Chapter 70

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If you get confused by this chapter don't worry it will be explained later.

3rd POV

"Admiral Akainu!!!!!!"  The nearby Marines shouted.
"What the hell was that?" One of Whitebeard's crew asked.
"Ace! Are you alright!" Luffy asked. Right before Ace was about to get hit by Akainu's punch a blur of white sent him flying across the battlefield. Everyone looked at the figure now standing in front of Ace and Luffy.
"No, it can't be...(__)!" Ace said surprised. (__) hair that was once (h/c) had turned white and her bright (e/c) eyes turned blood red. When you looked into her eyes you saw nothing. No emotion, no feeling, just emptiness. It was almost like she was a robot without a heart. If you saw her you wouldn't have thought she was (__) by looking into her eyes. She lost that sparkle that made everyone want her. Everything about her that attracted people to her was gone. She held a black expression on her face. It was almost as if she was dead.
"What the hell was that?" Akainu said as he lifted himself from the rubble. He felt a sharp pain on his side where he got kicked. He looked up to see a girl with white hair where he once stood.
"It seems this is too much for you to handle. I'll deal with the girl." Kizaru said to Akainu before leaving in a flash of light and reappearing behind the girl.
"You shouldn't turn your back on me," Kizaru said as he lifted his leg and it started to glow. When he kicked at the girl a blast was sent across the battlefield knocking everyone in that direction out of the way.
"That was ea-." He was interrupted when the girl he assumed he kicked appeared next to him. She went to kick him but he quickly used Yata no Kagami to escape safely by turning into light and appearing somewhere else. At least that's what he thought when all of a sudden a blast of fire was launched at him sending him flying. Everyone was shocked to see that the source didn't come from Ace but (__).
"She's a devil fruit user." Crocodile thought.
"There's something wrong with her." Mihawk thought worried for the one person he cared so much about.
"This is interesting," Doflamingo said as he sat on a pile of dead bodies.
"(__) whats wrong with you!!" Marco called out. More of (__) friends called out to her worried but she ignored it all. Ace, however, was silent as he watched his kind, loving friend fight against the marines. He didn't know what to do or say. He was just shocked.
"We won't let you get away with that!" A group of marines said as they charged at her. In a second (__) ran to the group of marines that were about to attack her, gently touching a part of their bodies.
"Hey, how did she-."
"What's going o-!"
Every single marine that she touched had the water from their bodies sucked out of them. The men fell to the floor now completed drained and lifeless. Then using the water that she took from the marines she froze it and sent it flying to any marines nearby. One by one marine that attacked her were killed in seconds. All the pirates were shocked to see there friend, the one who had the kindest smile and biggest heart go around killing the marines like it was nothing. They were all left shocked even Whitebeard, the one considered the most powerful man in the world, was surprised to see the strength of his daughter.
"She's the one. She's (f/n) daughter. She isn't even human. Is that why he wanted her. What did that man do to her, she's a monster." Sengoku thought as he watched the seen in horror. Garp was in shock to his wonderful granddaughter in such a state. This person may have looked like (__) but she wasn't her at all.

