Special Gold

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3rd POV

In a dark room, a man was climbing up a large staircase while snapping his fingers at each and every step as he made his way to the top. Every three steps would be a snap of his fingers leaving the room with a silent melody. The room was dark, with the only thing being seen, was his golden shoes; however, the closer the the top he got the brighter the room lit. When it got brighter, a man could be seen dressed in gold and white show clothes and a top hat, as well as a smirk plastered on his face. The circular room was large with only a tall golden tower in the center and on the ceiling there were large circle shaped holes going around an even larger hole. At the top of the tower, he stopped and held a microphone in his hands tightly. A golden staff erupted from the microphone, and the man twirled its around in his hand.
Plunging the microphone into the center of the tower, a spark of lightening formed all around causing the circular holes to spill golden water onto the ground. Some of water seemed to dance around the man as if he was controlling it. The water filled the entire room and then, the large tower erupted out of it into a whole new scenery. Music played a jazz beat and when it got to the course, all the lights shined revealing concert stands and buildings. The golden tower stood in the center of a sea of water with bright shining lights in front of it reading Gold Stella Show. The sign stood above a large stage shining with multiple colored lights like blue, magenta, and yellow. As the music played the fans continued to cheer even louder for the band and not to mention the dancing girls. There was a line of peacock girls dancing on every step of the stage and at the end, was the beautiful purple haired singer. She had short purple hair pulled back and a short black dress with only one thing strapped sleeve.
"One, two three, let's start the countdown for this lovely show~" She sang. "Five, six, seven, preparations ready, just waiting on you through the gate~ favored by both demons and angels around your ears and all will become clear amazing. Life is fluid. Waiting for you. Gran Tesoro is~" She sang introducing Gran Tesoro. At the tower, the pyramid of gold at the top opened up to reveal Tesoro at the center dancing to the beat.
"There's nothing I can buy with money. Let's hear some voices.~" He sang. "We got no need for misery, hypocrisy, or strife. Truth of the cup of life.
Meanwhile down below Straw Hats including (__) were just getting to Grand Tesoro slightly heading the singing voice of Tesoro. The entrance itself was just as grand as to what was to be expected for the Gran Tesero. It was big enough to fit any ship through jt, with it shining so bright it illuminated the night sky.
"Ohhhh!!!" Luffy said amazed.
"What the heck is that?!" Usopp asked.
"Awesome!!!" Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy said in unison.
"(__)! Is this thing really a ship?!" Luffy asked.
"Yeah! It's the world's largest entrainment city! It's The city of numbers where people go to get rich quick. Gran Tesoro!"
"Alright, guys! Full speed ahead!"
The ship entered a dark cave with no one able to see anything until a speck of gold fell down followed by another and another until the it was practically rain gold. Everyone cheered and celebrated as gold rained down on the ship and everyone as well.
"I-it's real!" Nami said excitedly. "You guys lets move on!"
"Yohohoho! My bones are golden."
"Hey, even the sea's Gold!" Sanji pointed out.
"It's pretty fascinating," Robin said.
"Just like last time huh?" (__) said.
"I see an entrance, Franky!" Luffy yelled.
"I've got this! Coup de Burst!!"
"Go!!!!" Luffy yelled as the Sunny soared and out of the cave. It landed right in the middle of the stadium Gran Tesoro while he was preforming and they weren't the only ships there.
"What's that?! Wow, this is awesome!" Nami cheered. (__) ran to the railing along with Nami to get a better view.
"What is up with that guy?" (__) asked staring at Tesoro and then suddenly someone fired nearby the Sunny. A ship came out firing more cannons directed at the ship but they missed. The room got darker with a spotlight shining on the Sunny and the ship attacking it as if it were part of the show. When the other ship got close enough many of the pirates on it jumped on board the Sunny.
