Chapter 65

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(__) POV

"It feels like it's starting to pick up speed." Someone said about the ocean. When we looked behind us a tsunami was headed our way coming out of seemingly nowhere.
"Stupid tsunami. No way in hell I'm going to let myself lose to that damn thing. I'm getting to Ace and saving him!" Luffy yelled. Why on Earth is he yelling at wave? He really worries me sometimes.
"Bring in the sails. We're going to ride the tsunami!" Jinbe said.
"That moron is going to get us all killed. I'm not ready to die yet! Turn around, give me the wheel!" Buggy yelled as he pulled on the steering wheel.
"And you call yourselves pirates. It's common sense amateurs. If we turn around now the wave will strike the side of the ship and we'll capsize. Riding is out only option." Crocy said.
"Hold on tight!" Jinbe said. I grabbed on to the railing with Crocy's arms around my waist supporting me as the ship began to be pulled into the wave. After a lot of swaying the ship jumped out on top of the wave riding it safely until it completely froze out of nowhere. Okay, what just happened?
"That is messed up." Buggy yelled as he ran to the edge of the ship. "I mean at least we're not dead but what are we supposed to do? Take an ice pick to this thing."
"Just take a look below the answer's clear enough," Crocy said now off the ship and at the edge of the frozen wave.
"The battles already started without us," Ivankov said running to the edge with Jinbe.
"Hey, guys listen up I got an idea that will get us down there. We got less than three hours to work with so this is our best chance to get there before Ace gets executed." Luffy said. I can't believe it Luffy came up with a plan. I thought the day would never come when Luffy actually used his brain.
"Uh-huh go on." Buggy said and Luffy explained his crazy plan. "Are you mad!?!?!? You wanna slide all the way down this frozen wave so we can go to the sea!!!!"
"I should have known he'd come up with something like that," I said out loud. I'm sorry Luffy for giving you to much credit.
"Uh-huh that's it but first we have to wiggle the ship free so we can actually start sliding."
"Need I remind you this is a battleship it's not going to wiggle easily!" Mr.3 yelled.
"If we work together I know we can do it."
"When you put it that way it sounds pretty cool." Buggy said surprising Mr.3.
"Purururu Purururu. Attention all ships and soldiers the target is TOTZZ change the formation and make a shift to operation 3. Advance all preparations now. Once all soldiers are in place we will move the schedule for Ace's execution immediately. That is all."
"Let's move!" Luffy said running down to the bottom. Ivankov, Buggy, Jinbe, and Luffy all leaped unto the air ready to attack the ship.
"Umm, you guys...." I began. When they kicked the ice it slowly began to crack. "...that's the wrong way."

"You just had to overdo it every time!" Buggy yelled scared.
"This is because of his death wink," Crocy said.
"Oh, so it's all my fault!"
"I blame you for this Luffy!" I yelled.
"He cares who's fault it is we're going to die. It's all frozen down there!"
"AHHHHH!!!!!!! Oh, wait I'm rubber I'll be fine!"
"Well luck you then!" Buggy and I said at the same time.
"Hey what about us you selfish jerk!" Mr.3 said crying.
"This is not how I envisioned my death. Somebody help me!" Ivankov begged.
"I still care about who's fault this is and it's all yours Straw Hat!" Buggy accused.
"Luffy if I die from this I'm coming back from the dead to kill you!!!!!!" I screamed as we were all falling to our deaths.

Instead of the ship landing and crashing in the ice it fell right into a hole.
I'm so dead. Luffy, Buggy, Mr.3, and I all fell into the ocean and because I can't swim I'm left drowning. I really should have taken lessons.

3rd POV

When (__) came to she was on the navy ship they were on before.
"I'm alive." She said looking down at my hands. She looked around and stopped at the idiot that almost killed them all. "Luffy you almost killed me!!!" (__) yelled hitting him on the head waking him.
"What's going on?" He asked and then he quickly remembered where they were at. "Save Ace!!" Luffy bolted to the top of the ship and (__) followed behind him. They looked below at the war that was still going on. (__) saw her friend fight against the marines some dying and some fighting on.
"Damn it! Where is he?!" Luffy asked. (__) looked around to search for her dear friend.
"He's not over here Luffy, let's keep looking." She said and he nodded in agreement. They ran to the other side of the ship looking everywhere for a sign of him. Marines started climbing on the ship attacking but they just dodged or punched them away. They kept running and jumping around the destroyed ship until they finally found him on the scaffold with Garp and Sengoku next to his tied up body.
"ACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE'RE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"LUFFY, (__)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Luffy, (__), no!!!!"
"Ace I'm coming, hang on," Luffy said and behind us, the rest of our comrades appeared.
"Who's who on both sides. All the big names are here." Ivankov said.
"Ahahah!! The world can't handle this madness!" Buggy laughed.
"Ace, we're coming!!!!!" (__) yelled and everyone cheered.
"Garp your family is messing everything up again!!" Sengoku yelled annoyed.
"Luffy, (__), no!!!" Garp yelled with his hands on his head.
"So (__) is here too. Did she plan this all along?" Mihawk said from down below.
"It's that Straw Hat!!" Gekko Moriah yelled pissed.
"Luffy, I'm relieved to see that you're alive." Boa Hancock said blushing.
"Ohh so my little angel has finally decided to join the party. This makes things more fun." Doflamingo said as he killed more pirates.
"Those are some big fish swimming up there," Aokiji said.
"Well fancy seeing him. That boy sure does get around huh." Kizaru said.
"(__) she's here!? I'm glad she's alright but she shouldn't be here." Marco said worriedly.
"Smoker look over there!" Tashigi said.
"Straw Hat Luffy and Crocodile." Smoker said coldly. "And (__) with them too." He said this time with more emotion eminent in his voice.
"So it is him. Grandson of our very own revolutionary Garp and son of the revolutionary Dragon. It seems he brought Enchanting Goddess (__) with him. I've heard some interesting rumors about her about what Vegapunk did. If it's true she may be the most dangerous one here." Akainu said.

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