Chapter 122

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(__) POV

Big Mom's Main pirate ship appeared firing even more cannons at us". The cannons fell into the ocean spewing columns of water into the air near the Sunny. Suddenly our ship was pulled underwater by and we were put into the mouth of Wadatsumi.
"Where are we?" Luffy asked spitting out water.
"We're in Wadatsumi's mouth," Jinbe answered. We stayed within his mouth for a while until he suddenly spit us out causing us to fly into the air and crash on the water's surface. There we were met with more cannons fire but before it could hit us Wadatsumi protected the Sunny with his body.
"Just go, you guys! Straw Hat! I was a bad boy at Fishman Island. I'm sorry!! But boss Jinbe let me come along with him... I-I thank him for that!"
Wadatsumi's body began to burn on fire most likely from Oven's heat attack.
"Since Boss said that he wanted to join the Straw Hats we were determined! We made up our minds!"
Wadatsumi said proudly before he was pulled into the sea and a line of Fishman popped out of the surface.
"Aladdin you guys!"
"Go Jinbe! Straw Hats!" Aladdin said. "We celebrate your departure!"
All of the Fishman swam forward to attack the other ships and protect us.
"Flooding is a sailing ship's weakness... Bail the water out quickly! The ship is getting he's by and slow. Repair the holes in the sale and catch the wind at a proper angle, in advance as fast as you can! It takes over hours to get out of their territory!" Jinbe said as he watched more of his crew be killed
"What are you going to do Jinbe?" Ace asked although he clearly already knew the answer.
"I can't leave them behind."
"Okay, then I got it. Then we'll stay too! Luffy said.
"I'll bring up the rear to cover you. If your turn to the mothership and the fleet now, you'll never be able to get away! Let me bring up the rear!! I'll pull it off and come back alive!" Jinbe declared staring seriously at Luffy.
"Don't forget, Jinbe! I'm your captain now!!!." Luffy shouted. "I won't stop the ship. I'll be waiting for you at the Land of Wano! Come at any cost!"
"Thank you!" Jinbe bowed.
"Jinbe!!! Don't die no matter what!!!"
Jinbe jumped into the sea to help his former crewmates. The sea's current started to change a bit to form a whirlpool that separated us from Big Mom's fleet of ships.
"Brook! Go at full speed and go as far away as you can!" Nami ordered.
"The current that the Fishman generates is taking us away!" I said.

Thanks to the Fishman and Jinbe we were finally able to sail out of Big Mom's territory together. Chopper was busy making medicine to cure Luffy while Sanji was inside the cabin making us a meal. Meanwhile, everyone else was kind of doing their own thing. I was standing outside the crow's nest looking back at the ocean in the same direction Totta Land was. I couldn't help but remember the first time I came there three years ago and the time I spent there with Katakuri, Ben, and Coco. I also remembered the first time I met Katakuri. He serious he was about everything but had a surprising secret side to him that only I saw. I could feel myself about to cry as the memories came to my mind. I'm not sure why but I started singing and it made me feel better inside like I was letting everything go.

"That's a beautiful song."
"Ace?! How long have you been up here?" I asked
"Not too long. But you know everyone heard your song."
"Oh, they did."
"Yeah. What's wrong? You look sad."
"I was just remembering some stuff. It's sad. I have to say two goodbyes in one day."
"I know. Come on let's go down." Ace suggested. We made our way down to the deck where Luffy was now up and awake.
"(__) that was such a pretty song!" Chopper complimented.
"You have such a beautiful voice that it moved me to tears. Or at least I would cry if I had eyes! Yohohoho!!"
"Thank you." I smiled. "Is Sanji still inside cooking? I want to give him something."
"What is it?" Luffy asked and I pulled out a black canister with the number 3 on it.
"Ohhh!!!! Isn't that the thing Germa 66 is used to transform?" Chopper asked with stars in his eyes.
"Yeah. You wanna see it." I said handing it to them.
"I'm wanna transform like they did!" Luffy said excitedly. Before he could do anything Sanji cans from being and took the canister away.
"I'm gonna get rid of it."
"Don't throw it away!!" Chopper begged.
"If you do, I'll go look for it on the sea bottom!"
"You can't swim!" Ace yelled.
"How did you get it (__)?" Brook asked.
"Neiji gave it to me."
"I don't wanna become stronger via scientific technology, with this crap!" Sanji yelled.
"Don't jump the gun, Sanji!" Luffy yelled.
"Science is human power too!" Chopper defended.
"Why do you want it so bad?!" Sanji asked.
"If we put the Raid Suit on... maybe we can shoot beams!!!!"
"Should have seen that one coming Sanji." I laughed.
"Are you guys little kids?! Franky is more than enough of an unusual crewmember for us!" Sanji said throwing the canister aside for Luffy and Chopper to fight over it.
"What? Did you insult science?" Nami asked.
"Nami-swannn!!! There's no way I'd insult science!"
I walked away from the scene to grab a change of clothes from Nami's closet. I ended up picking a normal black T-shirt with writing on it and shorts. I grabbed a pair of sandals and tied my hair into a high ponytail before walking back out again.

