Chapter 107

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(__) POV

"Yosh! Let's go search!" Luffy yelled running away.
"Where are you going?! It's a big world!" Usopp said holding Luffy back.
"I'll get back Sanji quickly!"
"Listen to me!"
"You if you're going to go to Whole Cake Island along with Pekoms, it wouldn't be such a bad idea." Cat Viper said stopping Luffy in his tracks.
Whole Cake Island. That's where Katakuri is. I wonder how he's doing.
"Of the four Road Ponegliffs, we are missing the whereabouts of only one. We have one here. And the other two are under the control of some pirates."
"Who are these pirates?" Luffy asked.
"Yonko Big Mom! And another Yonko-Kaido, King is the Beasts!"
"I see!" Luffy said excitedly.
"We should just rob them," Franky suggested.
"Whoever it is, I'll just cut them."
"Nami should be able to get them. After all, stealing is her expertise." I said smiling.
"Oh, so she's a thief." Ace commented.
"I suddenly see nothing but darkness before my eyes," Nami said crying.
"Me too, although I don't have eyes. Yohohoho."
"Why?! We gotta kick their butts anyway so let's just do it!" Luffy said all fired up.
"Don't say it like it's nothing! I didn't care much because I thought we wouldn't fight them anytime soon but the thought of it makes me wanna wet myself!!" Usopp yelled.
"Yeah! We'll wet our pants! Don't mess with us!" Chopper agreed crying.
"But you don't need to rob the Ponegliffs." Cat Viper said.
"We don't?"
"Usually people can copy their text like making a rubbing. No one goes around carrying such a massive stone."
"I've got an idea," Usopp said. "In that case, we'll sneak into Big Mom and Kaido's headquarters and get the copies. Then, we'll reach Raftel before anyone knows. And you'll become King of the Pirates!"
"Usopp that idea sounds nice but look at who your captain is." Ace pointed out.
"You're right!!" Usopp said crying.
"Can we figure it out with only three of them? The location of Raftel?" Chopper asked.
"No, we can't. We can't identify the location with just three. I think we'll have to look for the fourth ponegliff eventually.
"I'm worried about you Nico Robin." Cat Viper said. "Those who are interested in the 100-year void are now collecting the copies across the world but no one can read them."
"I'm worried about you too Robin," I said grabbing both of her hands in my own. "All the big names will be after you because you're the only one who can read the Ponegliffs."
"It's no problem. I have strong friends who will protect me. And I know that if we're in trouble you'll be there too to help."
"You're right about that. I'll always help you no matter what." I said hugging her.
"Whoa-whoa, did you say strong? That makes me blush." Luffy said happily.
"You shouldn't count on me like that." Chopper said blushing.
"I'll protect Robin-San no matter what!" Brook declared.
"I'll do anything for Robin too! Super!"
"I won't let anyone touch Robin!" Usopp yelled with his slingshot in hand.
"If they do, I'll take their lives and money!" Nami said evilly.
"They are very dependable." Cat Viper said laughing.
"You have such good friends," Dogstorm said.
"By the way, how do you guys know so much about the Ponegliffs?" Robin asked.
"It all started with our master-Kozuki Oden-sama who used to have an interest in the stones. Because... is it okay to tell them dog?"
"Go ahead. You don't have to hide anything from them." Momo said.
"The Kozuki Family of the Land of Wano was, in fact, a clan of stonemasons that quarried stones and processed them for generations. They are highly skilled. It goes back, 800 years ago. The Kozuki Clan invented in indestructible book with their sophisticated skills. That's what the Ponegliffs are!"
"Now that I think it about it. Ace didn't you say you went to Wano? Did you know about this?" I asked.
"No. I was only there for a bit and I didn't even go into the main city or anything."
"You made the stones that Robin is looking for?!" Luffy asked Momo.
"Not me! It was my ancestors from way back!"
"Then do you guys know what's written on them?!"
"That hasn't been passed down fully through the generations," Kanjuro answered.
"The only thing that has been passed down was how to read and write the ancient text," Raizo said.
"However... Unfortunately, that's before it was passed down to Momonosuke-sama, it was cut off at his father- Kozuki Oden-sama's generation!"
"By cut off you mean Momonosuke-san's father is..." Brook said sadly.
"Yes, Oden-sama is... Wano... Wa..." Kin'emon struggled to say as he was crying so much.
"It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it!" Luffy objected.
"Oden-sama was executed!! By the shogun of the Land of Wano and the pirate Kaido! To save all of us retainers, he met his fate! And Yonko Kaido's Beast Pirates are still in the Land of Wano!"
"If you don't wanna talk about it that's okay but why was your master executed?" Zoro asked. "You guys have been captured and targeted because of that, haven't you?"