Both Akainu and Aokiji kicked her at both sides using their powers but it was ultimately useless as she used her arms to block. For the side, Aokiji kicked she used fire to melt the ice and for Akainu she used a combination of water and wind. She then quickly sent them flying across the field. Kizaru used his Ama No Murakumo sword to fight her but she quickly pulled out her own sword Kusanagi from her back to block his attack. In only a matter of minutes (__) had overpowered him with her strength and speed, forming cuts on his body because she used Haki. More marines came to attack her but they were all left dead as the earth underneath them sprouted up into the form of sharp deadly spikes. Sengoku watched in horror as marine after marine was getting massacred. The admirals, the strongest force the marines had, tried to stop her but it was all futile. (__) would use her Fire to melt Aokiji's ice, Akainu's magma proved useless when she used her water and wind, and Kizaru was too slow compared to the girl who was moving faster the speed of light.
"Sengoku Sengoku!" A man called out as the battle between the admirals and (__) continued.
"Dr.Vegapunk what are you doing here!?" Sengoku asked surprised. Dr.Vegapunk stopped a second to catch his breath before continuing.
"I came the moment I heard (__) was here. You need to pour water on her. She's still a devil fruit user so seawater is her weakness although it won't stop her from fighting it will weaken her."
"Don't tell me.." Sengoku began surprised "You created that thing?"
"Yes I did but she was meant to be controlled. In this state, she's in who knows what she could do. Once you pour the water on her you have to kill her."
"No!! You can't!" Garp protested.
"What's wrong with you Garp. That thing is a monster! It's not human anymore. If we leave her like this she could destroy the world!" Sengoku yelled. Garp knew he was right but he couldn't help but want to save her. (__) was his precious little granddaughter with a heart so big and kind that people couldn't help but be attracted to her.
"Listen up men!" Sengoku yelled over the speaker. "I want you to grab as much seawater as you can and dump it on Enchanting Goddess (__) right away!! If we want to defeat this monster it will have to be together!!"
Marines did as they were told trying to throw seawater on the (h/c) haired girl. They brought buckets to make it easier but that still didn't help as she was too quick.
"This may be our end," Kizaru said as he watched more marines die.
"Didn't you hear Sengoku all we have to do is pour water on her and then I can kill her," Akainu said.
"Only you can do it Kizaru," Aokiji said.
"After you pour the water on her Aokiji you can freeze her feet. If she melts it you just freeze it again. I'll take that chance to strike her down." Akainu explained. Without a word, the 3 admirals began to do their tasks in the plan. Kizaru got a bucket of water and used his appears to appear in behind (__) before he even got the chance to throw the water at her she flew into the air.
"Just because you're up there doesn't mean you're safe," Kizaru said as he reappeared above her. He lifted his leg and kicked her sending her falling onto the ground hard. (__) got up again and was about to fly up to attack but she couldn't. She quickly realized that when Kizaru kicked her she landed in a pool of water from when the marines tried throwing water on her. Aokiji quickly froze her legs before she could jump away to safety. (__) simply cut the ice with her swords but then another layer appeared.
"Guess I don't need this bucket," Kizura said throwing the water aside. As (__) struggled to get free from the ice Akainu came at her with one of his lava punches. From behind he punched right through her back leaving a gaping hole.
"Don't you underestimate the marines you pirate scum!!"
"Get away from her!!" Ace yelled at the top of his lungs. He ran toward her direction but was quickly stopped by an earth wall that appeared. He went around it but another wall appears and another and another ultimately trapping herself in a room alone with the admirals. (__) coughed up some blood but her face remained neutral. She reached her hand behind her and pulled on Akainu's arm to get it out of her much to his surprise. (__) quickly cut the ice away and moved away a safe distance.
"She's still standing after that, what is she?" Kizaru said amazed.
"She probably doesn't even feel it. Is she even human?" Aokiji added.
"That doesn't matter. Look it here. She'll be easy to kill now."
The three admirals came after (__) at the same time. She was able to only block a few of their blows due to the state she was in.
From the outside of the earth wall, Ace was pounding on it with all his strength and might trying to break through but it was too thick. A very weak Luffy tried to break the walls but he failed as well and tears of sadness flowed.
"(__)!!! I'll save you!" Luffy yelled.
"Let me in!! Please, (__)!" Ace begged.
Not to far away three worried Shichibukai came in order to save (__) from the admirals. Mihawk and Doflamingo didn't care if they were going against the marines all they wanted to do was save her. Before they could reach her however her body flew right through the thick wall. Everyone watched as her beat-up body zoomed through the battlefield and fell into the ocean.
"(__)!!!" Ace yelled running to her direction.
"What is he going to do he has devil fruit powers. He can't save her." Akainu said as he watched. The other three Shichibukai along with Luffy ran to where her body was now sinking in the water but the first to get there was Ace. Much to the admiral's surprise Ace jumped into the water with no hesitation at all.
"That was stupid," Kizura said.
"It doesn't matter he'll die along her side as well. Aokiji do it!" Akainu commanded and Aokiji used his ice powers to freeze the sea right before Mihawk could dive in.
"(__), ACE!!!!!!"
Luffy began to punch the ice in the hopes of breaking it but it didn't work.
"Damnit, no," Mihawk said as he punched the ground.
"Ace, (__)!!" Marco yelled flying to the ice trying to break it.
"Aokiji you better get rid of that ice right now," Doflamingo said.
"Oh yeah or what?"
"Or else you'll see me pissed," Doflamingo said with an evil grin. Meanwhile, many of the pirates along with Luffy, Crocodile, and Mihawk tried to break through the ice but even when they managed to crack it Aokiji would just freeze it up again.
"Mihawk are you betraying the marines?" Kizaru asked stepping towards him. "If you are your title as a Shichibukai may be taken away."
"I don't care about that. All I care about is saving her."
"Oh so you know the Enchanting Goddess and you're willing to go against us for her."
"I will only say this once," Mihawk said pointing his blade at Kizaru. "Tell Aokiji to unfreeze this ice now."
"I don't think so."
From not too far away Crocodile and Akainu were having there own confrontation at the same time.
"Akainu melt the ice or I'll kill you." Crocodile commanded.
"You are just a filthy pirate you have to right to tell me what to do!"

