" Chifuyu blushed. "I'm just annoyed that Takemitchy said so casually that maybe we can't win."

"If you had his strength, you would to." I explained.

"I see." Chifuyu nodded and I did to while Takemichi was glaring at us.

"Mia, you won't hurt Kisaki, right?" Takemichi asked me. "What exactly is your plan?"

"Oh, I will be revealing all the messed up stuff he will do this time to Mikey and get Kisaki kicked out." I explained and he looked happy. "And he will have to be kicked out because after the beating I will give him, he won't be able to walk or crawl out himself."

"No! Hurting him is wrong! You can't just hurt people like that!" Takemichi yelled. I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him closer to my face shocking them both.

"Have you forgotten what happened to us because of that thing?" I hissed annoyed since I feel like his will to change things has disappeared and he doesn't even want to hurt the guy, after all, he's done.

"Remember Hina's burning dead body?! She was stuck in that car waiting for death because of him! Draken is in prison, and I had to be stuck with his death for years! Mikey had to watch me die! I had to die in his arms! I can't forgive Kisaki, so of course, I want to hurt him! Even kill him!" I yelled then loosened my hold.

"But I will only hurt him, if I killed I would lose Mikey again. I just don't want Kisaki to be around my family. Kisaki can still try and take away what I was just barely able to get back because god spat some power on us." I let him go.

Takemichi then patted my head. "I'm sorry, I don't have taiyaki right now."

"You better be." I pouted then grinned.

"Are they going to fight?" We heard some adults mumble.

"I can fight you." I grinned at them and Takemichi jumped in the way. "Your short I can see them still unlike those supposedly real stop signs."

"There's one there." Chifuyu pointed one out.

"No, it's a sign from god telling you to stop existing." I corrected him and he sighed.

"I really want to focus on stopping Hakkai from killing Taiju." Takemichi spoke up. "I haven't forgotten anything. I don't want to see a bad future for us ever again, so I will work with Kisaki if I have to."

"Got it." I threw my arm around his neck. "Takemitchy, I'm relying on you to stop Hakkai, got it? I need to use my phone as a horse to eat the hay and get it out of Toman." I asked of him.

"Yes!" He exclaimed.

"Jeez, I got no luck with the ladies this Christmas again." Chifuyu exclaimed showing he will work with us.

"You're with the best lady for the night." I grinned. "Actually, how do I explain this to Mikey? Oh, no...cry? Die? Takemitchy, I need your help with the first one, that's your speciality, mine is the last one."

"You two are so lucky to have someone." Chifuyu walked off.

"You're not having Mikey!" I yelled.

"I don't want him!" He retorted.

We went to find the shiniest things in Tokyo. "Kisaki, get your ass here!" I yelled. "And don't add any more gold you're to shiny! It's distracting us from your face, but you would get hit by a truck if you're too shiny!" I grinned at the amazing idea.

Fell from the sky // Mikey x oc (Tokyo Revengers)Where stories live. Discover now