Chapter 87

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3rd POV

"It's reported you were on the first floor, young master." One of the men reported.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Doflamingo asked.
"Maybe someone who looks just like you showed up?" Buffalo said.
"You think there's someone else in this palace who looks like me?"
"My father fought in the Colosseum today," Viola said.
"What really?!"
"When he learned that the news of Doflamingo's abdication was incorrect, he couldn't take it anymore, just like the rest of us," Viola said sadly. "We're in trouble. I can see our enemies coming at us from the first floor."
"This is bad." The toy soldier said.
"Annoying is more like it." (__) said laying her back in the wall.
"You're all pirates huh? I noticed it about Fraland and Usoland after a while."
"You've got a problem with that?" Luffy asked.
"I use to be an outlaw myself. As long as we share a common goal, I'll happily fight alongside you."

*at the Colosseum*

"Surging Elbow!!!" Burgees yelled attacking Ace. He kept attacking Ace with more powerful elbow attacks but none could hit him. Meanwhile, Sabo was fighting against Diamante.
"I'll tell you as many times as I have to Rebecca. It was I who shot and killed your mother, Scarlett." Diamante said to Rebecca making her fall on the floor crying.
Out of nowhere, all the toys began to glow growing larger in size until finally, they transformed into their true form. One of the toys turned into a gorilla and began rampaging in the spectator seats
"What on earth is going on here?! The toys are turning into humans!!! No, some of them aren't even human!"

*with (__)*

Out of nowhere, the toy soldier began to glow and he turned bigger and bigger until he finally became a human again. Memories of Kyros flooded through King Riku and Viola's mind. Kyros stood up with his one leg, grabbed his sword and jumped through the window to where Doflamingo was.
"Kyros! I'd forgotten all about him." Viola said crying.
"What are you talking about? Huh, where's the tiny solider?" Luffy asked.
"That's him over there." (__) said.
"Huh? But that's a human!"
"All the toys used to be human. They'd been erased from our memories! Now that Sugar has been defeated, our memories have returned!" Viola explained. "He is the former captain of the Riku Royal Family, Kyros. The mightier warrior in the history of the Colosseum!"
"Isn't he that guy on the statue?"
"Yes, that's him. And he's also Rebecca's father!"
"Huh? But she said she'd never met him!"
"Keep up Luffy. She said their memories were erased so she wouldn't remember meeting him." (__) said.
"All those years he had been forgotten, he had no way of telling her who he really was! He's been watching over his beloved daughter for a decade. He's stayed by her side every single day as a toy soldier!"
"Who are you?!" One of the guards asked surprised as Kyros approached Doflamingo.
"Kyros!" King Riku cried out.
"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for ten years! I'm here to save you!" He said cutting Doflamingo's head right off. "I've come to restore the true Dressrosa! Ten years. We had to endure his rule for ten years."
"Young Master!" Buffalo yelled going to attack Kyros but was stopped by his blade.
"It's time for all your lies to be exposed!"
"Mingo died! But I wanted to send him flying..." Luffy said slightly disappointed.
"Hey look I see them!" One of the guards that chased them said.
Luffy grabbed Viola jumping into the room and (__) followed.
"Let's Dave Traf!"