"Marco how long has it been!!!" Izo yelled as he too tried to break the ice.
"It's been 3 minutes there's still a chance that they're alive don't give up!!" Men kept attacking the ice underneath them trying to break it but it wasn't working.
"Ace, (__)!!!! I'll save you!!" Luffy yelled as he punched the ice more.

Luffy POV

I have to save them, I have to. I can't let Ace and (__) die! We just saved Ace, we were all just smiling and fighting together.


"I'm going to be King of the Pirates!!" I shouted at the thugs who were beating me up. They were all older than me by a couple of years but that didn't scare me.
"A kid like you King of the Pirates, in your dreams!" One of them laughed.
"What are you talking about Kuzu it ain't even going to happen in his dreams!" The other laughed.
"Don't laugh at me!!!"
"What are you going to do about it cry."
"What a baby!"
"Gun Gum Pistol!!" My arms stretched to hit them but it barely tapped the leader's body.
"That's all! What a weakling. And you're supposed to be King of the Pirates!!"
"Don't you dare talk to Luffy that way!!" A familiar voice yelled from nearby. I could already tell by that sweet sound who it was.
"(__), Ace!!"
"You got yourself into trouble again Luffy." Ace said. "I'm always having to save you."
"Then don't save me I don't need your help!!" I yelled annoyed.
"Ace don't say that to Luffy." (__) said hitting him on the head.
"You're always way to nice to Luffy and you always hit me why?!" Ace yelled at (__).
"Don't yell at her!" I yelled back.
"Because Luffy is a sweet and adorable and you're a meanie."
"Hey what are you guys doing, you can't just come here and ignore us!" One of the guys who's name I forgot said.
"Don't interrupt me." Ace said giving them a cold glare.
"Oh, are you going to hurt me!" He laughed. While he was laughing Ace ran up to him and hit him with his pipe.
"You're gonna pay for that kid." He went to punch Ace but (__) just kicked him away.
"You're the ones going to pay for being so mean to Luffy." (__) and Ace continued to fight the guys until no one was left standing. "Luffy are you alright? They didn't hurt you to bad did they?" (__) asked worriedly as she hugged me. I looked up at and noticed Ace looked especially mad for some reason so I decided to make it worse by sticking my tongue out at him while still hugging (__).
"No, I'm fine thanks for helping me."
"I was here too."
"You didn't want to be!"
"But I'm here aren't I!!" He yelled back.
"So what I would have been fine with just (__) saving me!!" We started butting heads at each other until he heard a laugh come from (__).
"Hey, guys last one to the forest can't ride Raja." (__) said getting up and running.
"So I guess Luffy won't be riding the tiger."
"Hey wait for me!"
"You're to slow Luffy." (__) said giggling. After a bit of running, we finally made it back to the forest where we would usually play.
"Guess you're running." Ace said.
"No fair you guys got a head start!"
"Guess you're right. You can ride with us." (__) said and the turned to the tiger. "If that's alright with you Raja." The tiger nodded her head as a response. We all hopped on riding together smiling and laughing as the wind blew through our hair. Ace was in the front, (__) was in the middle, and I was in the back. The tiger ran all the way to the edge of the cliff giving us a great view of the ocean at sunset.
"Hey look there's a ship!" (__) pointed out.
"Only five more years until I become a pirate." Ace said as we watched the ship sail away.
"But I'll be the King!" (__) giggled a little for some reason. "I will be the King of the Pirates!!"
"I know you will. You're the only one who can become the King, Luffy."

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