 I grabbed a pair of sandals and tied my hair into a high ponytail before walking back out again

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When I came back everyone was gathered together and Sanji was holding a piece of paper.
"(__)-chwannn look!!!" Sanji called out with hearts in his eyes. "My bounty's higher than that stupid swordsman!!!" He said showing me the paper.
"Oh wow, you're right. And look they even changed it back to dead or alive and they added your last name!" I said happily.
"What?!" Sanji said surprised dropping his paper.
"Sanji are you alright?" I asked.
"He looks sick." Ace pointed out. Sanji fell onto the floor in a pit of despair with his face laying on the grass.
"I see... My bounty increased because of Germa's bad name."
"Sanji are you alright?" Brook asked. "Ugh! I see somebody's in a worse mood there!"
"Luffy what are you doing!?" Ace yelled. "Stop crying like a baby!"
"Luffy what's wrong?" I asked to bring his head on my lap. He shifted himself to be more comfortable so now his arms hugged my legs as he cried into my thighs while I petted his head.
"Hey, are you alright?" Nami asked.
"Do your wounds hurt?" Chopper asked.
"N-no!" Luffy answered grabbing the newspaper while still laying in my lap. "My bounty has decreased! Look... it's 150 million berries..."
"Really?! I thought it had increased to 500 million not so long ago!" Sanji said.
"Hahaha! Your bounty is so low!" Ace laughed making Luffy cry even more.
"Ace!" I yelled. "You're not helping!"
"How is that possible?! Did you do something bad?!" Brook asked.
"Would that have increased it?" Carrot said.
"It's not so bad. People won't come after you." Nami said.
"Nami-swan, Luffy is our Captain! It could harm our prestige." Sanji said.
"Why me?!" Luffy cried holding my legs even tighter.
"So it hit lower. We can't do anything about it." Sanji said. "Do you want me to make you something?"
"Wait a minute..." Brook said holding Luffy's bounty. "Look... 100 thousand, 1 million, 10 million... 100 million...your bounty... is 1.5 billion beli!!!"
"1.5 billion!!!!" Luffy yelled now happy and excited.
"I caught up to Ace!!!" He cheered happily.
"What?! No way! What's my bounty again?!" Ace asked. "He didn't beat it did he? Mine should have gone up too!"
"Here let me check," Carrot said opening the newspaper and pulling out two more posters. He eagerly grabbed his bounty paper reading though it before sighing in relief.
"What is it?" Luffy asked.
"My bounty went up too! Check it out!" Ace said showing his bounty to us.
"2.5 billion beli!!!!" It was a picture of Ace from his chest up surrounded by fire. He had on a smirk while one of his hands was bright up holding a flame.
"You still have a long ways to go to catch up to me Luffy." Ace said smirking.
"(__) this is yours." Carrot said handing the paper to me face down.
"No, it's not." I denied.
"But I'm pretty sure it's-."
"It's not mine." I know for a fact after all that craziness and me being a dumbass and standing up to Big Mom my bounty must have skyrocketing. I'm too scared to see how high it got.
"She's denying it!!" Chopper, Brook, and Nami yelled.
"I wanna see her bounty!" Luffy said grabbing the paper.
"I'll read it since you don't know how to." Ace said snatching from Luffy's grasp.
"Let's see now (__) wanted only dead for...3.5 billion beli!!!!"
"What?!?!??" The picture of me was from my waist and up. I had a serious expression on my face as my hair blew in the wind. It was an almost side view picture with me looking up at something. I'm pretty sure this was the time Big Mom asked me life or death.
"3.5... billion..." I said falling onto my hands and knees crying. "It's so high... and I'm not even wanted alive.. just dead..."
"Congratulations (__)!" Luffy said with a smile.
"Idiot! Does she look happy!" Nami yelled.
"That's stupid government! Why did they have to put such a high bounty on my goddess!! Now she'll be hunted by marines and bounty hunters!!"
"Ace... I can't take it... it keeps going up." I said crying.
"What type of reaction is that? You're a Pirate you should be celebrating."
"Yay..." I said weakly.
"(__) I'm so sorry for you." Nami said sympathetically.
"Where does the government even have this much money?"

Guys I'm kinda blocked on how to end this story so anyone got any suggestions. I wanna hear your opinions.

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