*at the Colosseum*

"What's going on here?! The toys in the Colosseum suddenly turned into humans and animals! I couldn't possibly begin to describe what I'm seeing!" The announcer said shocked.
"That seems to have been this country's secret, Rebecca," Sabo said. "Everything has a core. If you can just find that core, you can turn any situation around." He said as he gently punched the ground. "The same goes for this arena. It has a core."
"What are you planning?" Ace asked.
"How about we put an end to this match?" Sabo said covering both his hands in armament Haki. He punched the floor right at the center sending cracks all throughout the arena.
"The arena is cracking apart! Is this Lucy's doing?!" The announcer said.
"Dragon Claw Technique: Dragon's Breath!!!" The whole arena split into tiny pieces surprising everyone including the participants.
"Don't think it'll be that easy for you to win." Ace said smirking.
"The arena is collapsing. And is it just me, or is the water level sinking?! I can't guarantee that the Colosseum is safe any longer! Everyone, please evacuate as fast as you can!!"
The Fighting Fish with the prize jumped into the air and both Sabo and Ace took this chance to get the prize. They both jumped onto the backs of the Fighting Fish heading to 01.
"Stop we weren't actually going to give that prize to anyone!" Diamante shouted seeing Ace land on Fighting Fish 01.
"That's a shame isn't it." Ace said tearing up the chest. He grabbed the Mera Mera Fruit and landed onto a small part of the arena that was left standing. Everyone left in the Colosseum watched as Ace ate the fruit without any hesitation. "Man it tastes just as bad as the first time." Ace said with a smile. He then ignited his hands on fire with a smirk on his face. "Now I'm back!"
"Guess you beat me Ace," Sabo said now on a piece of the arena. He the room off his helmet, mustache, and glasses exposing his true identity.
"It's been a while since I've used my powers. Let's have some fun." Ace said jumping into the air. "Fire Fist!!!!!"
A large fist-shaped fire attack went into the water breaking the ground underneath. The water evaporated from the heat of Ace's attack and they all fell underground to where Usopp was.
"How's it feel to have your powers back?" Sabo asked carrying Rebecca.
"It feels great. Man, I've missed them."
"Come on guys we should go," Koala said jumping away.
"Who's she? And where did she come from?" Ace asked confused.
"She's a friend. Let's go." Sabo said leaning and Ace followed behind. As they were jumping from building to building they accidentally stepped on Usopp's injured face that was being carried by the giant.
"Sorry about that," Sabo said not even turning around to look.
"My bad."
They finally stopped moving when the Fishman, Hack called them down.
"Hack! How strange, it feels like it's been so long since we've seen each other. What happened to your hand?" Koala asked.
"This... I just fell over." Hack said embarrassed.
"You fell? Seriously?" She said smirking.
"Why would I lie?"
"I can't believe this place was right under our feet all along," Rebecca said now that Sabo let her go.
"Wait for me guys!!!" Bartolomeo said running over to them.
"How did you even get down here?" Sabo asked.
"When I saw you two come down I followed you."
"Who are you?" Rebecca asked Sabo.
"Me? My name is Sabo. We're warriors from the revolutionary army."
"The revolutionary army?"
"Then the first Lucy."
"The first Lucy was the man who will one day become the Pirate King, with a bounty of 400 million, Straw Hat Luffy," Sabo said proudly.
"A pirate?"
"Yeah, he's my little brother."
"Don't forget he's my kid brother too," Ace added.
"He hasn't gotten any less reckless either. He's exactly the same."
"You're pretty reckless yourself, Sabo-kun," Koala said.
"Really?" Sabo said bending down so Koala could his hat on.
"Wow, Sabo look at you. You have a cute girl helping you out." Ace said smiling.
"Don't go thinking like that. Sabo already has his eyes out for someone special."
"Koala you don't have to tell him that," Sabo said slightly blushing.
"Why's the revolutionary army in this country?" Rebecca asked.
"The weapons shipped from this port are prolonging wars all around the world. We came to stop it." Sabo said seriously.
"The revolutionary army has sent soldiers to this country several times, but since they were all turned into toys we could never unveil this black market," Koala said looking at her small notebook.
"But it looks like the weapons are being made somewhere else. Where are these weapons being made? If we could find out, it makes a great gift to Dragon-San."
"Koala!!" Robin called out running to the group.
"Robin-san!!" Koala said hugging her.
"I knew it was you. Are you doing well?"
"Sabo and Hack, you haven't changed...." Robin suddenly got quiet and her expression changed from happy to shock.
"You're Nico Robin apart of Luffy's crew right? It's nice to see you again." Ace said smiling.
"How? You died." Robin began shocked. "Wait if you're alive is (__) too?!"
"Yeah. She's with Luffy right now."
Robin smiled again and began crying happy that her friend was alive.
"Thank goodness." She said wiping a tear away.
"R-R-R-R-R-R-Robin-senpai!!!" Bartolomeo stuttered.
"Is that suppose to be Usopp?" Ace asked noticing Usopps's beaten and unconscious form laying on the ground.
"Yes, he went through a lot."

*with (__)*

Kyros continued to beat more guards as Doflamingo's body laid on the floor headless.
"Damn you, how dare you kill the young master?!" Buffalo said flying to Kyros. Kyros simply put Buffalo in headlock and twisted his head to the side. This time Baby 5 attacked Kyros turning her hands into guns. Every bullet that came at Kyros was blocked by his sword. When she noticed this she turned her hands into scythes. She went to slice him but it was blocked by his sword.
"Traf!!!!!" Luffy yelled running into the room. "I'm here to save you! I'm glad you're alive."
"You shouldn't have any business up here, Straw Hat! What happened to the factory? Did you destroy it? And what is that thing?" Law asked directing his last question too (__) who was still in the dog suit.
"This is the key to his handcuff," Viola said handing it to Luffy.
"Wait right there, Straw Hat! Violet!" Gladius yelled now that he caught up. "I won't let you lay a finger on young mas-."
"Just wait a second I'll get you out of there," Luffy said to Law.
"Sorry you've come all this way, but our alliance is over. Get out of here."
"Well, you're pretty selfish. I'm the one who decided those things, so shut up."
"Yeah, no kidding Trafy talk about selfish." (__) added.
"Who's the selfish one? And who are you anyway?!"
"Hurry up and unlock the cuffs," Viola said. Luffy took out the key and brought it closer to Law's cuffs shaking the whole time.
"Our alliance is over. That means we're enemies again. If you let me go, I'll kill you."
"Why are you lying? You and I both know you won't do that. You're way too nice for that." (__) said smiling although he couldn't see that. He was shocked a bit by this person who he assumed he just met talk about him the way they did.
"I can't do it!" Luffy said. "Here you do it instead."
"I can't, I'm a devil fruit user as well."
"Give it to me I'll do-." (__) got silent when she heard a loud laugh come from nearby. Then the ground underneath sprouted up from under (__), Luffy, and Viola.
"It's that stone guy," Luffy said.
"Pica!" Viola exclaimed.
"You've screwed me over far beyond my imagination."
"Mingo's alive!" Luffy shouted.
"Damn, I knew it wouldn't be that easy." (__) cursed quietly.
"Thanks to the release of the toys, the country is in a state of chaos. And I don't know why but the revolutionary army also seems to have invaded. The royal palace is a mess, as you can see. This is a bad situation. I'll have to use the birdcage."
"The bird cage?!" Law said surprised.
"Right, Law."

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