Chapter 42

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(__) POV

"Luffy's crying!!!" The ginger-haired woman said surprised.
"I missed you too Luffy, but you have to let me go," I said prying his arms off me. I got up and turned around to face the crew.
"Hello my name is (__), it's nice to meet all of you." I greeted with a smile.
"So pretty." The ginger-haired woman commented. The green-haired man that was once sleeping was now awake and stared at me. A slight blush appeared on his face when he saw me, but that quickly faded.
"Who's she?"
"My name is (__). And what about the rest of you, what's your names?"
"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce ourselves." The ginger-haired woman began. "I'm Nami the navigator, that's Usopp the sniper, and the moss head is Zoro our swordsman."
"Oi don't call me that!" Zoro yelled at Nami. All of a sudden a cute reindeer with red dark red pants and a large hat with a cross came into the deck.
"Hey what's going on here?" The reindeer asked. I ran up to him giving him a big hug.
"So cute!!!!"
"Hey don't think that I'm happy just because you said I'm cute you idiot." He said with a blush.
"Wow and you talk too!! What's your name?"
"I'm Tony Tony Chopper, the doctor." He said proudly. I got up from the ground and now just noticed that there was another person. He was a tall buff man with blue and glasses. His forearms were relatively large while his biceps were small. He wore a summer shirt and only a speedo to cover himself.
"Who's the hot girl?" He asked.
"That's (__), although we aren't sure how she knows Luffy," Nami said. I didn't notice but Luffy somehow managed to sneak up behind me and hug me again. While I was telling Luffy to let go of me another man comes out from the room nearby. I think I heard Luffy call him Sanji earlier.
"Nami-swan I ha-." My back was turned to the guy so when I heard him speak I had to turn around. I'm not sure why but as soon as I made eye contact with him he stopped mid-sentence. He seemed frozen. I'm not even sure he was alive anymore.
"Oh no this isn't good," Usopp said.
"Damn perverted cook," Zoro said annoyed.
The man now named Sanji dropped the cigarette that was in his mouth and just stared at me.
"Sanji what are you doing you can burn the ship!!" Chopper yelled putting out the cigarette before a fire could start. Then a second later he dropped the tray and fainted. Wait fainted!?!?!?? What's wrong with him? Did I do something?

