Chapter 2

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Your POV

"You're here again!!!!!" Dadan yelled at me.
"Is (__) here!!" Luffy cheered excitedly. I looked at the space between the door and Dadan to find Luffy near the end of the house next to Ace. When he saw me, his grin grew even more then before. Then his arms stretched. "Wait his arms stretched!?" I thought to myself. Next thing I know his arms are wrapped around me waist and I was being pulled across the room to him. "KYA!!!!" I screamed as I was suddenly flung into Luffy crashing into his body, a little too hard for my liking.
"(__)!!!" Luffy yelled from under me. I got up from on top of him and started questioning him.
"Luffy are you a devil fruit user!?" I asked.
"Yup." He answered. I was completely amazed. To think I would meet a devil fruit user and it just so happened to be Luffy. I started pulling his cheeks to see him stretch again and he did.
"Wow so cool." I gasped still pulling on his face.
"Hey Dadan just let the kid stay. It's not like she is any trouble." Dogra said.
"Yeah plus she's nice, polite, and cute. It's a nice breather from all these men here." Magra added.
"Fine one more time you here!"

Although she said one more time it didn't really end like that. I came over every day eating dinner with them and playing in the forest with them and Raja (the tiger from before). It was a lot of fun playing with Luffy and Ace although they did tend to get into a lot of trouble with the villagers but everyone still loved them. Anytime someone would pick on Luffy me and Ace would come in to help him. Dadan and the other bandits even grew to like me more. Dadan even stoped complaining about me being there. Actually I think she may have liked me more considering the way she always relied on me to take care of the boys and she was a lot nicer to me. I didn't know it yet but today was different then other days because it was the day I was going to meet someone really important.


Everyone was eating happily until there was a knock on the door. Dadan ignored it but the person knocked again even louder this time. Eventually Dadan got fed up with the knocking and got up to yell at the person.
"CAN'T YOU TELL WHEN is ignoring you..." she started to get quieter towards the end of her rant. She seemed to actually be a little bit scared because she started sweating and shaking excessively.
"Umm why does Dadan look so scared?" I asked.
"That's cause the old man is back." Ace replied.
"Old man?" I repeated to myself.
"G-Garp!" Dadan yelled. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see my grandkids of course. You are taking care of them right?"
"Of course they are perfectly healthy."
Wait he said grandkids he must be taking about Luffy and Ace. I can't believe I get to meet there grandfather. But why is Dadan so scared of him.
"There you guys are." The old man said but was ignored by the duo. They just kept eating away without even sparing the man a glance. "Don't ignore your grandfather like that." He yelled punching them on the head and making them spit there food out.
"What's wrong with you old man we were eating!" Ace complained.
"ITAIII!!! I'm rubber why does that hurt." Luffy complained holding his head. I noticed that there grandfather was wearing was wearing a Marine outfit with the coat hanging on his shoulders. I immediately thought of the name that Ace told me.
Garp. It took me second to think about who he was.
"Marine Hero Garp!" I shouted out loud causing him, Luffy, and Ace to look at me.
"You know the old man?" Luffy asked.
"Of course I do. He's in the history books. He's known as the Garp the fist or Garp the Marine Hero. He's known for defeating Chinjao and destroying his pointy shaped head. He also defeated Shiki the Gold Lion with help of Sengoku after he invaded Marineford. And he is most famously known for cornering and fighting with the Pirate King Gol D. Rodger numerous times." I explained.
"Wow you are quite a smart girl. To think you would know all that at such a young age." Garp grinned laughing. "You're way to cute and smart to be with my boys."
"Thank you very much."
"What do you mean by that old man." Ace complained earning him another hit from Garp's fist of love.
"So are you living here with them too? Dadan doesn't normally like kids." Garp asked curiously.
"I don't live here but I do come everyday around dinner time." I explained.
"Oh so you're a close friend?" He asked.
"Yes they are like my family." I replied with a smile. Making Ace and Luffy blush slightly but again I didn't notice,
"If you're there family then you're my mine too. Call me Gramps." He grinned again before laughing loudly.
"Gramps." I repeated quietly to myself. I kind of like the sound of that. I've never had that before.
"When you grow up your going to be fine Marine with these two." Garp smiled patting my head.
"A Marine?" Luffy and Ace marines. All they talk about it is becoming pirates. Maybe they keep it a secret from Garp.
"Hey don't try to make (__) into a Marine. The three of us are going to be pirates." Luffy yelled. Or maybe not.
"Like hell you are you!! You are going to grow up to become Marines!" Garp retorted.
"In your dreams." Ace said
"No way!! Tell him (__)." Luffy replied.
"Actually I never said anything about becoming a pirate with you guys."
"(__) you're abandoning us!!" Luffy pouted sadly.
"No I just never said anything about become a pirate."
"Good job (__), I'm proud of you." Garp said while rubbing his hand on my hair. "But these two idiots still need to learn a lesson." Next thing I know Luffy is getting chased by Garp. After a few punches Garp finally sat down and ate with us. Even though he's tough I could tell that he lived Ace and Luffy very much.

