Chapter 18

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(__) POV

"(__) don't go!!!"
"We're gonna miss you so much!!!!"
"Who's going to lecture the Captain when you're gone!!!" It was the next day already and sadly the day I was leaving the Red Hair Pirates. The whole crew was crying. I was sad too of course but I put on a brave face and smiled at them.
"I'm going to miss your idiocy." Yasopp said with a said smile.
"Normally I would yell at you, but today I'll let it side." I said giving him a hug.
"Take care if Yasopp and Shanks Benn, you know they're hopeless without you." I said before giving Benn a hug too. The last person to say goodbye to was Shanks.
"Get stronger and come back to see us okay." Shanks said with a smile. I ran up to him and gave him a tight hug, burying my face in his chest.
"Of course I will!!!" I said looking up at him. Eventually I let go of him and started walking to the edge of the ship.
"(__)!!!!!!!" The whole crew shouted causing me to turn around. Next thing you know I'm being tackled to the ground by a group hug.

I had just left the Red Force behind and I was sailing in my boat with Mihawk next to me. Now that the crew couldn't see me anymore I started to frown at leaving my friend behind. It made me think of when I left Ace and Luffy when we were kids, but this wasn't as bad. At least I would be able to see them again. I'll be able to call and find them if I ever need to because Shanks gave me his vivre card and his personal Den Den Mushi that lets me call him wherever. Now I have four Den Den Mushis Shanks, Crocy's, Flamingo's, and Katakuri's.

"Are you really okay with leaving?" The black haired pirate asked me.
"Yeah, I had to leave if I wanted to get stronger." I said a little to sadly for my liking.
"Why do you want to get stronger?"
"To protect my friends of course. And in the future I may join my friends crew so I want to be strong enough to help him." I answered back.
"I see."
"Umm Mihawk can I ask you a something?"
"Go ahead."
"Could you tell me who the Yonkos are and who the Shichibukai are? If I'm going to be out in sea I should probably know who the strongest people are."
"You don't know who any of the Yonkos are?" He asked slightly surprised.
"Umm No!" I said slightly embarrassed.
"The four Yonkos are Whitebeard, Kaido of the Beasts, Big Mom, and Red Hair Shanks."
"Okay I got that, now who are the Shichibukai."
"The Shichibukai are me, the Pirate Empress Boa Hancock, First Son of the Sea Jimbe, Gekko Moriah, the Tyrant Bartholomew Kuma, Desert King Crocodile, and Heavenly Yaksha Doflamingo Donquixote." I looked at him in disbelief hearing the last two names.
"Why do you look like that?" He asked.
"How is Flamingo a Shichibukai, he's maybe the evilest person I know!!!!!" I shouted.
"Flamingo?" He repeated raising an eyebrow, until he put two and two together.
"You Call Doflamingo, Flamingo."
"Well it's kind of in his name.
"And you said this to his face."
"I say it to him everyday I see him."
"And he hasn't killed you."
"No, but he sure does annoy me a lot." Mihawk seemed surprised about this, although I could understand why. I'm surprised he hasn't tried to do anything to me yet.
"And I can't believe Crocy didn't tell me he was a Shichibukai too!" I said in annoyance.
"You know Crocodile too?"
"Yes I stayed at his place for a while. Everyone in Alabasta calls him a hero, but it's obvious he's up to something." Mihawk started to explain to me a little more about the pirate world since the only thing I knew about it was that Gol D. Rodger was the pirate king and the only reason I knew that was because Ace told me. None of my tutor's session ever included learning about pirates and since runaway was the first time I ever left the mansion there was a lot I didn't know. Soon enough we got to Mihawk's small island. It was a dark and creepy place filled with trees and the only building that was there was a large castle. Walking through the forest I noticed that there were animals watching us but they seemed too scared to come close. Maybe they're scared of Mihawk. Once we got to the castle he showed me to my room where I put my stuff away. Afterwards he called me outside.

3rd POV

"What's up?" (__) asked.
"Fight them." He said pointing at the forest where (__) could see eyes staring at us. The eyes walked out and I could now clearly see that they were monkeys.
"Wait you want me to attack them!?"
"They are humandrills. They learn from watching humans fight."
"Go." She slowly walked over to where the monkeys were. She looked over at the monkeys in front of her with a sad look in her eye. She didn't want to hurt these cute little monkeys especially when they did nothing to her at all. Mihawk was watching the scene unfold in slight disbelief. The Humandrills would normally attack anyone they see expect for him of course, so he was surprised that they weren't doing anything. "Can they sense her doubt?" He thought to himself. Then one of the Humandrills went down lower and pushed his head softly to the girl's side.
"Aww you're so cute!" (__) cheered now petting the monkeys head. The rest of the monkeys came closer to her wanting the girl's attention. Mihawk was surprised by this reaction. The Humandrills could sense that (__) meant no harm to them and they could tell that she didn't want to hurt them.
"(__)." Mihawk called out.
"Sorry but they are just too cute." She said with a childlike happiness. Mihawk was mesmerized by her carefree smile. She was like the sun in his otherwise dark, gloomy, life. He had hardly met the girl but he has already found himself attracted to her.
"Fine you'll fight me."
"Okay." She said pulling out her two swords Kusanagi and Chokutō. Mihawk eyes fell on her swords recognizing that they were both Legendary swords. Mihawk pulled out his small knife to fight (__) causing her to frown.
"Are you underestimating me?"
"I need to see how strong you are. My Yoru is only used for strong opponents."
"So if I beat you I'll classify as strong." She said with a smirk.
With that the fight with two began. (__) attacking using two sword style while Mihawk blocked with his  knife. (__) was slightly surprised by the strength Mihawk had with a knife while Mihawk was studying (__) technique. After a while (__) was able to beat Mihawk with his knife although she had to admit it was definitely more difficult then she expected.
"Know lets go again." Mihawk said now reaching for his Yoru making (__) smirk.
"Let's do this for real then."

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