"Gimme all yer money!" One of the guys yelled aiming at Zoro. The man's sword was so long it was able to rest Zoro when he was meters away. Of course the Straw Hat's swordsman simply removed his sword from its sheath and blocked the attack. He then jumped into the air landing on the railing up above.
"Man, you just like ruining people's naps. I have no clue who you are, but I hope you're ready for the consequences.
"Sounds just great!" The man answered with a smirk as he spun his long sword around before attacking with a vertical cut but Zoro blocked it again. The green haired male jumped down running towards the other man. The other pirate swung his sword expecting to find Zoro dead but only to see Zoro running on top of his sword.
"Three-sword style: Onigiri!!!"
With Robin, she was calmly sitting down as some pirates ran to her all with weapons in hand. Without breaking a sweat she created three large hands that grabbed the men and slammed them into the ground.
"Woman! Where ya got the cash?!" One of the guys said pointing his gun at Nami. The money loving girl ran back a few steps with a smile on her face despite all the men pointing their guns at her.
"Let me she a little secret with you." Nami spun her Clima Tact around unaware to the pirates that a storm cloud had formed above their heads. Lightening struck every single one of them as they cried out in pain. "We're actually broke!" Nami teased sticking her tongue out at the fallen men.
With Brook, he walked peacefully on the mast, spinning his cane around while humming a beautiful tune when challenged by a monkey man from behind. The monkey tried to stab Brook only to find that the skeleton had disappeared and reappeared behind him humming the same tune with his sword out.
"Your Spirit is strong, but your flesh is weak!" Brook said sheathing his blade and the monkey felt the force of Brook's previous attack. "Not that I have flesh!"
"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" The men on their own ship yelled firing at Franky on the Upper Deck.
"Franky Radical Beam!" Franky yelled shooting off a beam that exploded a part of the other pirate's ship. "We go hard!"
On the top deck, Usopp was riding on top of Chopper in his reindeer form as he fired at the men ahead.
"Shark-Arrow Devils!!" He yelled firing off seeds that grew into mad eating plants. "Nailed it!"
As Chopper jumped into the air Usopp hit the mast and fell onto the floor.
"Ahh! Usopp! You okay?! Stay with me!!" Chopper cried turning back to normal.
"Come with us and we won't hurt you." One of the guys said with a sinister smile.
"Yeah don't worry sexy lady." Another said with hearts in his eyes.
"Is it just me or does this happen way to much." (__) said to herself as she was completely surrounded by pirates. All of them had some kind of weapon and were smirking at the (h/c) haired girl. Before she could even attack a certain blonde cook came out of nowhere extremely mad.
"I won't let you lay a hand on my goddess!!" Sanji yelled kicking one man in the gut. This was continued with every other pirate until there wasn't one left standing while (__) watched the entire time.
"(__)-chwaann!!" Sanji yelled with hearts in his eyes and in love tornado form. "How did I do?"
"You did great Sanji. You're really strong!"
"I will always be your knight in shining armor!" Sanji replied with hearts in his eyes when a larger man appeared behind him. This one appearing to be much stronger then the rest. Before he got to hit Sanji, (y/n) jumped into the air kicking the top of his head which was followed up by another kick to the side which sent him flying.
"So sexy!!!"
With Luffy, he just safely landed on the other guy's ship by stretching his arm.
"You can't win against me!" The captain yelled showing off his gun that was part of his head. "I'm captain of the Long-Long Pirates! Alexander Alex Kent Paul Harris Hendrix Howard Rudolph Eccentric Rainbow Special-."
"Won't work!!" Luffy yelled firing the bullets back at him.
"Coz I'm made of rubber! Gum Gum Jet Pistol!!!"
The golden water began to flow up in the air on its own forming pillars. A stand of gold grabbed the men from the pirates moving them around in the air.
"Gold Splash!!" Gran Tesoro shouted through the microphone. "This is the worlds largest entertainment city! Welcome to Gran Tesoro!"
"Wow!" Chopper said amazed.
"This place looks like a blast!"

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