Chapter 95

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(__) POV

Law and I took Luffy with us to protect him while the Gyats guy started climbing the mountain.
"Alright, everyone!!! It won't be much longer!!" Gyats announced from a safe ledge on the cliff. "Our Star will return! Everyone do you remember?! Yes, I remember. About that funny and bold star who burst into the scene in the tournament at the Corrida Colosseum today!! I remember! He tamed the killer bull that everybody feared and mowed down the towering giant! He even knocked down the living legend, Don Chinjao! He's the little gladiator who made the Colosseum... I mean, the whole of Dressrosa bubble over with excitement! I've never before seen anyone fight so freely and make a competition as thrilling as he did!! His name is... Lucy!! Yes! He's Lucy! But that was just his temporary alias. His real name is... the pirate- STRAW HAT LUFFY!!!!! Since we've been fooled by and been under the control of a pirate, maybe it's hard for us to trust another pirate! But, he's different from the Donquixote Family who appeared in disguise as heroes on that night a decade ago!! Straw Hat Luffy is someone that the real king, King Riku-sama, called our hope!! He fought Doflamingo earlier to within an inch of defeat!! He's now knocked out after getting hurt in the battle but it's not over yet! Dance with joy, Dressrosa! Lucy, promised me, that he'll knock out Doflamingo... with a single blow!!!!!"
Everyone started cheering at Gyats announcement.
"Are you listening, Doflamingo?!?! You puppeteered our king, deceived the world, and stayed here in Dressrosa as a false king! This is the place where you'll receive your punishment!! With all your effort, we successfully delayed the constriction of the Bird Cage! It wine be long before Lucy, the Star was born in the Colosseum, comes back!! Hold on until that moment!!!!"
Out of nowhere the strength I had gotten back from that glowing light vanished.
"I know. I feel it too."
"Finally!! Lucy will come back in ten seconds! He should be listening somewhere! Call out the name of the Star!!"
"Lucy! Lucy! Lucy! Lucy! Lucy!"
In the secluded area we were at I could hear the chant of the townspeople as they called their hero's name. Luffy gaining some strength back managed to pick himself up.
"Three seconds left!!" Gyats announced.
"Two... One... ZERO!!!!"

3rd POV

Doflamingo laughed seeing that their hero, which they were calling out for, had not appeared. The crowd hit silent again and Doflamingo turned his attention back to Viola and Rebecca. He had Viola's arms strung above her head while Rebecca was behind controller by his string. He forced Rebecca to raise her sword and run to Viola. Rebecca charged at Viola with her sword in hand. Right when she was above her she swung her sword down but instead of hitting Viola the blade broke in half. Viola has switched places with Luffy thanks to Law's powers.
"There he is!!! Gyats yelled through the speaker snail.
"Lucy! Lucy! Lucy! Lucy! Lucy!"
"Now please, Lucy, knock him out with a single blow!!"

Doflamingo sent his Haki covered string at Luffy striking him right in the stomach. He went to attack Rebecca next by Law used his shambles to help her escape.
"Hmph. There you are." Doflamingo said turning his head to where (__) and Law were. "Well, watch closely. As your hope gets crushed."
Doflamingo touched the ground turned the entire area into string. Luffy's arms and legs sweet being held down by his string. He then sent arrows like strings at Luffy and Luffy countered by covering his stomach in Haki. After a couple of hits by the string one eventually pierced him.
"Did you really regain your Haki, Lucy?" Doflamingo teased as Luffy continued to get hit by his string. Doflamingo then sent more string to Luffy that sent him crashing into the mountain side. Doflamingo raises his strings in the air and sent it crashing down to Luffy. Luffy was hit so hard that there was now a large hole in the mountain with Luffy laying down within it. Luffy suddenly felt his body start to move without him willing it to. Doflamingo controlled Luffy and forced him to walk to him.
"I can't believe you're still alive! Should I impale you or let you and your friends kill each other? All those fools, they should have stayed in my cage and submitted to my manipulation." Doflamingo said.
"Cage? Manipulation?"
Humans are mere scum. They only deserve to live when I, who possess the divine power, was manipulating them. Deserved to live as scum. But you guys cut those puppet strings! And this is what it comes to. If you guys hadn't done such unnecessary things, I wouldn't have had to carry out a massacre like this!"
"Enough... enough already!! Luffy yelled still walking over to Doflamingo.  Luffy covered his arm in Haki and brought it up to his mouth.
"Do it again?" Doflamingo said.
Luffy blew on his arm and his body grew larger in size as he turned into his Bounce Man form.
"Gear Fourth!" Luffy said breaking the string that controlled him.
"You've only got a little bit of strength left. How long can you stay in that form?" Doflamingo asked.
Luffy did nothing to answer. Instead, he flew up into the sky.
"He chose to fight me in the air? He's got a lot of nerve!" Doflamingo said. He too flew up in the air with his string following him. He only stopped when a little below Luffy.
"Mingo!!!!" Luffy yelled. "You always try to strangle everything within your hands and try to manipulate everybody!" He yelled remembering everything he's seen on this island. "It makes me feel like I'm suffocating!!!"
"Blame your own birthright! You all, who were born as trash are only fit to be manipulated! You humans and I are different!!"
"Shut up! I'll kick your ass and get out of here!!" Luffy declared retracting his arm.
"Do your worst, brat! Spiderweb!!!"
Luffy blew on his arm causing it get even larger then before and more of his body became covered in Haki.
"King Kong..."
"If your don't obey, I'll just kill you! Sixteen Holy Bullets God Thread!!!"
Sixteen razor sharp string came out Luffy and Luffy flew down towards it at top speed.
The strings and Luffy's punch clashed releasing Haki everywhere as the wind blew furiously. They pushed against each other trying to beat the other. The townspeople all cheered Luffy one as they watched the struggle continue.
"I'll destroy everything!!" Doflamingo said as he increased the power of his string. Some of them pierced Luffy's fist but he ignored that as he pushed even harder against the string.
"LUFFY!!!!!!" (__) yelled out. "BEAT HIM!!!!!"
Luffy finally overpowered Doflamingo's string break it along with the spiderweb barrier he set up earlier. Doflamingo was punched right in the face sending him flying down to the ground so hard and fast that the ground cracked and part of the city flew in the air.
"He did it...he beat him."

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