Christmas Special

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@pandasupergirl helped come up with some ideas so shout out to her. So this is a Christmas and will not connect to the storyline whatsoever. I'm sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas. Also Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa everyone!

(__) POV

"Christmas?" I repeated.
"Yeah, Christmas! It's in 7 days. It's going to be so much fun!!!" Ace said excitedly.
"It's a holiday where you exchange gifts and celebrate together with your family and friends. You're supposed to get a tree and decorate it and there's also some fat old man named Santa." Izo explained.
"What does Santa do?" I asked.
"He gives children gifts depending if they are bad or not," Marco said walking up to us.
"How does he know if you've been good?"
"Because he knows everything. He knows when you're awake and he knows when you're asleep. That's just Santa. The night before Christmas he comes down the chimney eats a plate of cookies that were left out for him and then leaves gifts under the Christmas tree." Marco explained.
"Doesn't that sound awesome!" Ace said.
"I think it sounds like I'll be kicking an old man's butt. That Santa dude sounds like a stalker."
"He's not a stalker!" Ace yelled.
"Did you hear Marco! He knows when you're asleep and he knows when you're awake. That's creepy. And he breaks into my house!! No way that's happening."
"I don't think she gets it," Haruta said.
"Well, she does have a point. It sounded nice when we were kids but hearing it now sounds creepy." Thatch said.
"You know who reminds me of Santa?" Ace asked.
"Who?" Marco asked.
"Our old man Pops here. He's as old as him."
"Ace," Pops called making Ace stiffen. "What did you say?"
"Looks like Pops heard you." Izo snickered while the rest of us laughed.
"Help," Ace begged.
"Okay, I'll help," I said while giggling. "Pops!" I called. I walked over to where he was sitting in the dining hall.
"What is it? Trying to save Ace?"
"Yeah. But I actually have a question to ask you. Are we throwing a party for this Christmas thing?"
"Yeah. A big one. We're about to land on an island right now."
"I see. Well, I got a favor to ask you."
"What is it?"
"Can we invite Shanks?" I asked nervously expecting him to say no.
"Please, he's like my... Wait did you say yes?"
"Oh my god!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said happily hugging. "I've got to call him!" I said already running off.
"We're going to Carol Island!" Pops yelled.
"Okay, thanks!" I made a beeline to my room and then pulled out my backpack which contained all my important things. I fumbled around until I finally came across Shanks' Den Den Mushi.
"Purururu... Purururu... click."
"(__)! Hey, what's up!" Shanks greeted.
"You're drunk aren't you?" I asked sighing.
"Yes, he is," Benn answered.
"It's morning seriously. Well anyway, you know how this Christmas thing is coming up."
"Yeah," Benn answered.
"Well, I wanted to know if you guys wanted to celebrate with me and Pops."
"We would love to celebrate your with you but with Whitebeard. It would be strange for two Yonkos to be that friendly." Benn said.
"Come on, please! Pops was okay with it."
"We're coming!!" Shanks yelled. "Men set sail to... where are we going?"
"Carol Island."
"Carol Island!!!"
"Wow, you going to Carol Island," Yasopp said.
"Yeah, so what?"
"That place is known to be the best place to stay on Christmas time. They go all out."
"Really. It should be fun then."
"We'll be there by Christmas Eve." Ben said.
"Okay. Bye!"
"Click." I hung up the Den Den Mushi and put it back in my bag. Then I sat in my bed wondering what to do. On Christmas you're supposed to buy gifts for the ones you love so what should I get them. And I have to get Ace, Pops, Marco, and everyone else. That's a lot.
"Hey, (__). Are you done with your call?" Marco asked.
"Yeah. But what should I get everyone."
"Well, I'm not sure about Red Hair Shanks..." He said sitting next to me on the bed. "...but for us, you don't have to worry."
"How come?"
"We're going to do Secret Santa."
"What's Secret Santa?" I asked.
"It's a thing people do where they randomly get one person to give a gift but you can't tell anyone and you don't know who got you. We're about to pick names right now. Come on." With that Marco and I left my room and we went back to the dining room where I found Thatch writing something on a scrap of paper and then throwing it in Ace's hat.
"Okay. That's everyone. Who's the first to pick?" Thatch asked.
"I'll go first." Izo said putting his hand in the hat and pulling out a name. We kept going like that until all of us picked a name. I can't believe my luck though. I got Ace. Yay!

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