Chapter 29

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3rd POV

"Ow!!" Ace complained when Marco slapped his back.
"That's what you get. I warned you didn't I." Marco said.
"Yeah, Yeah, whatever." Ace said annoyed.
"It really is all your fault." (__) said making Ace mad.
"This is your fault!!"
"My fault?! I don't know what you're talking about. (__) said playing innocent. Vista, Jozu, and Izo laughed at that.
"What exactly did she do?" Thatch asked curiously.
"I would prefer to think about." Ace said getting scared just having to remember yesterday.
"Who would have thought someone so cute could be so scary," Izo said.
"Hey, I said I didn't do anything!" (__) pouted.
"Aww, you're so cute!!!" Izo squealed and the pulled (__) into a hug.
"Hey, Izo.... you're holding ....on a little too tight." (__) as she gasped for air.
"Sorry, my bad."
"Hey guys there is an island up ahead," Haruta said once he entered the room.

Soon enough they reached the island. (__) started at it with stars in her eyes. She was thinking about how long it's been since she had gone shopping.
"Guys let's go, let's go!!" She said excitedly.
"Someone sure is jumpy today," Marco said with a smile.
"Of course I am. It's been so long since I had a good shopping spree!" She said happily. "So who's going to go with me?" (__) turned her head around to find that everyone was already gone but one person, Ace. When (__) said shopping everyone immediately thought about the time she first went with Ace. No one wanted to go through that again and so they ran away as fast as they could, well everyone except for Marco. He used his devil fruit power to fly away back to the ship. Poor Ace tried to run away but it hurt him so much that he was just couldn't do it, so he tried to walk away as fast as he could. Of course, that didn't work so when she turned around Ace was the only person left.
"Great let's go Ace!" (__) said with a smile as she placed a hand on his shoulders.
"Hey Wait a minute! I went with you last time!! Take Marco or Thatch or Izo with you!!" He protested but was ignored as (__) dragged him towards the town. While walking through town (__) was happily smiling while saying shopping over and over again while Ace was walking next to her annoyed.
"Look there's a store!!" (__) pointed out. A few meters away was a clothing store and to the side of the store was a group of marines; however, (__) didn't notice that her attention was on the store. She ran towards it and Ace's hands to drag him with her. When she got near the store she was stopped by the same group of marines.
"Goddess Enchantress (__) am I right?" The marine asked. He was a large man in a red suit and with his marine jacket that said Vice Admiral flowing like a cape. He was bald on the top of his head but had long spiky blonde hair flowing from the side. On his right side were two katanas his hands rested on them ready to fight.
"No, sorry you must have me mixed up with someone else." (__) life. Honestly, she really didn't want to deal with them because right now she was trying to go shopping.
"Don't try to lie to me, I would recognize your face anywhere. You're even more beautiful in person. What a shame you became a pirate. Now I have to turn you in for the sake of justice!" He pulled out one of his katanas and lifted it above his head to strike the (h/c) haired girl. Before he got the chance Ace picked (__) up and jumped on the roof of a nearby store.
"Ace why did you do that? You know I can save myself." (__) said crossing her in disapproval.
"Yeah, I know. I just can't help myself, if I see you're in danger I want to help you." (__) blush at his kind words. Ace was never really the type to admit things as a kid. Now that he's older he has definitely changed. (__) definitely noticed it when she first met him. And not just mentally she also noticed the physical changes too. His face looks the same as when he was younger but just a little bit older. His eyes were less cold than before. (__) asked noticed his well-toned built, his muscular body, and his well-defined abs. He definitely has changed from the last time she saw him. She couldn't help but stare at him with a hint of pink across her face, that was until her thoughts were interrupted by the marine.
"Portgas D. Ace, a 550,000,000 beli bounty. Has the goddess finally pick a crew to stay with?" The marine asked.
"It's none of your business what she does." Ace said.
"I hope you realize I can't just let you two leave. I'll make a deal with you, if you leave the girl I'll let you go."
"Never!!" Ace shouted annoyed that he would even suggest such a thing.
"Ace let me go I'll handle him." He was about to retort but then he saw the cold glare in her eyes. He let her go gently after going back onto the floor.
"See it was that simple."
"How dare you."(__) said as she walked closer to the marines.
"How dare you cute into my shopping time!!!!!" She shouted right beside punching him in the stomach sending him flying. The marines looked at her in shock. They didn't expect that such a beautiful girl could be so powerful. The Vice-Admiral was surprised as well. He didn't remember any reports of her being strong like this. Ace watched with a smirk on his face as all the marines eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head.
"I'm going to need this." She said before two swords from the marines next to her. They were all still shocked at what just happened. Although their Vice Admiral was just sent flying away none could lift an arm to hurt the beautiful girl. The Vice-Admiral got back on his feet some rubble from the wall he hit fell onto the floor. Nearby citizens ran away as they realized a fight was about to occur.
"You are indeed powerful, however, do you really think you can beat a Vice Admiral!!" He shouted before running towards her now with both his swords in hand.

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