Chapter 43

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3rd POV

"(__) wake up." Nami said shaking (__) gently.
"It's morning already." (__) said rubbing her eyes. (__) gently removed Luffy's arms away from her so she could get up. She place Snowballs on the empty space next to Luffy.
"You must have had a good sleep," Robin said with her usual smile.
"Yeah, I'm just happy to see Luffy again."
"I can't believe you slept in here. Tonight you're sleeping with us. We can't leave you here with these guys." Nami said.
"I'm not sure how Luffy's going to like that," Robin said giggling at the thought.
"Well that's too bad," Nami said with her hands on her hip and (__) just laughed. She couldn't help but find it funny how backward this crew was. The three girls stopped talking when they heard something come from across the room. They walked over to the sound of the noise which led them to Sanji's bed. Sanji was hugging his pillow with a perverted look on his face and a small nosebleed.
"(__)-chwannn I'll be gentle!!"
Robin giggled, (__) tilted her head confused at what he was dreaming about, and Nami's eyebrows were twitching as she lifted her fist to her face.
"WAKE UP YOU PERVERT!!!!!!" Nami yelled hitting Sanji hardly on the head.
"Hey, what th-." Sanji began but stopped when he noticed the three girls. When his eyes fell upon (__) he lost control. (__) was still in her pj's which didn't really cover much. Only one sleeve was on her shoulder while the other one draped on her arms giving him a good view of part of her breasts. The shirt also went to cover the uppermost parts of her thighs. (Image at top)
"Oh no Sanji are you alright!" (__) said worriedly when she saw his nosebleed only got worse.
"I swear he's such an idiot!" Nami said annoyed. She grabbed (__) hand and dragged her outside with Robin following behind.

After Chopper helped Sanji and everyone was up they all went down for breakfast. Nami had let (__) borrow some of her clothes because she only had like three outfits with her. She changed into a tight white shirt that perfectly showed her curves. The straps wrapped around her neck and there was a bow right in the middle of her chest. To match she had on a black skirt with white sandals

(__) sat between Zoro and Sanji keeping the two from fighting

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(__) sat between Zoro and Sanji keeping the two from fighting.
"So Sanji what were you dreaming about?" (__) asked making Sanji's face turn red.
"Oh my you're so innocent (__)," Robin said giggling.
"Don't you dare say a word!" Nami yelled. "Don't ruin her innocence!"
"Wait what are you guys talking about? I want to know." (__) said.
"I want to know too!" Luffy said and Chopper agreed.
"Well if you really want to know I can tell you," Robin said with a smile.
"Please don't," Nami begged and Robin giggled.
"Of course you would have a dream like that," Zoro said causing a fight between the two to break out.
"What is wrong with them." (__) said sighing. Nami got annoyed and yelled at the two to stop. Once everyone was done eating they all went to do their own things. Franky was working, Robin was reading her book, Zoro was sleeping, Nami was navigating, and Luffy, Chopper, And Usopp were playing on the deck. (__) was in the kitchen with Sanji.
"Here let me help you." (__) said going up to where Sanji was.
"No, I can't ask you to waste your time on something like this." Sanji refused politely.
"This isn't a waste of my time and I'm helping whether you like it or not." Sanji sighed knowing he could never deny a woman what she wants to do. "There's actually something I wanted to ask you." (__) said as she dried the plates.
"What is it (__)-chwan?"
"Umm, can you teach me how to cook?"
"You want me!?" Sanji said surprised.
"Yeah. I don't know why I never thought about asking sooner. You're a great cook and I'm awful. The first time I cooked was with Mihawk and I somehow ended up burning his kitchen."
"I would love to help you (__)-chwan. Do you want to start once we're done?"
"Yeah!" And so the two did just that. Sanji said he wanted to see what skills (__) already had so he asked her to make curry. He stayed to watch how she did things. Although the moment she started he already saw a big mistake. She was cutting the veggies in half and then throwing them in the pot.
"Wait a minute that's not how your suppose to do it," Sanji said stopping her.
"What do you mean I cut it like it said." (__) said pointing to the veggies with her knife.
"You're supposed to cut it more than that and you have to be more gentle." (__) tilted her head confused. Sanji went over to help her out. He turned her around so she was facing the cutting board while he stood behind pressing his body against her back. (__) immediately started blushing as she could feel her back get warmer from Sanji's heat. He wrapped his hands around her so that one hand was on (__) hand holding the knife and the other held the veggie. He moved her hand so she properly cut the vegetables.
"This is how you do it. You shouldn't be too rough with it." (__) only nodded as she was still blushing and was slightly amazed by Sanji's calmness. For the short time, she knew him she already could tell he goes crazy around woman. It was surprising to her.
"He must take cooking very seriously." (__) thought to herself.
"Are you alright (__)?" Sanji's asked worriedly.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine." Sanji continued to help (__) until around lunchtime. Of course, they took breaks here and there. Sanji went out on the deck to ask Luffy to fetch some Octopus while (__) went down to the aquarium where Nami and Robin were.
"So (__) you and Sanji," Nami said with a smirk.
"Me and Sanji what?"
"Oh come don't try to hide it from us."
"Our lovely cook has completely swept you away with his charms," Robin added.
"Wait a minute it's not like that!" (__) said getting embarrassed.
"Mhm sure. So if it isn't you and Sanji is it Zoro?" Nami asked with a smirk.
"Wait Zoro!? Why would you even think that!"
"He stares at you that's why," Robin answered.
"Stares at me? You guys must be imagining these things." That's when the three girls noticed Usopp swimming in the aquarium. It looked as if he was trying to catch the octopus, however, it didn't turn out that way.
"Oh no is he alright?" (__) asked worriedly when she saw Usopp covered in octopus. Nami shouted something so that Luffy and Chopper could help him out. Once Usopp was saved the three guys noticed a barrel with a sign saying treasure on it floating in the sea so they pulled it on the deck. That's when the three girls came back up on deck to find the boys celebrating.
"Pity it's probably just some old booze and reserved food," Nami said.
"Hey you can't see inside, how do you know?" Luffy yelled annoyed. Then (__) explained to Luffy that it was a treasure offering to the gods and what that was.
"Wow, who says booze is trash lets drink it," Zoro said.
"Of course you would want to drink it." (__) said giggling. Usopp got scared because he thought it was bad karma so Nami told him to pray first. Everyone got excited to open the barrel so they could try the booze. They were shocked to find a red flare shoot out when Luffy opened it.
"It looks like a signal flare. Perhaps it's a prank but if it's not then we just alerted someone of where we are." Robin said scaring Usopp and Chopper. Nami then realized that a storm was coming so she ran yelling the crew commands to avoid it. As the crew was working (__) just sat down not knowing what to do to help. Franky used station 0 to use the paddle ship to help guide the ship out of the storm. (__) was surprised as she has never seen a ship do something like that.