"What happened!?!?" I asked worried running over to him.
"Doctor, doctor, we need a doctor!!!" Chopper yelled for some reason.
"You're the doctor," Usopp said.
"Oh yeah!!"
"Well this is a new one," Nami said staring at Sanji without a care in the world. Why are none of them worried about this? Everyone is just watching and Luffy is laughing.
"Is this normal or what?" I asked walking over to where Nami was so Chopper could do his thing.
"Not exactly this, but you'll see," Nami answered leaving me confused. A couple minutes later and he wakes up.
"Sanji you're awake!" Chopper said happily.
"I had a dream that I saw a beautiful goddess," Sanji said rising to a sitting position.
"Thank goodness you're alright, I was a little worried there," I said walking over to him. He stared at me again and something weird happen.
"She's real, my goddess from my dream is real!!!!!!" He said with hearts in his. Goddess? Me? Sanji ran over to me in what I would call a love tornado. He bent down on one knee and grabbed my hand in the most tender way.
"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on. I would travel to the ends of the Earth if just to spend a moment with you. Your beauty is absolutely breathtaking. I can't pull my eyes away from you. Please, I must know the name of my beautiful goddess."
"(__)." I said blushing. I've never been complimented like that before.
"(__)-chwaaannn!!!" He yelled with hearts in his eyes.
"You're scaring her cook," Zoro said clearly annoyed by Sanji.
"Shutup you, stupid swordsman!" Sanji yelled running over to kick him.
"(__) how do you know Luffy?" Chopper asked.
"We've been friends since we were kids."
"What!?" Sanji yelled halting his fight with Zoro. "Luffy you bastard you never said you knew such a beautiful girl!" Sanji yelled grabbing Luffy's jacket and shaking him.
"My bad," Luffy said picking his nose.
"Hey, Luffy you shouldn't pick your nose that isn't proper." He lectured.
"I'm sorry," Luffy said and stretched his arms to wrap around my waist again.
"HE LISTENED!!!!!!" Nami and Usopp yelled shocked.
"How'd you get him to listen to you?" Usopp asked.
"Please tell us, I need this to live!" Nami said on the brink of tears.
"I don't know. Luffy also listened to me. Probably because I protected him from Ace."
"You know Ace too?" Zoro asked surprised.
"Yea I met him when I met Luffy." Then someone also appears although I didn't notice them.
"My it sur-... (__)." I turned my head and saw All Sunday there. I forgot she joined Luffy's crew as well.
"All Sunday!!" I yelled and ran over to give her a hug.
"It's Robin now, but what are you doing here?" She asked confused and slightly surprised.
"I came to find Luffy, I'm his old friend."
"Oi, Robin you know (__)!" Luffy yelled.
"Yes, we met two years ago at Alabasta when she was staying at Crocodile's house." This seemed to shock everyone.
"You know Crocodile and you stayed at his house!!!" Nami shouted.
"What did he do?" Luffy asked annoyed.
"He didn't do anything to me. And I stayed in his house because he's my friend."
"You're friends with him?" Chopper asked surprised. "But you seem way too nice." He continued.
"Well, thanks for that but honestly Crocy wasn't that bad. He was arrogant sure but he was nice to me."
"Are you mad that we beat him up?" Usopp asked a little scared. Does he think I'm going to do something to him?
"No of course not he needed that if I'm being honest. Oh and also nice job Luffy, I'm proud of you." I said and Luffy smiled back.
"Hey, that necklace where'd you get it from?" Zoro asked staring at the gold necklace Mihawk gave me.
"Oh this Mihawk gave it to me as a gift," I said smiling.
"That name sounds familiar," Luffy said trying to figure it out.
"That's because he's that crazy guy who's known as the greatest swordsman," Usopp explained.
"So you know Hawkeye," Zoro said with a smirk. "That must mean you're strong." He continued this time a hand on his sword.
"Don't you dare attack my goddess you shitty marimo!!" Sanji yelled.
"Are you really strong?" Nami asked shaking a little.
"Of course I am."
"(__) really strong. When we were kids she could always beat Ace up!" Luffy said with a smile.
"She's stronger than Ace!!" Usopp said scared.
"By the way (__) I saw you're bounty. It's really high congratulations." Robin said.
"Oh, you got a bounty too. Is it higher than Luffy's?" Franky asked.
"Sadly. It's 400 million beli."
"400 million!!!!!" Usopp, Nami, and Chopper shouted.
"I was actually curious about how it got so high though. The newspaper said that it was because of the people you know but they didn't say who. Could they be referring to Mihawk?" Robin asked.
"I'm not sure who the government is talking about but they could be talking about Crocy, Flamingo, Whitebeard, Mihawk, Katakuri, or Shanks."
"She just names 3 Shichibukai and 2 Yonkos!" Nami said turning as white as a ghost.
"Wait you know Shanks!?" Luffy said surprised.
"Yeah, I call him big brother."
"Wait so that means you know my dad!" Usopp said excitedly. His father? That nose he has, I'm just now noticing it. Wait a minute, now that I think about I remember Yasopp telling me he had a son and Big Brother laughing about his weird long nose.
"Wait is Yasopp your dad?" I asked.
"So you do know him!! What's he like?"
"Annoying and rude," I said without hesitation. "But he's always the best sniper I've ever seen and he cares about you a lot." Usopp began to smile with pride.
"That defiantly is some powerful people you know." Robin said thinking about something.
"I guess, but I don't think about it like that. I consider them all my friends even Flamingo." While me and Robin we're talking Nami was explaining to Luffy who the people I said were.
"You know that makes you an important person. Never has there been someone who had good relationships with 3 Yonkos." Robin said seriously. Wait she said three Yonkos. She probably thinks I know Big Mom too because I'm friends with Katakuri. "If the government ever tried to publicly execute you that could start the biggest war of all time."
"The government will never get their hands on me so that won't happen."

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