"Yes, you're right. You can say it's a cardinal sin. Kaido is trying to pull information from us! The previous daimyo- Kozuki Oden-sama traveled to the last island Raftel with the King of the Pirates- Gol D. Rodger and witnessed the secret of the world!"
"Was your father one of the Pirate Kong's crew?!" Luffy asked. "I'm asking you, Momo!
"That's right," Momo said crying.
"He witnessed the secret of the world? Probably with Rayleigh-san too." Robin said staring at the Ponegliff.
"I see. In order to get the secret of the world out of you retainers, Doflamingo and Caesar who were tied to Kaido were trying to catch you guys." Zoro said.
"That's right!"
"So you guys know the secret of the world?" Usopp asked.
"Well... Actually, we don't know it. Oden-sama didn't want to burden us with the secret. We don't know anything." Kin'emon explained.
"Yes, but even if we did know, we wouldn't tell anybody. Whether we know or not, we'll keep being hunted. If so, the only option we have is to fight." Kanjuro added.
"Although we are defeated soldiers, we accept our disgrace and survival to this for one reason. Just because Oden-sama's words that are etched in our minds!" Kin'emon said.
"Those words are the reason we live!" Raizo said.
"Same here," Dogstorm said and Cat Viper nodded in agreement.
"W-What are those words?" Usopp asked.
"The words left behind were just one phrase!" Kin'emon began.
"Open is the Land of Wano!!!!"
"It's a pity that, although we should have been shields for our master Oden-sama, we were saved by him instead and we bright shame to ourselves. What we have to do now is to put our lives on the line and avenge our master!" Kanjuro said.
"We need to kill the shogun who stole the Land of Wano and open the closed country to the world!" Raizo declared.
"That's our wish! The Land of Wano is almost entirely under the control of the shotgun and Kaido who've joined forces. Our friends are trying to muster dissidents there now but they're still vastly outnumbered by the enemy's great army. There's no chance to win." Kin'emon said sadly. "But we have to win! Thus, to look for someone who will fight with us, we set out to the sea. First, we were headed to Zou because to fight the Beast Pirates, we surely needed then help of the Minks, our closest allies. Now, we have a favor to ask, Luffy-dono! And you too Law-dono! I know it's presumptuous of me to ask you a favor after you saved my life but I've been impressed by how strong you guys are! Since we are fated to share the same purpose, will you help us fight to kill the shogun of the Land of Wano and Yonko Kaido?!"
"Please, I'm begging you, Luffy-dono!" Kanjuro said and Raiz agreed.
"Oh, yes!! Who can ask for more?! Those samurai and the Minks will be a big help for us too!" Usopp said excitedly.
"We're gonna fight Kaido sooner or later! We gotta jump at this chance!" Franky added.
"They even have a ninja, Luffy." Chopper said climbing on Franky's shoulder.
"Please help us!"
"I refuse."
"Why?! We've been traveling together!" Usopp yelled.
"Luffy-dono!" Kin'emon begged.
"I refuse!"
"Don't!!!!" Usopp and Franky said crying.
"Why can't you get it?! Think about it! We have to join hands! Are you out of your mind?!!!" Usopp yelled choking Luffy. "Just a moment! Forget about what he said! We'll teach him a lesson!" He apologized and went to beat up Luffy.
"Enough you guys!" I said and they all stopped. "I feel like you guys forget that even though Luffy is childish he's still you're Captain. Whatever he decided you just have to deal with it.
"(__)..." Chopper said quietly.
"Are you just a figurehead, Momo?!!!" Luffy yelled. "I wanna hear you say it. I thought you were an important person! You're a leader of these great men, aren't you? Are you gonna just cry?!!"
"Luffy, generally, heirs don't necessarily stand on their feet until they're fully grown," Brook explained.
Momo stopped crying and started walking slowly to Luffy.
"I want to bring down Kaido!!!!!! He was an enemy to my parents! He killed my mother too!!! I wish to grow up and become strong quickly and avenge my father and mother!! I want to protect my retainers too!! But because my body's still small, I can't do that. That's why I want you to fight with me!!!" Momo yelled. Get down on his knees and put his hands on the floor. "I'm begging you. Please..."
"I got it. Let's join hands. We're allies. Let me have Kaido's head though!"
"Thank you. Thank you." Momo said crying as he gently held Luffy's hand.
"You're sound it wrong! You gotta grab it right! Like this.
"Thank you."
"With more energy!"
"But I'm grabbing your hand."
"No, do this!!"
"Straw Hat. Didn't you have to ask me first?" Trafy said.
"It's cool right?"
"Yeah, but..."
"Luffy's too simple-minded to even think about asking you." Ace said laughing. "He's always been like that."
"Alright guys, gather up!!! Our objective is to kick Yonko Kaido's butt!!!!! We're the ninja-pirate-samurai alliance!!"

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