"Umm, you guys I have bad news." (__) said causing the crew to face her.
"What is it?" Nami asked a little scared.
"Well, you guys happened to paddle right into the Devil's Sea. It's known also as the Sea of Ghosts because many ships go missing here, never to return." Chopper and Usopp were shaking at this news as Luffy just smiled.
"I hear there's zombies and skeletons here," Luffy said laughing only scaring Usopp more. The rest of the guys joined in on tormenting Usopp with scary rumors. Then everyone heard what seemed to sound like singing.
"I wonder what this is." (__) said. Behind the Sunny appeared a large destroyed ship.
"IT'S A GHOST SHIP!!!!!!!!"  Everyone stared at it surprised with a mix of fear, Well everyone but (__). She was just in awe and a little excited. Nami, Chopper, and Usopp started screaming while covering their ears.

"So can you cut ghosts?" Zoro asked.
"Of course not their ghosts." (__) answered.
"Look on the deck," Sanji said while holding his cigar. Everyone looked to where Sanji was referring to, to find a skeleton with an afro holding a cup of tea.
"Did you see that there's a singing skeleton on that ship," Luffy said amazed. Usopp denied ever seeing it.
"Can we go! I wonder if he sings what else can he do!" Luffy said with stars in his eyes. Luffy was about to leave until Sanji stopped him saying he can't go alone. Zoro held out a group of sticks which seems to scare Nami, Usopp, and Chopper while (__) was confused.
"What's that for?" (__) asked.
"To pick who goes with Luffy," Zoro explained. Nami, Chopper, and Usopp all protested against this.
"Fine then stay," Zoro said walking away. That's when the trio saw that all the strong people were getting ready to leave with Luffy.
"Wait we'll draw, just please don't go."
"Why'd it have to be me?" Nami said crying on all fours.
"Don't worry Nami everything will be fine." (__) said as she climbed the rope ladder.
"(__)-chwan, Nami-swan don't worry about a thing you're sweet prince will be here to protect you!" Sanji said with hearts in his eyes.
"Look he's there." (__) pointed out noticing the skeleton.
"My good afternoon, Yohohoho!! Thank you all for stopping by. You must excuse me for not greeting you properly before. I really was quite surprised. With so many years you see wondering these seas all alone that I'm so used to ghost ships that human frighten me. Quite ironic isn't it. But please come inside and take a seat, I bet you have many tales to share."
"Look he can talk. It's a singing talking afro skeleton!!" Luffy yelled with a smile.
"Wow, that's so cool!" (__) said amazed. The skeleton turned around and faced (__)
"Oh my, what a charming young woman you are. More beautiful than anyone I have ever seen."
"Who me?" (__) asked pointing to herself.
"I'm all eyes for ladies like you. Or I would be if skeletons had eyes. Yohoho!!" The skeleton said as he tidied himself up. "Could you perhaps, show me your panties."
"No way!!!" (__) yelled hitting him on the skull.
"How dare you ask my goddess that!!" Sanji yelled pissed.
"That hurt me right down to the bone because I'm a skeleton you see."  Luffy just laughed and then asked him a weird question.
"Hey do skeletons poop?" Sanji got mad at this and yelled at him.
"Oh yes, I poop." This made Sanji yell at the skeleton and then questioned him.
"Hey hold on I got a question for you. Will you join our crew?" Luffy said crossing his arms. Nami and Luffy looked at hi surprised at what they were hearing while (__) just giggled.
"Yes certainly."

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