3rd POV

The four of them enjoyed there meal together with smiles, talking and laughing until all three kids got way too tried to continue any further. Instead of leaving the (h/c) haired girl ended up falling asleep with Ace and Luffy. Luffy was sleeping facing upwards with his arms and legs everywhere. (__) was next to Luffy sleeping on her side but facing the other way as her hands were holding Ace's arm close to her as Ace was laying on his back snoring. Near the door a certain Marine was watching the trio sleeping with loving eyes. He loved the sight of all three kids sleeping happily. They were so young and so happy. So many things waited them and he only hoped they would get through it all in this cruel world.


Days have passed since Garp's visit. The trio were having as much fun as ever. After dinner one day they decided to go to the beach because the (e/c) eyed girl wanted to see the ocean up close and personal. Once they got there the girl started to bend down and rub the sand against her fingers.
"It feels cold but nice." (__) stated.
"Hey (__) look what I drew!!!" A certain straw hat yelled. He was happily pointing at a a drawing in the sand. It appeared to be a face with what seemed like hair coming out of its head but Ace and (__) couldn't exactly figure that out because of Luffy's lack of art skills.
"Is it a monster?" Ace asked.
"No it's (__)! That's her eyes and mouth and hair." Luffy explained pointing at the different features.
"So I was right it is a monster." Ace replied earning him a hit on the head from the (h/c) haired girl.
"I love it Luffy it looks nice." (__) smiled pulling Luffy into a hug. After that the trio started playing in the sand and in the water until it eventually got dark. Ace and (__) were sitting down on the sand enjoying the view of the ocean while Luffy was sleeping on (__) shoulder. It was a cloudy night but they could still see the ocean because of the light from the moon. They could here the peaceful sound of the waves crashing into the sound.  It was a beautiful scene but what made it even better was the moon itself. For tonight was a rare night. It was a full super moon meaning the moon was larger then any other night before.
"Hey Ace what do you think the rest of the world is like?" (__) asked still staring at the sea.
"Full of adventures I bet." Ace answered.
"Probably. I would love to see what's out there. All the different people and animals I bet it would be fun."
"Then why don't you go when your older?"
"My father would never let me leave no matter how badly I wanted to. " She had a sad look in her eye that didn't go unnoticed by the raven haired boy next to her. It hurt him to see (__) look so sad when she was normally cheerful and full of energy. He wanted to find a way to cheer her up and make her smile again.
"Then when I grow up and find my crew I'll come back here and take you with me. I'll tell your dad I'm kidnapping you so he can't stop me." The (e/c) eyed girl pulled her orbs from the ocean and stared at Ace in disbelief.
"Promise?" She asked nervously.
They stared at each other for a while before Ace pulled his eyes away and looked at the ocean. The girl stared at the side of Ace's face with a smile. Then she leaned in closer to Ace and planted a kiss on his cheeks. The black haired boy began to blush furiously from the girl's actions.
"W-what are you doing!?" He asked touching the cheek she kissed him in his hands.
"Thanking you. Aww look your blushing." The girl teased.
"No I'm not." Ace said facing away from the girl again too embarrassed to look her in the eye.
"Aww you don't have to hide it." She giggled.
"I'm not hiding anything!"
"Yeah right."

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